1.在测试中我们使用QTP调试脚本的时候一般就是DEBUG或者MSGBOX察看一些信息,其实有时候也可以使用print来实现批量的察看信息但是不影响程序运行. 运行脚本: a="100" print a ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2.取datatable特定行的数据可以这样使用 运行脚本: DataTable.GetSheet("Action1").GetParameter("test").ValueByRow(4) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3.Wait Seconds [, Milliseconds]可以精确到毫秒. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4.在自定义的function里面数组作为返回值. 运行脚本: circuit = "399937" Function trimString(circuit) Dim holdArray(5) holdArray(0) = Left(circuit, 2) holdArray(1) = Right(circuit, 2) msgbox holdArray(0) 'showed 39 trimString = holdArray' I get an out of range error here End Function dim myArray 'here I want to assign the return array to another array myArray = trimString(circuit) ' and then call one element from it msgbox myArray(1) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5.计算一个操作的时间. 运行脚本: Browser("Browser").Page("Page").Image("getRates").Click var_StartTime = Timer Browser("Browser").Page("Page").Sync Browser("Browser").Page("Page").Check CheckPoint("Check1") var_EndTime = Timer intRespTime = round ((var_EndTime - var_StartTime), 2 ) msgbox (intRespTime) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 6.取得指定sheet(datatable)的行数和列数(也可以理解为参数个数) paramcount = DataTable.GetSheet("Action1").GetParameterCount msgbox "There are " ¶mcount&"columns in the data sheet." rowcount = DataTable.GetSheet("Action1").GetRowCount msgbox "There are " &rowcount&"rows in the data sheet." |
文章来源于领测软件测试网 https://www.ltesting.net/