diag 回复于:2003-07-03 09:57:17 |
Rsc软件安装目录 一.Rsc软件的安装 2 二.Rsc的以太网卡配置 3 三.进入rsc,rsc的命令shell的使用说明: 7 3.1比如看系统的网络 8 3.2看运行环境: 9 四.GUI图形界面的启动 10 4.1启动,进入目录 11 4.2输入用户和密码: 12 12 4.3Rsc的主画面 13 4.4服务器的状态和控制 14 14 4.5Rsc事件日志 15 4.6Rsc卡的配置 16 4.7以太网卡的配置 17 五,无法通过以太网链接rsc。 17 一.Rsc软件的安装 rsc软件不是系统默认安装的,要手工来安装,选择solaris8随机所带光盘中那个附加软件包的光盘,在文件管理器点击installer将自动来安装,选择客户自定义安装,在典型安装的基础上选择rsc软件包,按照提示安装即可。 二.Rsc的以太网卡配置 1. 以root用户登录系统。 2. 确认系统平台。 3. 进入rscadm的配置程序目录 4. 运行初始化程序:rsc-initscript 5. 配置rsc,SUN280R# ./rsc-config 6. 更改部分配置SUN280R# ./rscadm help 如: SUN280R# pwd / SUN280R# uname -i SUNW,Sun-Fire-280R SUN280R# cd /usr/platform SUN280R# ls FJSV,GPUU SUNW,Ultra-Enterprise-10000 NATE,s-Note_737S SUNW,UltraAX-MP NATE,s-Note_777S SUNW,UltraAX-e SUNW,Netra-T12 SUNW,UltraAX-e2 SUNW,Netra-T4 SUNW,UltraAX-i2 SUNW,Sun-Blade-100 SUNW,UltraSPARC-IIe-NetraCT-40 SUNW,Sun-Blade-1000 SUNW,UltraSPARC-IIe-NetraCT-60 SUNW,Sun-Fire SUNW,UltraSPARC-IIi-Engine SUNW,Sun-Fire-15000 SUNW,UltraSPARC-IIi-Netract SUNW,Sun-Fire-280R SUNW,UltraSPARC-IIi-cEngine SUNW,Sun-Fire-480R SUNW,UltraSPARCengine_CP-20 SUNW,Sun-Fire-880 SUNW,UltraSPARCengine_CP-40 SUNW,Ultra-1 SUNW,UltraSPARCengine_CP-60 SUNW,Ultra-1-Engine SUNW,UltraSPARCengine_CP-80 SUNW,Ultra-2 TSBW,8000 SUNW,Ultra-250 TSBW,Ultra-2i SUNW,Ultra-30 sun4d SUNW,Ultra-4 sun4m SUNW,Ultra-5_10 sun4u SUNW,Ultra-60 sun4u-us3 SUNW,Ultra-80 sun4us SUNW,Ultra-Enterprise SUN280R# cd SUNW,Sun-Fire-280R SUN280R# ls include lib rsc sbin SUN280R# cd rsc SUN280R# ls rsc-config rsc-initscript rscadm SUN280R# pwd /usr/platform/SUNW,Sun-Fire-280R/rsc SUN280R#./ rsc-initscript SUN280R# SUN280R# ./rsc-config Continue with RSC setup (y|n): y Set RSC date/time now (y|n|?) [y]: Server Hostname [SUN280R]: Edit customer info field (y|n|?) [n]: Enable RSC Ethe.net Interface (y|n|s|?) [n]: y RSC IP Mode (config|dhcp|?) [dhcp]: n RSC IP Mode (config|dhcp|?) [dhcp]: config RSC IP Address []: RSC IP Netmask []: RSC IP Gateway []: Enable RSC Alerts (y|n|s|?) [n]: Enable RSC Modem Interface (y|n|s|?) [n]: Enable RSC Serial Port Interface (y|n|s|?) [n]: Setup RSC User Account (y|n|?) [y]: Username []: neusoft User Permissions (c,u,a,r|none|?) [cuar]: -------------------- Verifying Selections -------------------- General Setup ------------- Set RSC date now = y Server Hostname = SUN280R Set Customer Info = n Is this correct (y|n): y Ethernet Setup -------------- IP Mode = config IP Address = IP Netmask = IP Gateway = Is this correct (y|n): y Alert Setup ----------- - Alerts disabled Is this correct (y|n): y Modem Setup ----------- - Modem disabled, ppp disabled Is this correct (y|n): y Serial Port Setup ----------------- - Serial port disabled Is this correct (y|n): y User Setup ---------- User Name = neusoft User Permissions = cuar Is this correct (y|n): y This script will now update RSC, continue? (y|n): y Updating flash, this takes a few minutes ........................................ ........................................ ........................................ ........................................ ........................................ ........................................ ........................................ ........................... Download completed successfully Resetting RSC (takes about 90 seconds): DONE Setting up server to update RSC date on boot: DONE Setting up server hostname: DONE Setting up ethernet interface: DONE Disabling RSC alert engine: DONE Disabling modem interface: DONE Disabling serial port interface: DONE Adding user to RSC: rscadm: user already exists when this script completes, use the rscadm command to correct the error. Resetting RSC (takes about 90 seconds): Are you sure you want to reboot RSC (y/n)? y DONE Setting up RSC date: DONE ******************************* RSC has been successfully setup ******************************* SUN280R# SUN280R# ./rscadm help USAGE: rscadm <command> [options] For a list of commands, type "rscadm help" rscadm - COMMANDS SUPPORTED help, date, set, show, resetrsc, download, send_event, modem_setup, useradd, userdel, usershow, userpassword, userperm, shownetwork, loghistory, version rscadm - COMMAND DETAILS rscadm help => this message rscadm date [-s] | [[mmdd]HHMM | mmddHHMM[cc]yy][.SS] => print or set date rscadm set <variable> <value> => set variable to value rscadm show [variable] => show variable(s) rscadm resetrsc [-s] => reset RSC (-s soft reset) rscadm download [boot] <file> => program firmware or [boot] monitor rscadm send_event [-c] "message" => send message as event (-c CRITICAL) rscadm modem_setup => connect to modem port rscadm useradd <username> => add RSC user account rscadm userdel <username> => delete RSC user account rscadm usershow [username] => show user details rscadm userpassword <username> => set user password rscadm userperm <username> [cuar] => set user permissions rscadm shownetwork => show network configuration rscadm loghistory => show RSC event log rscadm version => show RSC version SUN280R# 三.进入rsc,rsc的命令shell的使用说明: SUN280R# telnet Trying Connected to Escape character is '^]'. RSC version 2.2 (SUN280R) Please login: neusoft Please Enter password: rsc> help RSC Help password Change password. poweron Power on host system. poweroff Power off host system. reset Reset host system. xir Send XIR reset to host system. resetrsc Reboot RSC. console Connect to system console. break Send break to system console. environment Print environment information. 显示当前环境信息 showenvironment Print environment information. (Synonymous with 'environment'.) shownetwork Show current network configuration. set <variable> <value> Set configuration variable <variable> to value <value>. show [<variable>] Show the value of all variables or a specific variable. date [[mmdd]HHMM | mmddHHMM[cc]yy][.SS] Set/Show the current date and time. showdate Show the current date and time. (Synonymous with 'date'.) setdate [mmdd]HHMM | mmddHHMM[cc]yy[.SS] Set the current date and time. (Synonymous with 'date <date-string>'.) bootmode [-u] [normal|forth|reset_nvram|diag|skip_diag] Set the host firmware boot mode. consolehistory [boot|run|oboot|orun] [index [+|-]<n>] [pause <n>] Dump console history log. consolerestart Set current console log to be original console log. loghistory [index [+|-]<n>] [pause <n>] Dump Event log. useradd <username> Add a new user. userdel <username> Delete a user. usershow [ <username> ] Show all users (or a specific user). userpassword <username> Change password for a specific user. userperm <username> [c][u][a][r] Set permissions for a user. version [-v] Print revision of RSC firmware. showsc Print revision of RSC firmware. (Synonymous with 'version'.) logout Log out of the RSC shell. 3.1比如看系统的网络 rsc> shownetwork RSC network configuration is: IP Address: Gateway address: Netmask: Ethernet address: 00:03:ba:23:ce:e4 3.2看运行环境: rsc> environment =============== Environmental Status =============== System Temperatures (Celsius): ------------------------------ CPU0 53 CPU1 51 RSC 32 ================================= RSC Power Status: ----------------- RSC is running on Normal System Power RSC Battery Voltage: 4.22V ================================= Front Status Panel: ------------------- Keyswitch position is in On mode. ================================= System LED Status: GENERAL ERROR POWER [OFF] [ ON] Disk LED Status: OK = GREEN ERROR = YELLOW DISK 1: [OK] DISK 0: [OK] ================================= Fan Bank : ---------- Bank Speed Status (0-255) ---- ----- ------ SYS 255 OK ================================= Power Supplies: --------------- Supply Status ------ ------ 1 OK: 560w 2 OK: 560w ================================= rsc> 四.GUI图形界面的启动 我只做了在sun主机上的启动,至于在windows客户端的使用,没有安装软件,预计是一样的。 4.1启动,进入目录 4.2输入用户和密码: 4.3Rsc的主画面 4.4服务器的状态和控制 4.5Rsc事件日志 4.6Rsc卡的配置 4.7以太网卡的配置 五,无法通过以太网链接rsc。 首先以root身份登录到系统中,检查rscadm status是否成功。如果状态正常,则可以断定rsc工作正常,但是以太网配置有问题。用rscadm show 命令来检查以太网的变量配置是否正确。 SUN280R# uname -i SUNW,Sun-Fire-280R SUN280R# pwd /usr/platform/SUNW,Sun-Fire-280R/rsc SUN280R# ./rscadm status RSC Version v2.2 RSC Bootmon Version: v2.0.0 RSC Bootmon checksum: D3865290 RSC Firmware Version: v2.2.1 RSC Build Release: 12 RSC firmware checksum: 71CA36DD RSC firmware built: Dec 13 2001, 12:01:32 RSC System Memory Size 8 MB RSC NVRAM Version = 4 RSC hardware type: 3 SUN280R# |
psailing 回复于:2003-07-03 10:08:16 |
谢谢: diag !!! 有问题向你多多请教!!! |
psailing 回复于:2003-07-03 10:49:26 |
能否讲解rcs工作原理? |
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