1. Power up the server
3. Upon seeing the following prompt in the console screen, press any key on the keyboard to interrupt the auto-boot process
To discontinue, press any key within 10 seconds.
4. You should see the following prompt when the auto-boot process is interrupted
Main Menu: Enter command >
5. Insert the latest system backup tape.
6. You can use command sea to search to bootable media. Note the device type “Sequential access media”, which indicates it is the bootable tape. Then boot from it.
Main Menu: Enter command > sea
Searching for potential boot device(s)
This may take several minutes.
To discontinue search, press any key (termination may not be immediate)
Path# Device Path (dec) Device Path (mnem) Device Type
P0 0/0/1/0.3 extscsi.3 Sequential access media
P1 x/x/x/x.x extscsi.2 Random access media
P2 x/x/x/x.x intscsia.6 Random access media
9. Type in the boot command:
Main Menu: Enter command > boot p0
10. The bootstrap of the tape will be loaded into memory until you see the following question
Interact with IPL (Y, N, or Cancel)? >
11. Answer "N" to follow the automatic recovery of the Production Server
12. The following message will then be display. Press <Return> key to acknowledge the message and continue the recovery process.
Press Return to continue:
13. The following message will then be display. Press <Return> key to acknowledge the message and continue the recovery process.
[ Install HP-UX ]
[ Run a Recovery Shell ]
[ Advanced Options ]
14. Use the <Up>, <Down>, or <Tab> keys to navigate and highlight the "Install HP-UX" option, and press <Return> key to select the option. The system will then display the next screen. Use the <Tab> key to navigate and <Space Bar> key to select the following options. Once the options are selected, use <Tab> key to navigate to [OK] and press <Return> to acknowledge ok to proceed.
Source Location Options:
[*] Media only installation
User Interface Options:
[*] Advanced Installation (recommended for disk and file system management)
15. The system will then start loading the user configuration interface program. The "/opt/ignite/bin/tool" menu is displayed. Under the "Basic" tab, Make sure the configuration entries of "[Root Disk …]" display the following:
Configurations: [HP-UX System Recovery ->] [Description …]
Environments: [Recovery Archive ->] (HP-UX B.11.00)
[Root Disk …] SEAGATE_ST34573N
File System: [HP-UX save_config layout ->]
[Root Swap (MB) …] 512 Physical Memory (RAM) = 256MB
[Languages …] English [Keyboards …] [Additional …]
[IP Address …] Su.net Mask: .
[Set Time Zone …] [Network Services…]
[Set Root Password …] [Additional Interfaces…]
16. Use <Tab> key to navigate to "[Go !]", and press <Return> key to proceed. Message prompt that disks and (or and) will be used as root disk. Warning also prompt that the 2 disks seem to have data on it.
17. Use <Tab> key again to navigate to "[Go !]" and press <Return> key again to confirm the restoration process.
18. The server will continue the recover process and will be rebooted after successfully completed the restore.
Janson-Chen 回复于:2005-08-03 22:24:30 |
好样的,鼓励一下,设精。 |
lei8c8 回复于:2005-08-03 23:19:17 |
谢谢版主 |
wuhao1001 回复于:2005-08-04 09:38:15 |
只做了make_tape_recovery 的备份,没有做过恢复,非常有用。 |
cjhvslhb 回复于:2005-08-04 09:39:50 |
ding! :D |
biml2002 回复于:2005-08-04 09:48:44 |
好贴。。支持一把。 |
007linxx 回复于:2005-08-04 12:15:11 |
从培训资料上直接cp过来的吧,呵呵 |
lei8c8 回复于:2005-08-04 12:23:33 |
不是的,是HP的工程师写的,我整理了一下,觉得很有用就分享给大家! |
jojo.koo 回复于:2005-08-05 21:07:10 |
不明白,过多的修改造成无法进入98界面,无法关机,开机蓝屏也能用这恢复吗?? |
vlinx 回复于:2005-08-08 12:19:18 |
hao, ding |
spook 回复于:2005-08-23 15:55:07 |
新人就是强人…… :lol: :lol: |
文章来源于领测软件测试网 https://www.ltesting.net/