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RHCE and RHCT Frequently Asked Questions

发布: 2007-7-04 12:06 | 作者: admin | 来源:  网友评论 | 查看: 11次 | 进入软件测试论坛讨论

领测软件测试网 RHCE and RHCT Frequently Asked Questions

RHCE and RHCT Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Are the RHCE and RHCT Certification Exams open-book?
  2. I have heard the RHCE and RHCT Certification Exams described as "performance-based". What is meant by "performance-based" certification or "performance-based" testing?
  3. Why did Red Hat decide to make the RHCE and RHCT Certification Exams performance-based?
  4. What's the difference between the RHCT and RHCE certifications?
  5. If the RHCT competencies are included within the RHCE Certification Exam, can I earn RHCT if I don't pass RHCE?
  6. What is the structure of the RHCE Certification Exam and what is required to pass it?
  7. What is the structure of the RHCT Certification Exam and what is required to pass it?
  8. Why did Red Hat drop multiple choice from Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 and higher exams?
  9. When do I receive my official results after taking an exam?
  10. What does Red Hat report when it sends exam results?
  11. When do I get my certificate?
  12. Why doesn't Red Hat send a hard copy certificate?
  13. How often can I re-take the RHCE Exam?
  14. Can I cram for the RHCE or RHCT Certification Exams?
  15. How can I do self-paced study for the RHCE Exam? Are there books or self-paced book and CD kits that Red Hat recommends?
  16. What does Red Hat recommend to prepare for the RHCE Exam?
  17. For how long will my certification be considered current?
  18. What are the benefits of getting certified by Red Hat?
  19. What benefits of RHCE and RHCT are provided directly by Red Hat, and for how long?
  20. How do I get re-certified for a new release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux?
  21. When should I consider getting re-certified?
  22. Where can I take the RHCE Exam?
  23. Will training provided by other training vendors who are not Red Hat Certified Training Partners be useful preparation for RHCE?
  24. How does the standard track of skills courses (RH033, RH133, RH253) relate to the RH300 Rapid Track RHCE course?
  25. Will there be other certifications created by Red Hat?


文章来源于领测软件测试网 https://www.ltesting.net/

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