workaholic 回复于:2002-12-05 14:11:17 |
发自内心的说:很好,不仅仅是技术!还有思维! 有没有相应的成功案例,具体实施步骤给我发一份! 谢了! |
it 回复于:2002-12-05 14:58:00 |
不错,你是富通的吧 |
yanbing 回复于:2002-12-05 16:52:50 |
谢谢楼上两位兄弟的鼓励!我是富通武汉办的。 至于具体的实施步骤,我想只要思路清晰不是件麻烦事情。 |
limingtian 回复于:2002-12-06 16:33:45 |
顶!!! |
jiazhao688 回复于:2002-12-06 16:45:19 |
good |
daiqr 回复于:2002-12-14 10:14:19 |
我们系统(两台M85)已经安装了HACMP, 现在需要安装ORACLE817,次序正确吗? 安装中需要注意哪些问题? |
baiyun 回复于:2002-12-14 12:20:23 |
这些步骤都是基本常识呀 |
yanbing 回复于:2002-12-14 12:45:35 |
知道之前是文档,知道之后就是常识,就这么转化着,积累多了就叫做经验。。。 |
fangges 回复于:2002-12-14 15:38:49 |
有道理 |
daiqr 回复于:2002-12-14 19:43:14 |
还是没有明白!!! 难道安装HA后,就不能安装ORACLE了吗? 恳请各位大侠给个办法。 |
yanbing 回复于:2002-12-15 01:16:58 |
HA和应用(如ORACLE等)谁先谁后并没有关系。 唯一的先后顺序是完成了ORACLE的安装,你在HA中间建立的应用服务才有作用。 别把注意力放在这个上面,建议你把这两件事情分开处理,确定能够独立安装完成ORACLE 再加入到HA环境中就是件简单的事情了。 |
lljj 回复于:2002-12-15 09:59:04 |
很好!精华! 请继续发扬!哈哈! |
wdbj 回复于:2002-12-16 11:35:21 |
哪位能讲一下在HACMP下配置应用层高可用的具体步骤啊,比如ORACLE,如何监控到应用失败而自动切换呢 |
老农a 回复于:2002-12-16 11:48:59 |
[这个贴子最后由老农a在 2002/12/16 11:50am 编辑] ES版4.4.1的HACMP里RAS下有应用简控的配置,很简单的,进去看一下就明白了。 也许早一些的版本也有了吧,没有的版本也可以利用events实现啊,就是自己得多做一些了。 |
goodmao 回复于:2002-12-16 13:18:53 |
先装oracle后装HA 可以么!~!! |
老农a 回复于:2002-12-16 14:12:28 |
可以的。不过肯定是要调整一下的。 |
xiefeng 回复于:2003-01-06 16:44:18 |
写得很好!!我顶!! |
kkkggg21cn 回复于:2003-01-06 16:49:42 |
要比较熟悉HACMP的工作机制,是不是需要比较熟悉HACMP的事件脚本的处理过程。 |
cn2002 回复于:2003-01-07 09:41:35 |
可能要作,又不会 DS DS ![]() ![]() ![]() |
yanbing 回复于:2002-12-04 11:22:15 |
workaholic 回复于:2002-12-05 14:11:17 |
发自内心的说:很好,不仅仅是技术!还有思维! 有没有相应的成功案例,具体实施步骤给我发一份! 谢了! |
it 回复于:2002-12-05 14:58:00 |
不错,你是富通的吧 |
yanbing 回复于:2002-12-05 16:52:50 |
谢谢楼上两位兄弟的鼓励!我是富通武汉办的。 至于具体的实施步骤,我想只要思路清晰不是件麻烦事情。 |
limingtian 回复于:2002-12-06 16:33:45 |
顶!!! |
jiazhao688 回复于:2002-12-06 16:45:19 |
good |
daiqr 回复于:2002-12-14 10:14:19 |
我们系统(两台M85)已经安装了HACMP, 现在需要安装ORACLE817,次序正确吗? 安装中需要注意哪些问题? |
baiyun 回复于:2002-12-14 12:20:23 |
这些步骤都是基本常识呀 |
yanbing 回复于:2002-12-14 12:45:35 |
知道之前是文档,知道之后就是常识,就这么转化着,积累多了就叫做经验。。。 |
fangges 回复于:2002-12-14 15:38:49 |
有道理 |
daiqr 回复于:2002-12-14 19:43:14 |
还是没有明白!!! 难道安装HA后,就不能安装ORACLE了吗? 恳请各位大侠给个办法。 |
yanbing 回复于:2002-12-15 01:16:58 |
HA和应用(如ORACLE等)谁先谁后并没有关系。 唯一的先后顺序是完成了ORACLE的安装,你在HA中间建立的应用服务才有作用。 别把注意力放在这个上面,建议你把这两件事情分开处理,确定能够独立安装完成ORACLE 再加入到HA环境中就是件简单的事情了。 |
lljj 回复于:2002-12-15 09:59:04 |
很好!精华! 请继续发扬!哈哈! |
wdbj 回复于:2002-12-16 11:35:21 |
哪位能讲一下在HACMP下配置应用层高可用的具体步骤啊,比如ORACLE,如何监控到应用失败而自动切换呢 |
老农a 回复于:2002-12-16 11:48:59 |
[这个贴子最后由老农a在 2002/12/16 11:50am 编辑] ES版4.4.1的HACMP里RAS下有应用简控的配置,很简单的,进去看一下就明白了。 也许早一些的版本也有了吧,没有的版本也可以利用events实现啊,就是自己得多做一些了。 |
goodmao 回复于:2002-12-16 13:18:53 |
先装oracle后装HA 可以么!~!! |
老农a 回复于:2002-12-16 14:12:28 |
可以的。不过肯定是要调整一下的。 |
xiefeng 回复于:2003-01-06 16:44:18 |
写得很好!!我顶!! |
kkkggg21cn 回复于:2003-01-06 16:49:42 |
要比较熟悉HACMP的工作机制,是不是需要比较熟悉HACMP的事件脚本的处理过程。 |
cn2002 回复于:2003-01-07 09:41:35 |
可能要作,又不会 DS DS ![]() ![]() ![]() |
jazy 回复于:2003-02-23 19:59:42 |
前面已经说了,谁先谁后不重要,关键是都要安装的正确,我的理解HA是用来在主机故障时将服务转移到备机的双机软件吧! |
yanbing 回复于:2003-02-24 19:38:33 |
这个怎么被翻出来的。。不是旧论坛上面的吗? |
johnsons 回复于:2003-02-25 09:14:20 |
当然没有问题了。 |
qdchenf 回复于:2003-02-26 13:57:27 |
顶!! |
xiefeng 回复于:2003-02-28 11:08:14 |
good |
炸鸡 回复于:2003-02-28 11:20:28 |
就象你先吃饭,还是先喝汤,悉随尊便。只不过最后埋单的时候,肯定会把两样都一起算。 |
炸鸡 回复于:2003-02-28 11:25:39 |
有时候是需要先装HA,例如你的ORACLE要跑并行。相当于你偶尔出差到广州,那你就要先喝汤。 |
jackx 回复于:2003-03-28 14:00:37 |
Here is the sample of process:
1/ Log in as root on each node in your cluster. 2/ Ensure that HACMP is not running on any node.. If it is, run smit clstop. 3/ Ensure that you have the same release of HACMP installed on each node in the cluster and that the same fileset components are installed. # lslpp –L cluster.* 4/ If you find that any filesets are missing for nodes in your cluster, complete the HACMP installation before progressing further. 5/ Ensure that all your nodes have at least 64MB of physical RAM. # lsattr –El sys0|grep realmem 6/ Ensure that all of your nodes have at least double the amount of paging space in proportion to physical RAM. # lsps –a 7/ Check to see if each node has the same adapters installed in the same slots. # lsdev –Cc adapter 8/ If your cluster nodes boot using the Common Desktop Environment, change the system startup mode such that the node boots in ASCII(command line) mode. Otherwise, CDE will hang when IP is enabled. # smitty dtconfig choose Command Line reboot the machine 9/ Check to see if I/O spacing has been enabled on each node. # smit chgsys You are suggested to change the ‘High water mark’ to 33 and ‘Low water mark’ to 22. 10/ Check the value of ‘the wall’. # no –a | grep thewall 11/ Check the physical connection of your IP and non-IP networks. Ensure that each node has at least two network adapters connected to a TCP/IP network and a non-IP connection to the other node in the cluster. 12/ Check the TCP/IP configuration for each node in the cluster. 13/ If there are any errors in the configuration of your network adapters, correct these. Do NOT use the ifconfig command as this only retains the configuration until the next reboot or cfgmgr operation. You can use # smitty chinet 14/ Check the routing table on each node to ensure that the service and standby adapters have routes to different logical subnets. # netstat –rn 15/ If there are errors in the configuration of your routes, especially duplicate entries, correct these now. Do NOT use the netstat command as this only retains the configuration until the next reboot or cfgmgr operation. You can use # smitty mkroute or # smitty rmroute as required. 16/ Check the /etc/hosts and /.rhosts files on each node to ensure that they hold IP labels for the service and standby adapters and server hostnames along with IP addresses. 17/ Check the tty configuration of your serial network. On node 1, # stty > /dev/tty1 - command should hang On node 2, # stty < /dev/tty1 - command should display on both nodes. 18/ Correct any problems that may exists with the configuration of your serial networks at this stage. 19/ Check that you do NOT have an /etc/netsvc.conf or /etc/resolv.conf file in place on any cluster node at present. If these files are in place, simply rename them to filename.OLD as they may be required later. 20/ Check the network options parameters and ensure that IP forwarding is disabled. # no –a | grep ipforwarding if the value is 1, # no –o ipforwarding = 0 21/ If you are using any form of SCSI technology as your shared disk bus, ensure that no adapter has its external bus ID set to 7. Ideally the adapters should be on SCSI ids 6,5,4 and 3 where possible. i.e. # lsattr –El scsi0|grep id 22/ If you are using SSA, ensure that you have complete loops between all your cluster nodes and that each node is capable of addressing every disk in all the loops. 23/ Check that the hdisk to PVID numbering of external disks follows the same sequence on each node in the cluster. You may have cross connected SCSI buses or SSA loops. # lspv 24/ If you find a problem with the cabling of SCSI or SSA shared disks, resolve this before progressing futher. 25/ Check that the number of internal disks matches on each node. # lsdev –Cc disk 26/ If there is a mismatch between the number of internal disks, perform the following sequence of actions to achieves symmetry: On the node with the lower number of internal disks: a/ Unmount any filesystems on non-rootvg volume groups. b/ Varyoff any non-rootvg volume groups. c/ Export any non-root volume groups. d/ List the physical volumes attached to the node(# lspv). e/ Import your non-root volume groups and change them to not auto-varyon. f/ Remove all physical volumes that are not part of rootvg (# rmdev –l hdiskN -d). g/ Create a dummy physical volume using the mkdev command(# mkdev –c disk –t 857MB –s scsi –p scsi0 –w0,5 -d). h/ Run cfgmgr to force discovery of the removed physical volumes. i/ List the physical volumes attached to the node(# lspv). You should now see that external disks have been renumbered as the dummy disk occupies an hdisk location. This extra disk is not shown by lspv because the disk is not in an available state. 27/ Identify all your external volume groups, and which nodes if any have the volume groups varied on(# lsvg –o). Check that your volume groups have the same major number on all nodes and that they are not set to auto-varyon (# chvg –an vgname). 28/ Identify any filesystems that may be present on external volume groups, and their associated LV names. 29/ Download the redbook: IBM Certification Study Guide: pSeries HACMP for AIX from for further reference. |
zzzaaaqqq 回复于:2003-03-28 14:07:03 |
可以,不建库的说,库还是要建在磁盘柜上 |
zzzaaaqqq 回复于:2003-03-28 14:08:10 |
可以,不建库的说,库还是要建在磁盘柜上 |
ibm6000 回复于:2003-03-28 14:31:25 |
可以 |
姚小杰 回复于:2003-04-01 23:07:13 |
有的选择我一定选你这个公司服务。你是哪家公司的啊 |