一台H70在换系统板后,运行中一块共享硬盘坏掉了。原来装的C for AIX不能用了。重装后,配置成功后运行安装License Code的命令,提示:There are no active license servers。 C for AIX 不能用。请问是什么原因,怎么解决啊?谢谢
sunnyxia 回复于:2002-12-02 09:59:31 |
lljj 回复于:2002-12-02 12:06:20 |
应该是ifor进程没有起来! |
lljj 回复于:2002-12-02 12:06:20 |
应该是ifor进程没有起来! |
lljj 回复于:2002-12-02 12:07:20 |
http://www.chinaunix.net/cgi-bin/bbs/topic.cgi?forum=5&topic=4051&show=60 |
lljj 回复于:2002-12-02 12:07:20 |
http://www.chinaunix.net/cgi-bin/bbs/topic.cgi?forum=5&topic=4051&show=60 |
sunnyxia 回复于:2002-12-03 14:07:16 |
在装C时把碟里的东西全选装了进去会有问题吗? |
sunnyxia 回复于:2002-12-03 14:07:16 |
在装C时把碟里的东西全选装了进去会有问题吗? |
lljj 回复于:2002-12-03 14:26:02 |
当然有问题!不能全选! |
lljj 回复于:2002-12-03 14:26:02 |
当然有问题!不能全选! |
sunnyxia 回复于:2002-12-03 14:31:04 |
那出现的这个提示和全装有关系吗?现在我已经全部装了.该怎么办啊? 卸栽是要一个一个包的删除吗?我也不知道装了那些包啊?请LLJJ帮帮忙! |
sunnyxia 回复于:2002-12-03 14:31:04 |
那出现的这个提示和全装有关系吗?现在我已经全部装了.该怎么办啊? 卸栽是要一个一个包的删除吗?我也不知道装了那些包啊?请LLJJ帮帮忙! |
lljj 回复于:2002-12-03 14:33:49 |
应该是这样的!你全选了但是没有装成功! 你可以重新安装VAC.C然后把必要装的包重新覆盖安装一次! 只要提示ok了!我想你就可以按照我贴的那个东西配置了! |
lljj 回复于:2002-12-03 14:33:49 |
应该是这样的!你全选了但是没有装成功! 你可以重新安装VAC.C然后把必要装的包重新覆盖安装一次! 只要提示ok了!我想你就可以按照我贴的那个东西配置了! |
sunnyxia 回复于:2002-12-03 14:39:57 |
但是全选后安装提示ok啊.是不是按那个文档把那些包都重装并覆盖原来的包.然后再配置啊?还有出现 Do you want to disable remote administration of this Nodelock License Server? [y,n]:时选择y ;这个应该选择N才会出现下面的界面啊.选Y会是另一个界面啊. |
sunnyxia 回复于:2002-12-03 14:39:57 |
但是全选后安装提示ok啊.是不是按那个文档把那些包都重装并覆盖原来的包.然后再配置啊?还有出现 Do you want to disable remote administration of this Nodelock License Server? [y,n]:时选择y ;这个应该选择N才会出现下面的界面啊.选Y会是另一个界面啊. |
lljj 回复于:2002-12-03 14:59:30 |
就是这样装!你仔细按照文档上的装!绝对没问题!那可是经过千锤百炼的阿! |
lljj 回复于:2002-12-03 14:59:30 |
就是这样装!你仔细按照文档上的装!绝对没问题!那可是经过千锤百炼的阿! |
sunnyxia 回复于:2002-12-03 15:07:28 |
我回去试一试先.谢谢! |
sunnyxia 回复于:2002-12-03 15:07:28 |
我回去试一试先.谢谢! |
lljj 回复于:2002-12-03 15:08:21 |
祝你好运! |
lljj 回复于:2002-12-03 15:08:21 |
祝你好运! |
sunnyxia 回复于:2002-12-04 22:30:12 |
求救啊!我把系统重装了,配置成功了。编译一个程序后,执行时显示: 0509-036 cannot load program ./test beacuse of the following errros 0509-150 dependent module libc.a(shr.o)could not be loaded 0509-022 cannot load module libc.a(shr.o) could not be loaded system error: a file or directory in the path name does not exist 请问怎么搞啊!急! |
sunnyxia 回复于:2002-12-04 22:30:12 |
求救啊!我把系统重装了,配置成功了。编译一个程序后,执行时显示: 0509-036 cannot load program ./test beacuse of the following errros 0509-150 dependent module libc.a(shr.o)could not be loaded 0509-022 cannot load module libc.a(shr.o) could not be loaded system error: a file or directory in the path name does not exist 请问怎么搞啊!急! |
lljj 回复于:2002-12-05 08:35:42 |
你把test mv成test.c就行了不用加。/ |
lljj 回复于:2002-12-05 08:35:42 |
你把test mv成test.c就行了不用加。/ |
sunnyxia 回复于:2002-12-05 11:33:24 |
我的原文件是testc.c啊.然后用cc testc.c -o test来编译.然后用./test运行.有问题吗? |
sunnyxia 回复于:2002-12-05 11:33:24 |
我的原文件是testc.c啊.然后用cc testc.c -o test来编译.然后用./test运行.有问题吗? |
lljj 回复于:2002-12-05 12:01:27 |
干脆不要加-o 直接运行a.out |
lljj 回复于:2002-12-05 12:01:27 |
干脆不要加-o 直接运行a.out |
sunnyxia 回复于:2002-12-05 12:04:33 |
能说详细点吗? |
sunnyxia 回复于:2002-12-05 12:04:33 |
能说详细点吗? |
sunnyxia 回复于:2002-12-05 12:23:53 |
会不会是有什么包没有装好?应该是运行环境的问题吧? |
sunnyxia 回复于:2002-12-05 12:23:53 |
会不会是有什么包没有装好?应该是运行环境的问题吧? |
lljj 回复于:2002-12-05 12:34:44 |
我是说直接cc test.c 然后运行a.out! 真想登到你的机器上帮你搞定! |
lljj 回复于:2002-12-05 12:34:44 |
我是说直接cc test.c 然后运行a.out! 真想登到你的机器上帮你搞定! |
sunnyxia 回复于:2002-12-05 13:49:43 |
libc.a是不是有包没有装,还是报那个错。 |
sunnyxia 回复于:2002-12-05 13:49:43 |
libc.a是不是有包没有装,还是报那个错。 |
sunnyxia 回复于:2002-12-06 10:57:57 |
谢谢lljj同志,我已经搞定了。不过发现几个问题。 1。 export PATH=$PATH:/var/ifor/:/usr/opt/ifor/ls/conf:/usr/vac/bin 这句加在porfile中的语句好像有没有都一样,不知道做什么用。 2。C语言包要完全安装,少了反而不行。我的盘是C for AIX 4.4的。 3。还有就是update CD要装全。负责会显示libc.a的错误。是运行环境不行。 |
sunnyxia 回复于:2002-12-06 10:57:57 |
谢谢lljj同志,我已经搞定了。不过发现几个问题。 1。 export PATH=$PATH:/var/ifor/:/usr/opt/ifor/ls/conf:/usr/vac/bin 这句加在porfile中的语句好像有没有都一样,不知道做什么用。 2。C语言包要完全安装,少了反而不行。我的盘是C for AIX 4.4的。 3。还有就是update CD要装全。负责会显示libc.a的错误。是运行环境不行。 |
ibm6000 回复于:2002-12-06 11:00:21 |
可以不加,用usr/vac/bin/replaceCSET改变量一样。 |
ibm6000 回复于:2002-12-06 11:00:21 |
可以不加,用usr/vac/bin/replaceCSET改变量一样。 |
sunnyxia 回复于:2002-12-06 11:08:24 |
同意!所以我觉得lljj那个文档有点重复。整理一下可能会好一点。 |
sunnyxia 回复于:2002-12-06 11:08:24 |
同意!所以我觉得lljj那个文档有点重复。整理一下可能会好一点。 |
lljj 回复于:2002-12-06 11:18:58 |
[quote][b]下面引用由[u]sunnyxia[/u]在 [i]2002/12/06 11:08am[/i] 发表的内容:[/b] 同意!所以我觉得lljj那个文档有点重复。整理一下可能会好一点。 [/quote] 好啦!整理的事就交给你了! 我会加为精华的! |
lljj 回复于:2002-12-06 11:18:58 |
[quote][b]下面引用由[u]sunnyxia[/u]在 [i]2002/12/06 11:08am[/i] 发表的内容:[/b] 同意!所以我觉得lljj那个文档有点重复。整理一下可能会好一点。 [/quote] 好啦!整理的事就交给你了! 我会加为精华的! |
sunnyxia 回复于:2002-12-06 11:29:44 |
哈,已经整理好了: 一。C & Visual Age C++的安装 使用root身份登录系统,将光盘放入光驱,C for AIX只有一张光盘,而Visual Age C++有两张盘,放第一张盘。使用命令: #smitty install_latest 选择安装介质为/dev/cd0 Install and Update from LATEST Available Software Type or select values in entry fields. Press Enter AFTER making all desired changes. [Entry Fields] * INPUT device / directory for software /dev/cd0 * SOFTWARE to install [_all_latest] + PREVIEW only? (install operation will NOT occur) no + COMMIT software updates? yes + SAVE replaced files? no + AUTOMATICALLY install requisite software? yes + EXTEND file systems if space needed? yes + OVERWRITE same or newer versions? no + VERIFY install and check file sizes? no + Include corresponding LANGUAGE filesets? yes + DETAILED output? no + Process multiple volumes? yes + 提交安装光盘上所有软件 二、License Server的配置 步骤一: 使用命令:#/usr/vac/bin/replaceCSET 运行命令:#/var/ifor/i4config 步骤二: From a License Management point of view, you can choose to configure this system as: 1) Network License Client 2) Nodelock License Server (and/or Network License Client) 3) Network (and/or Nodelock) License Server 4) Central Registry (and/or Network and/or Nodelock) License Server (*) (*) Remember that one and only one Central Registry License Server (i4gdb daemoe in a Licensing domain. Please indicate your choice [1,2,3,4]: 2 选择2 步骤三: Do you want to disable remote administration of this Nodelock License Server? [y,n]: y 选择y 步骤四: You have to choose now which mechanism must be enabled to locate this License Server: 1) NCS Namespace and Direct Binding (*) 2) Direct Binding only (*) WARNING: Modifying NCS Namespace configuration may affect any other application that use NCS on this system. NCS Namespace is necessary to support old Netls, iFOR/LS Clients. Please indicate your choice [1,2]: 2 选择2 步骤五 The Administration tool usually uses port number [12999] to locate the Nodelock License Servers. If for some reason your environment can not use port [12999], or you want to modify a previously assigned port number you can do it now. Do you want to change the Nodelock License Server ip port number? [y,n]: n 选择n 步骤六 Choose the desired Server(s) logging level 1) Default 2) All 3) Customized Please indicate your choice [1,2,3]: 1 选择1 步骤七 The default Log file(s) path is /var/ifor Enter blank to accept default or specify a new path: 直接回车 步骤八 Server configuration is complete. Do you want to modify the list of remote Nodelock and/or Network License Servers this system can connect to in direct binding mode (both for Administration purposes and for working as Network License Client) ? [y,n]: n 选择n 步骤九 Do you want the License Server(s) automatically start on this system at boot time? [y,n]: y 选择y 步骤十 WARNING: Configuration is about to end. This is your last chance to quit before your updates will be written. Do you want to continue? [y,n]: y 选择y 步骤十一 *** Configuration file updated. *** Do you want the License Server(s) start now? [y,n]: y 选择y 屏幕显示 0513-059 The i4llmd Subsystem has been started. Subsystem PID is 21776. 'Start Services' has completed successfully **************************************** * Configuration completed successfully * **************************************** 步骤十二 C for AIX: 运行命令: #/var/ifor/i4blt -a -f /usr/vac/cXXaix_cn.lic -R root -T 10(XX为版本,10为license) Visual Age C++: 运行命令: #/var/ifor/i4blt -a -f /usr/vacpp/vacpp_cn.lic -R root -T 10 屏幕显示: i4blt Version 4.5.1 AIX -- LUM Basic License Tool (c) Copyright 1995-1998, IBM Corporation, All Rights Reserved US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. (c) Copyright 1991-1998 Gradient Technologies Inc., All Rights Reserved (c) Copyright 1991,1992,1993, Hewlett-Packard Company, All Rights Reserved ADM-10099: Product successfully enrolled 配置完成 三、测试方法 通过编译程序文件的方式来测试编译器是否正常工作。 C编译器的测试 执行如下命令: #cd /tmp #vi testc.c testc.c内容如下: #include <stdio.h> main() { printf(“\nC is OK!\n\n”); } 编译test.c #make test 生成可执行文件test(通过ls命令可以看到) 运行 test #./test 屏幕输出 C is OK! 说明C程序编译正确。 VC的程序就请自己编拉:) |
sunnyxia 回复于:2002-12-06 11:29:44 |
哈,已经整理好了: 一。C & Visual Age C++的安装 使用root身份登录系统,将光盘放入光驱,C for AIX只有一张光盘,而Visual Age C++有两张盘,放第一张盘。使用命令: #smitty install_latest 选择安装介质为/dev/cd0 Install and Update from LATEST Available Software Type or select values in entry fields. Press Enter AFTER making all desired changes. [Entry Fields] * INPUT device / directory for software /dev/cd0 * SOFTWARE to install [_all_latest] + PREVIEW only? (install operation will NOT occur) no + COMMIT software updates? yes + SAVE replaced files? no + AUTOMATICALLY install requisite software? yes + EXTEND file systems if space needed? yes + OVERWRITE same or newer versions? no + VERIFY install and check file sizes? no + Include corresponding LANGUAGE filesets? yes + DETAILED output? no + Process multiple volumes? yes + 提交安装光盘上所有软件 二、License Server的配置 步骤一: 使用命令:#/usr/vac/bin/replaceCSET 运行命令:#/var/ifor/i4config 步骤二: From a License Management point of view, you can choose to configure this system as: 1) Network License Client 2) Nodelock License Server (and/or Network License Client) 3) Network (and/or Nodelock) License Server 4) Central Registry (and/or Network and/or Nodelock) License Server (*) (*) Remember that one and only one Central Registry License Server (i4gdb daemoe in a Licensing domain. Please indicate your choice [1,2,3,4]: 2 选择2 步骤三: Do you want to disable remote administration of this Nodelock License Server? [y,n]: y 选择y 步骤四: You have to choose now which mechanism must be enabled to locate this License Server: 1) NCS Namespace and Direct Binding (*) 2) Direct Binding only (*) WARNING: Modifying NCS Namespace configuration may affect any other application that use NCS on this system. NCS Namespace is necessary to support old Netls, iFOR/LS Clients. Please indicate your choice [1,2]: 2 选择2 步骤五 The Administration tool usually uses port number [12999] to locate the Nodelock License Servers. If for some reason your environment can not use port [12999], or you want to modify a previously assigned port number you can do it now. Do you want to change the Nodelock License Server ip port number? [y,n]: n 选择n 步骤六 Choose the desired Server(s) logging level 1) Default 2) All 3) Customized Please indicate your choice [1,2,3]: 1 选择1 步骤七 The default Log file(s) path is /var/ifor Enter blank to accept default or specify a new path: 直接回车 步骤八 Server configuration is complete. Do you want to modify the list of remote Nodelock and/or Network License Servers this system can connect to in direct binding mode (both for Administration purposes and for working as Network License Client) ? [y,n]: n 选择n 步骤九 Do you want the License Server(s) automatically start on this system at boot time? [y,n]: y 选择y 步骤十 WARNING: Configuration is about to end. This is your last chance to quit before your updates will be written. Do you want to continue? [y,n]: y 选择y 步骤十一 *** Configuration file updated. *** Do you want the License Server(s) start now? [y,n]: y 选择y 屏幕显示 0513-059 The i4llmd Subsystem has been started. Subsystem PID is 21776. 'Start Services' has completed successfully **************************************** * Configuration completed successfully * **************************************** 步骤十二 C for AIX: 运行命令: #/var/ifor/i4blt -a -f /usr/vac/cXXaix_cn.lic -R root -T 10(XX为版本,10为license) Visual Age C++: 运行命令: #/var/ifor/i4blt -a -f /usr/vacpp/vacpp_cn.lic -R root -T 10 屏幕显示: i4blt Version 4.5.1 AIX -- LUM Basic License Tool (c) Copyright 1995-1998, IBM Corporation, All Rights Reserved US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. (c) Copyright 1991-1998 Gradient Technologies Inc., All Rights Reserved (c) Copyright 1991,1992,1993, Hewlett-Packard Company, All Rights Reserved ADM-10099: Product successfully enrolled 配置完成 三、测试方法 通过编译程序文件的方式来测试编译器是否正常工作。 C编译器的测试 执行如下命令: #cd /tmp #vi testc.c testc.c内容如下: #include <stdio.h> main() { printf(“\nC is OK!\n\n”); } 编译test.c #make test 生成可执行文件test(通过ls命令可以看到) 运行 test #./test 屏幕输出 C is OK! 说明C程序编译正确。 VC的程序就请自己编拉:) |
ibm6000 回复于:2002-12-06 11:33:08 |
有/var/ifor/i4config?,好像是i4cfg |
ibm6000 回复于:2002-12-06 11:33:08 |
有/var/ifor/i4config?,好像是i4cfg |
lljj 回复于:2002-12-06 11:37:10 |
你仔细再检查一下!不要害别人! |
lljj 回复于:2002-12-06 11:37:10 |
你仔细再检查一下!不要害别人! |
ibm6000 回复于:2002-12-06 11:37:11 |
补充: # /var/ifor/i4blt –s –l cn看看注册成功否? 另外,修改/usr/vac/cforaix_cn.lic文件,第一句话的最后一部分"admin_name" 不要改为root,而是改为 * ,提交以后其他用户编译就不会出现提示了 |
ibm6000 回复于:2002-12-06 11:37:11 |
补充: # /var/ifor/i4blt –s –l cn看看注册成功否? 另外,修改/usr/vac/cforaix_cn.lic文件,第一句话的最后一部分"admin_name" 不要改为root,而是改为 * ,提交以后其他用户编译就不会出现提示了 |
sunnyxia 回复于:2002-12-06 11:46:17 |
我都试过了。没有问题。我在机器上就是这样装的。注册也成功了,现在都可以编程了。我的机器上只能用/var/ifor/i4config,i4cfg好像不行。我试过了。还有ibm6000关于root的问题谢谢了。我会再试试的。 |
sunnyxia 回复于:2002-12-06 11:46:17 |
我都试过了。没有问题。我在机器上就是这样装的。注册也成功了,现在都可以编程了。我的机器上只能用/var/ifor/i4config,i4cfg好像不行。我试过了。还有ibm6000关于root的问题谢谢了。我会再试试的。 |
lljj 回复于:2002-12-06 11:49:26 |
好了!我加为精华了! 希望你继续努力! |
lljj 回复于:2002-12-06 11:49:26 |
好了!我加为精华了! 希望你继续努力! |
sunnyxia 回复于:2002-12-06 11:52:51 |
谢谢了。我会努力的! |
sunnyxia 回复于:2002-12-06 11:52:51 |
谢谢了。我会努力的! |
gelandy 回复于:2004-08-03 16:16:47 |
你们说的c for aix安装盘是aix安装盘的第一张吗?
我没有/usr/vac目录是怎么回事? |
文章来源于领测软件测试网 https://www.ltesting.net/