The application crashed. 应用被碰撞。(程序崩溃)
The window should scroll downwards. Scrolled content should be selected. (Or, at least, the application should not crash.) 窗口应该移动向下。 应该选择移动的内容。 (或, 至少, 应用不应该碰撞。)
11/2/99 build on Mac OS (Checked Viewer & Apprunner) 11/2/99修造在Mac OS (被检查的观察者& Apprunner)
- Occurs On
Seamonkey (11/2/99 build on Windows NT 4.0)
- Doesn't Occur On
Seamonkey (11/4/99 build on Red Hat Linux; feature not supported) Internet Explorer 5.0 (RTM build on Windows NT 4.0)
Netscape Communicator 4.5 (RTM build on Mac OS)
(11/2/99修造在Seamonkey (基于windows NT 4.0)
-不发生在11/4/99Red Hat Linux; 特点没支持的) Internet Explorer 5.0 (RTM修造在windows NT 4.0)
Netscape Communicator 4.5 (RTM基于Mac OS)
Win32: if you receive a Dr. Watson error, please note the type of the crash, and the module that the application crashed in. (e.g. access violation in apprunner.exe)
Mac OS: if you're running MacsBug, please provide the results of a how and an sc.
Unix: please provide a minimized stack trace, which can be generated by typing gdb apprunner core into a shell prompt.
Win32: 如果您接受一个 Dr. Watson 错误, 请注意崩溃的型, 和模块, 应用碰撞了in. (即访问违例在apprunner.exe)
Mac OS: 如果你是在运行MacsBug, 请提供怎么和sc 的结果。
Unix: 请提供减到最小的栈检索, 可能由键入的gdb apprunner 核心引起入壳提示。
文章来源于领测软件测试网 https://www.ltesting.net/