1. #mount /dev/dsk/c0t0d0 /cdrom
mount 成功,但文件名变为大写,后接 ;1
2. #nohup pfs_mountd & nohup pfsd & pfs_mount /dev/dsk/c0t0d0 /cdrom
NOTES:是张刻录的光盘,以前碰上过这种情况,上网查到解决方法,好像是mount 的方式不对,加上几个参数就好用了,现在记不起来了,望高手加以援手,在此拜谢~!!!
Janson-Chen 回复于:2005-02-23 17:24:19 |
第二种方法应该可以啊。 |
thecactus 回复于:2005-02-24 09:32:36 |
不成~要不,偶就不用法这个贴子了 |
chntopgun 回复于:2005-02-24 11:29:21 |
#nohup pfs_mountd &
# nohup pfsd & #pfs_mount -o nosuid -t rrip /dev/dsk/c0t0d0 /cdrom or #pfs_mount -t iso9660 -x no_version /dev/dsk/c0t0d0 /cdrom (pfs_mount还有不同的参数,如果还不行,再换参数试试) |
powerbat 回复于:2005-02-24 14:26:00 |
我记得这是个bug |
thecactus 回复于:2005-02-24 15:49:57 |
还是不成啊,大虾们,连光盘都拿不出来了 |
powerbat 回复于:2005-02-24 17:56:24 |
因为你的mount进程死了,重启机器吧,不然光驱弹不出来 |
zhaog918 回复于:2005-02-25 23:20:50 |
# mount -f cdfs /dev/c?t?d? /cdrom |
hpsupport 回复于:2005-02-26 22:26:53 |
#mount -o cdcase /dev/dsk/cXtXdX /mountpoint pfs_mount的命令建议不要用 |
thecactus 回复于:2005-02-28 16:55:52 |
#mount -o cdcase /dev/dsk/cxtxdx /mountpoint
这条命令是好用的,谢谢楼上,祝发财~ 望大家引以为鉴~! |
halted 回复于:2005-03-31 09:54:45 |
打patch可以解决这个问题 |
yy_lee8888 回复于:2005-03-31 12:17:40 |
学习中! |
halted 回复于:2005-03-31 17:07:34 |
高手!不过我这里有张更变态的盘,所有方法全是乱麻 |
david_y001 回复于:2005-04-10 20:22:01 |
#mount -o cdcase /dev/dsk/cXtXdX /mountpoint pfs_mount的命令建议不要用[/quote:2065320a4b] 强烈支持!!!!! |
jackyxing 回复于:2005-04-28 17:28:52 |
ls /dev/dsk
c0t0d0 c2t1d0 c4t10d0 c4t12d0 c4t2d0 c4t4d0 c4t9d0 c5t10d0 c5t12d0 c5t2d0 c5t4d0 c5t9d0 c2t0d0 c4t0d0 c4t11d0 c4t1d0 c4t3d0 c4t8d0 c5t0d0 c5t11d0 c5t1d0 c5t3d0 c5t8d0 # ls /dev/rmt 0m 0mn c3t1d0BEST c3t1d0BESTn stape_config 0mb 0mnb c3t1d0BESTb c3t1d0BESTnb 这两个目录下的设备有什么不同啊? 我把/dev/rmt/0m给替代了,怎么恢复啊?有没影响? |
zaochun_liyi 回复于:2005-04-30 14:02:51 |
[quote:680ea52d43="chntopgun"]#nohup pfs_mountd &
# nohup pfsd & #pfs_mount -o nosuid -t rrip /dev/dsk/c0t0d0 /cdrom or #pfs_mount -t iso9660 -x no_version /dev/dsk/c0t0d0 /cdrom (pfs_mount还有不同的参数,如果还不行,再换参数?.........[/quote:680ea52d43] 以前遇到过类似情况 刻录的 Veritas NetBackup 5.0 (企业级数据备份管理软件) for HP-UX 在 SuperDoom 小机上 也是乱码 拿到 Solaris 机器上没问题 原来是 Mount 的格式问题 解决方法:(Veritas NetBackup 安装文档) ▼ To mount the CD-ROM: 1. Login as[b:680ea52d43] root[/b:680ea52d43]. 2. Create the mount point (for example, [b:680ea52d43]# mkdir /cdrom[/b:680ea52d43]). 3. Enter: [b:680ea52d43]# nohup pfs_mountd &[/b:680ea52d43] 4. Enter: [b:680ea52d43]# nohup pfsd &[/b:680ea52d43] 5. Enter: [b:680ea52d43]# pfs_mount -o xlat=unix device_path mount_point[/b:680ea52d43] To find the device path, you can enter [b:680ea52d43]# ioscan -fn[/b:680ea52d43]. For example, to mount the CD-ROM using /cdrom as the mount point, you would enter: [b:680ea52d43]# pfs_mount -o xlat=unix /dev/rdsk/c3t2d0 /cdrom[/b:680ea52d43] Mounting a NetBackup CD-ROM ▼ To unmount the CD-ROM: 1. Enter: [b:680ea52d43]# pfs_umount mount_point[/b:680ea52d43] For example, to unmount the CD-ROM using /cdrom as the unmount point, you would enter: [b:680ea52d43]# pfs_umount /cdrom[/b:680ea52d43] 2. Use the kill command to kill the following processes: pfs_mountd pfsd pfs_mountd.rpc pfsd.rpc |
jianan 回复于:2005-04-30 17:30:22 |
fuser -kuc /cdrom
if command not effect,please reboot your system! |
hawkli 回复于:2005-05-09 13:49:41 |
使用mount -o cdcase 的方式mount成功,但是长文件名变成短文件名了,大小写也没了,感觉乱了。pfsmount又会死掉,还有什么办法呀。 |
flyfish_7777 回复于:2005-05-27 13:40:12 |
使用mount -o cdcase 的方式mount成功,但是长文件名变成短文件名了,大小写也没了,感觉乱了。pfsmount又会死掉。 请教楼上的找到解决的办法了吗?请告知!谢谢! |
 .netzh 回复于:2005-05-27 14:30:27 |
#mount -o rr /dev/dsk/cXtXdX /mountpoint |
waizi 回复于:2005-05-27 21:29:43 |
高手!! 各个参数都是什么意思呀?谢谢 |
singvey 回复于:2005-06-10 16:21:19 |
Converting File Names using CDFS Mount Options
CDFS supports several common CDROM formats: • the ISO9600 format • the High Sierra format • the ISO9660 Rockridge Extension format, though patches are required: on 11.11: PHKL_28025 and PHKL_26269 on 11.00: PHCO_26449, PHKL_26450, and PHKL_28060 By default, CDFS displays filenames using the standard 8.3;1 filename format that is popular in the PC world: # mount –o ro /dev/dsk/c0t1d0 /cdrom # ls /cdrom RUNINSTA.;1 INDEX.HTM;1 This format may be inconvenient in an HP-UX environment since the semicolon is used as a command separator in the POSIX shell. You can disable lowercase-to-uppercase filename translation, and suppress the display of version numbers by using the -o cdcase option: # mount –o ro,cdcase /dev/dsk/c0t1d0 /cdrom # ls /cdrom runinsta. index.htm If you install the ISO 9660 Rockridge Extension patches mentioned above and mount file systems with the rr mount option, CDFS provides even more flexibility. This option is required when dealing with CDs from Oracle and other third party vendors. # mount -F cdfs -o ro,cdcase,rr /dev/dsk/c0t1d0 /cdrom |
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