RedHat Linux 下安装、测试摄像头
北京 ( cgweb)
& & 随着视频电话的迅速发展我相信大家一定有过在Windows 下安装摄像头的经历,然而大多数都不支持Linux 。我现以罗技摄像头为例来讲解如何在RedHat下安装、测试摄像头。 &
& & & 1.到 下载新的内核 2.4.20的tar包。下载pwc-8.8.tar.gz包
& & & 2.替换内核的部分USB驱动,并从新编译内核
& & & 3.编辑/etc/modules.conf编辑系统启动加载的模块
& & & 4.测试软件XawTv,GnomeMeeting,MainActor
pdiunix 回复于:2005-03-11 12:10:11 |
Support , |
双眼皮的猪 回复于:2005-03-11 13:07:01 |
为什么帖子要加上[原创]两个字? |
cgweb 回复于:2005-03-11 13:18:06 |
Why not? |
双眼皮的猪 回复于:2005-03-11 13:22:36 |
good answer...I like... |
wallace888 回复于:2005-03-11 14:51:19 |
cgweb大哥谢谢哟! 这样的好帖子,大家都来顶哈! |
pdiunix 回复于:2005-03-11 15:56:54 |
顶. |
bluebell 回复于:2005-03-12 22:18:25 |
what a good thread! |
ctqucl 回复于:2005-03-13 04:41:42 |
密码不对,难道linux下输入不正常? |
cgweb 回复于:2005-03-14 08:59:03 |
password=cgweb |
微硬 回复于:2005-03-15 09:51:36 |
stunning... |
cgweb 回复于:2005-03-15 10:40:35 |
Very gorgeous!!!! |
yuehuiw 回复于:2005-03-17 13:15:08 |
转帖一个,呵... Setting up Logitech QuickCam pro 4000 on RH 9.0 Michael Willem's reported that he got the Logitech QuickCam Pro 4000 working, by just pluggin it in, in his RH 9.0 system. So you might probably consider doing that first before following the below instructions. This receipe discusses the steps that I took to install the Logitech QuickCam Pro 4000 on my RedHat 9.0 Linux System. I haven't experimented with all features of this device, but my first impression is good. You can access the manual here, but it may not prove to be so useful. I followed most of the below steps listed on However even after following all the steps, my camera refused to work becuase of some small misconfiguration. This is explained in a later point. If you are using Red Hat 9.0, the kernel which comes with it will probably have some EXTRAVERSION (for e.g. 2.4.20-13-9). In order to use the camera, you will have to start with a fresh kernel. You can download this from At the time of this writing, the latest version was 2.4.21, but i choose to use 2.4.20 becuase the linux driver for this camera, was supposed to work only for 2.4.20. So do some background research before you download the right kernel version. After downloading the kernel, put it in /usr/src/ and untar/unzip it using tar -xvjf linux-2.4.20.tar.bz2. You will get a directory /usr/src/linux-2.4.20. Make a link to this directory using the following commad: #>ln -s /usr/src/linux-2.4.20 /usr/src/linux Our camera works very well with the philips web cam driver that can be downloaded from the site. Download the following files: Download the PWC core modules: Check what version is required with your kernel version. For our case, we needed pwc-8.8.tar.gz, although I could have downloaded the higher versions too. Follow these instructions: [pwc-8.8.tar.gz ] [shashank@mia ~shashank/temp]# tar -xvzf pwc-8.8.tar.gz pwc-8.8/ pwc-8.8/kernel-2.4/ pwc-8.8/kernel-2.4/ChangeLog --SNIP-- [shashank@mia ~shashank/temp]# cd pwc-8.8/kernel-2.4/ [shashank@mia kernel-2.4]# ls ChangeLog pwc-ctrl.c pwc-ioctl.h pwc-uncompress.c pwc.h pwc_nala.h philips.txt pwc-if.c pwc-misc.c pwc-uncompress.h pwc_kiara.h pwc_timon.h [shashank@mia kernel-2.4]# cp pwc* /usr/src/linux-2.4.20/drivers/usb/ Download the PXCX decompressor modules: Follow the below instructions: [ pwcx-8.2.2.tar.gz ] [shashank@mia ~shashank/temp]# tar -xvzf pwcx-8.2.2.tar.gz usb-pwcx-8.2.2/ usb-pwcx-8.2.2/x86/ --SNIP-- [shashank@mia ~shashank/temp]# cd usb-pwcx-8.2.2/x86/gcc-3.2/ [shashank@mia gcc-3.2]# ls README pwcx-2.4.20.o pwcx-2.5.67.ko [shashank@mia gcc-3.2]# cp pwcx-2.4.20.o /lib/modules/usb/ NOTE: If you don't have the /lib/modules/usb directory, then create it. Add the following lines to /etc/modules.conf. NOTE: Note the options supplied to pwc module. Here I have specifed the frame Capture rate (fps) as 15. This was required to make xawtv work. If i do not specify this, xawtv will not detect the camera and aborts with /dev/video0: no such device error. If in confusion, I will suggest comments out the options field for pwc (and let the default values take care. These default values can be read from here) [shashank@mia gcc-3.2]# cat /etc/modules.conf --SNIP-- alias char-major-81 videodev alias char-major-81-0 pwc #options pwc size=vga leds=250,250 fps=25 mbufs=3 compression=0 options pwc fps=15 mbufs=3 compression=0 post-install pwc /sbin/insmod --force -k /lib/modules/usb/pwcx-2.4.20.o >/dev/null 2>&1 || : --SNIP-- Now start compiling the kernel. I have mentioned the detailed instructions here, but you need to make a few changes in some steps. #>cd /usr/src/linux-2.4.20 #>make clean; make mrproper #>cp /boot/config-2.4.20-13.9 .config #>make menuconfig Turn off the following option Loadable Module Support --> Set Version Information on All module Symbols In addition check if the following options are selected. (Most probably they are) USB support --> Support of USB --> UHCI (Intel PIIX4, VIA, ...) --> USB Audio support --> USB Philips Cameras Then complete the final step as : #>make dep; make bzImage; make modules; make modules_install; make install When the compilation is complete, reboot the system in the new kernel (2.4.20). Download the xawtv application and install it using the normal ./configure; make; make install. Start the applications using xawtv. Need to experiment more with gnomemeeting. |
prowoo 回复于:2005-03-19 00:50:52 |
一个字“不回” |
51look 回复于:2005-03-24 12:43:18 |
支持一个 |
noreason 回复于:2005-07-26 11:02:27 |
我用adobe accrobat 5.0看,也没有提示要输入密码 啊,看不料阿 |
天啸 回复于:2005-08-10 10:00:32 |
不够详细,资料太少,不具备代表性,想调好要花不少时间. |