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发布: 2008-2-18 15:00 | 作者: 不详 | 来源: 希赛网 | 查看: 64次 | 进入软件测试论坛讨论


  In order to make computers intelligent,knowledge should be given to them.Knowledge-based systems are such computer systems that they can effectively store and manage human knowledge,and use the knowledge to solve problems that originally require human intelligence.Examples of such systems are expert systems,decision support systems,knowledge base systems,etc.Knowledge-based systems are of crucial importance in AI applications and in future information technology.
    The first basic question we are confronted in the construction of a knowledge-based system is how to represent knowledge,which is referred to as knowledge representation.Knowledge representation is to encode information such objects,goal,actions,and processes into data structures and procedures.It is a fundamental component of any knowledge-based systems.Various schemes for representing knowledge have been proposed,of which the most important ones are production rules,frames,semantic networks,logic,script and etc.
    The reasoning mechanism and knowledge management are another two important parts of a knowledge-based system.The function of reasoning mechanism is knowledge utilization.It solves users queries by inferencing using knowledge in the knowledge base.Whereas knowledge management is responsible for performing various operations on the knowledge,such as retrieving and updating.
    Knowledge acquisition is the central but most difficult problem.In order to acquire knowledge from various sources,such as experts or text,many stages,such as identification,conceptualization,formalization,implementation,and testing have to be conducted.So far,only a small number of systems currently exist that automate portions of the knowledge acquisition task.
    One approach to construct a knowledge base system is to combine a relational database management system and PROLOG,with PROLOG functioning as the inference engine.Some research effort has been devoted to constructing such systems by using commercial DBMSs,while others in an attempt to largely improve the perforrmance,by developing new languages which combine logic programming and relational programming concepts(e. g.,the  Logic Data language developed by MCC)and developing high performance parallel database machines[1].It is expected that these systems will exhibit powerful capabilities both in data management and knowledge management.




  acquisition                      获取    
  decision support systems           决策支持系统
    conceptualization               概念化   
  production rule                       产生式规则
    formalization                         形式化   
  frame                                 框架
    DBMS-database management system       数据库管理系统
    reasoning mechanism                   推理机制

Multiple choices.

(1)In order to make computers intelligent,what should be given to them?
    a.keyboard               b.I/O port
    c.network adapter        d.knowledge
(2)What is the first basic question we are confronted in the construction of a knowledge-based system?
    a.knowledge representation       b.parallelism
    c.object-oriented programming       d.logic programming
(3)What is the function of reasoning mechanism?
    a.knowledge representation   b.knowledge management
    c.knowledge construction     d.knowledge utilization
(4)How to solve users queries using knowledge in the knowledge base?
    a.by accessing       b.by retrieving
    c.by inferencing     d.by invoking


(1)d  (2)a   (3)d   (4)c



文章来源于领测软件测试网 https://www.ltesting.net/

TAG: 新一代计算机

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