我的系统是solaris 7 ,一个普通用户能te.net登录 ,但不能ftp登录(提示密码错误),密码是没有错的(多人多次测试过),怎么才能让此用户正常登录ftp呢,恳请指点迷津。谢了
laoxia 回复于:2003-07-14 10:32:33 |
When trying to FTP to a Solaris system, the login fails even though the password supplied is correct. But telnet and rlogin programs work fine. SOLUTION: If FTP fails during login authentication even though the password was delivered correctly, the following things need to be checked: Check the /etc/ftpusers file. The Solaris 8 OE has included a new security mechanism for ftp login by means of a file ftpusers in the /etc directory, which is created by default. This file includes all users for whom ftp login privileges are disallowed. The root user is included in /etc/ftpusers as a security measure since the default policy is to disallow remote logins for this identity. This policy is also set in the the default value of the CONSOLE entry in the /etc/default/login file. The ftp access as root user can be enabled by deleting the root entry in the /etc/ftpusers file. If you allow root login privileges by deleting the root entry in the /etc/ftpusers file, you should also modify the security policy in the /etc/default/login file to reflect the site security policy for remote login access by root. Users should also be aware of the security implications of enabling ftp access via root. Refer to man pages login(1) and ftpusers(4) for more details. Check /etc/shells file. FTP login access will be denied if the user's shell, specified in the /etc/passwd file, is not listed in /etc/shells. If /etc/shells does not exist, then the user's shell must be in the list in Step 3. The user's shell must be one of the shells listed by the standard C library call getusershell(3C). If /etc/shells does not exist, then getusershell(3C) returns the following list of standard shells in the Solaris 8 OE. More shells have been added in this version. /bin/bash /bin/csh /bin/jsh /bin/ksh /bin/pfcsh /bin/pfksh /bin/pfsh /bin/sh /bin/tcsh /bin/zsh /sbin/jsh /sbin/sh /usr/bin/bash /usr/bin/csh /usr/bin/jsh /usr/bin/ksh /usr/bin/pfcsh /usr/bin/pfksh /usr/bin/pfsh /usr/bin/sh /usr/bin/tcsh /usr/bin/zsh If the user is using a non-standard shell, there must be an entry for the shell in the file /etc/shells. The user's entry in /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow files or the NIS/NIS+ database must be syntactically correct. Make sure no errors or warnings are thrown by pwck and pwconv commands. Refer to the man pages for getusershell(3C), pwconv(1M), and pwck(1M) for more information and their exit/return status. |
卡兰迪亚 回复于:2003-07-14 10:40:56 |
I do it ok. |
文章来源于领测软件测试网 https://www.ltesting.net/