?br> Screen resolution can possibly be set in two ways, hardware and software.
Hardware: Some graphics adapters have a switch to set the screen resolution. Consult the adapter manual for the settings. This switch also affects refresh rates, which are all tabled in the adapter manual. If you have such a graphics board, this is the only way to affect screen resolution and refresh rate. Example: 4D20, probably the other 4D-series.
The Xdec knows of two switches: -screenX resolution and -vsyncX refresh. X is the screen number, for instance, -screen0.
resolution is any standard VESA resolution. For instance: -screen0 1024x768. Nonstandard resolutions are not supported. Default is chosen, if non-supported resolution is tried.
With -vsync, you can choose standard VESA refresh rates/timings. Nonstandard timings are not supported, default is chosen, if a non-working rate is given. Example: -vsync0 72.
-vsync is not documented in man Xdec. It is also not documented in X help output. -screen0 is very poorly documented, they say only "chooses resolution", that's it.
You can add these switches to the Xdec command line in any file, where the X is started. If you run CDE, the files is Xservers in /usr/dt/config. If you run some other window or session manager, the Xservers -file is located elsewhere.
Make sure these switches are on the end of your Xervers file:
-screen0 1280x1024
You can add the switches before the last :0 on the Xdec or X command line. Be sure to test the switches first, or you might end up with a character login console locked up by the Xserver trying to restart again and again. Better login through network or text terminal, kill xdm or dtlogin, start X manually and see, if the switches work. If they do, you can add them to the xdm or CDE startup file.
The first solution is to test which resolution works for you best by stopping X (/sbin/init.d/xlogin stop) and restarting it at a command line with the command line options. (/usr/bin/X11/X -screen0 1024x76

You can then set this in the Xconfig start up file /etc/dt/config/Xservers. There should be a line that looks something like:
:0 Local local@console /usr/bin/X11/X :0
Any switches go after the :0 at the end. Put in:
:0 Local local@console /usr/bin/X11/X :0 -screen0 1024x768"