1. A Project Manager is imst likely to have the strongest influence in an organizationtbat is:
A. Balanced Matrix
B. Functional
C. Projectized
D. Strong Matrix
2. Project Management processes are:
A. A series of actions bringing about a result
B. Concerned with describing and organizing the work of the project
C. Concerned wit specifying and creating the product
D. Broken into core and non-core processes
3. Executing processes are concerned with:
A. Recognizing that a project or phase should begin
B. Coordinating people and other resources to carry out the plan
C. Devising and maintaining a workable method to accomplish the business need that the project
was undertaken to address
D. Ensuring that the project objectives are met by monitoring and measuring progress
and taking corrective action when necessary
4. Controlling processes are concerned with:
A. Coordinating people and other resources to carry out the plan
B. Recognizing that a project or phase should begin
C. Ensuring that the project objectives are met by monitoring and measuring progress and
taking corrective action when necessary
D. Devising and maintaining a workable scheme to accomplish the business need that
the project was undertaken to address
5. A conplex project will fit best in what type of organization?
A. Functional
B. Cross-functional
C. Matrix
D. Balanced.
6. Core planning processes:
A. Include scope planning, cost planning, schedule planning and performance reporting
B. Provide a framework for the project
C. Are used to track the progress of a project
D. Have clear dependencies so they must be executed in essentially the same order on most
7. In a weak matrix organization, functional managers are usually responsible for:
A. Monitoring personnel performance
B. Approval for changes to the project schedule
C. Monitoring their project team member抯 deliverables
D. Changes that impact their team member~ participation
8. As a Project Manager onreplacing2 miles of sewer pipe part of your job is to determine if
there are cbanges to the scope of the project, the schedule, the budget and the
tecbnical requirements. These responsibilities are part of wbich process:
A. Executing
B. Controlling
C. Planning
D. Closing
9. You are one of four full-time project managers in an organization
You all sbare an administrative person There are generally 8-10 projects
per year tbat involve about 25% of the organization~ enployees, however,
these employees do not report to you. Your organization can best be classified as:
A. Functional
B. Strong matrix
C. Projectized
D. Balanced matrix
10. During the course of a project you have motivated team members, managed conflict,
performed personnel administrative functions and negotiated for more resources.
These are examples of:
A. General Management
B. Project Human Resource Management
C. Project Execution
D. A Projectized organization
11. You have been promoted to Manager, Continuous Process Improvement. Your new position:
A. Is a project because the work will be performed by people
B. Is not a project because Continuous Process Improvement will continue indefinitely
C. Is a project because it is constrained by limited resources
D. Is a project because improvements must be plained, executed, and controlled
12. Wbich of the following is not a Project Management knowledge area?
A. Project Quality Management
B. Project Procurement Management
C. Project Configuration Management
D. Project Risk Management
13. In a matrix organization, which of the following is not a responsibility of the project
A. Complete task definitions
B. Resource requirement definitions
C. Major timetable milestones
D. Personnel perfonmnce measurements
14.Of the following, which usually exhibits the slowest rate of change?
A. People
B. Technology
C. Organizations
D. The Environment
15.The state of being totally answerable for the satisfactory completion of a
specific assignment is called:
A. Authority
B. Accountability
C. Responsibility
D. Fiduciary
16. During the planning phase of your current project, you prepare a detailed
financial plan. For this process, you are using:
A. A general imnagement skill
B. An industry specific skill
C. A skill that is common to general management and project management
D. A project management skill
17. You are responsible for the communication controls for the Genesis series of satellites.
Your current assignment is:
A. Project management
B. Functional management
C. Facility management
D. Program management
18. Which of the following knowledge areas are part of Project Closure?
A. Communications
B. Scope
C. Cost
D. Human Resources
19. The process of detemuining who needs what infonnttion,
when they need it, and how it will be given to them is:
A. Information distribution
B. Communications requirements
C. Communications planning
D. Communications management
20. Communication planning is most ti~tly linked with what process:
A. Cost estimating
B. Organizational planning
C. Cost budgeting
D. Performance reporting
21. Which of the following is not a technology factor that may affect the
project communications plan:
A. Immediacy of the need for the information
B. Length of the project
C. Expected project staffing
D. Logistics of how many individuals will be involved with
the project and at what locations
22. Where is the bulk of the project budget spent?
A. Scope management
B. Production
C. Labor and materials
D. Project plan execution
23. Which of the following is not a type of performance reporting:
A. Status reporting
B. Progress reporting
C. Forecasting
D. Benchmark reporting
24. Which tool and technique integrates scope, cost and schedule in measuring project
A. Variance analysis
B. Earned value
C. Trend analysis
D. Performance report
25. Inputs to Administrative Closure include all of the following except:
A. Perfonmnce measurement documentation
B. Other project records
C. Documentation of the product
D. Project archives
26. Which equation correctly illustrates the cost variance of a project, in cunency?
27.You are approximately 30% through your project and the sponsor wants a forecast of the final
budget based on what has already been spent. You create an S curve chart display of what kind
of perfonmnce report:
A. Earned value
B. Trend analysis
C. Variance analysis
D. Cost distribution curve
28. At 40% through your project you have a BCWS of ,000 and a BCWP of ,000. Your
project is:
A. Ahead of schedule
B. Behind schedule
C. A positive cost variance
D. A negative cost variance
29. In preparing for a team meeting you want to let the team know how they are doing on the
project schedule over all. You calculate the task achievements as follows: planning has a BCWS
of ,000 and a BCWP of ,000, testing has a BCWS of,000 and BCWP of,000, and
design has a BCWS of ,000 and a BCWP of ,000. As a whole your project is:
A. 15% ahead of schedule
B. 15% behind schedule
C. 15% ahead of schedule, but over budget
D. 15% behind schedule and budget
30. In order to let the project sponsor know the percentage of cost variance of
your project, you calculate:
31. As the project manager, you chair a weekly exchange of information meeting among team
This is an example ofcommunicationthat is:
A. Internal, formal, and horizontal
B. External, informal, and vertical
C. Oral, internal, and informal
D. Oral, external, and formal
32. Manual filing systems, electronic text databases, and project management
soflware that allow team members to share information about the project are exanples of
A. A communication management plan
B. An information retrieval system
C. An information distribution system
D. A project management information system
33. During project team formation and during the early phases of a project, the most common
source of conflict within the project teamis likely to be:
A. Schedules
B. Priorities
C. Technical opinions
D. Cost
34. During execution of a project, the most common source of conflict within the project team
is likely to be:
A. Schedules
B. Priorities
C. Technical opinions
D. Cost
35.Of the following, which conThct resolution strategy is likely to yield the most productive
A. Withdrawing
B. Forcing
C. Compromising
D. Collaborating
36. During execution of your project plan, you discover that a task team is unaware that
deliverables from another task will be late, holding up their o~ progress.
As a result you should:
A. Revise the project schedule
B. Revise the project budget
C. Revise the communication plan
D. Revise the quality plan
37. In assigning your new project to you, the programmanager tells you that this is a
very high visibility project and that executive management will be following your
progress very closely with particular interest in use of the pyrotechnics that
will be involved. This infonmtion is valuable input for your:
A. Risk management plan
B. Communication management plan
C. Scope management plan
D. Technical specification
38. The Communication Management Plan provides all of the following except:
A. A collection and filing structure for project information
B. Communication barriers
C. A distribution structure for project information
D. Project communication schedules
39. Life-Cycle Costing is:
A. The concept of including acquisition, operating, and disposal costs when
evaluating various alternatives
B. Considers the information needs of the stakeholders
C. The term used on smaller projects when all the components ofProject Cost
Management are viewed as a single process
D. Used to estimate the life of the product
40. The two phases used in Project Cost Management are:
A. Planning and executing
B. Executing and controlling
C. Planning and close out
D. Controlling and planning
(1) ANS: C Reference: PMBOK 2.3.3
(2) ANS: B Reference: PMBOK 3.1
(3) ANS: B
Reference: PMBOK 3.3.3
(4) ANS: C
Reference: PMBOK 3.2
(5) ANS: C
Reference: PMBOK 2.3.1
(6) ANS: D
Reference: PMBOK 3.3.2
(7) ANS: A
Reference: PMBOK 2.3.3
(8) ANS: B
Reference: PMBOK 3.3.4
(9) ANS: D
Reference: PMBOK 2.3.3
(10) ANS: A
Reference: PMBOK 2.4
(11) ANS: B
Reference: PMBOK 1.2
(12) ANS: C
Reference: PMBOK 1.3.2
(13) ANS: D
Reference: Project Management:
(14) ANS: A
Reference: Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduing, and Controlling, 7th Edition P.33
(15) ANS: B
Reference: Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduing, and Controlling, 7th Edition p.97
(16)ANS: C Reference: PMBOK 1.4
(17)ANS: D Reference: PMBOK 1.5
(18)ANS: A Reference: PMBOK 10.4 and Figure 3-7
(19)ANS: C Reference: PMBOK 10.1
(20)ANS: B Reference: PMBOK 10.1
(21) ANS: D
Reference: PMBOK
(22) ANS: D
Reference: PMBOK 4.2
(23)ANS: D
Reference: PMBOK 10.3
(24)ANS: B
Reference: PMBOK
(25)ANS: D
Reference: PMBOK 10.4.1
(26) ANS: A
Reference: PMBOK Figure 10-3,
(27) ANS: B
Reference: PMBOK 10.3.2
(28)ANS: B
Reference: PMBOK
(29) ANS: A
Reference: PMBOK
(30) ANS: C
Reference: PMBOK
(31)ANS: C
Reference: PMBOK
(32)ANS: B
Reference: PMBOK
(33) ANS: B
Reference: Project Management: A Managerial Approach, 2000 p.259
(34)ANS: A
Reference: Project Management: A Managerial Approach, 2000 p.236
(35)ANS: D
Reference: Human Resource Skills for the Project Manager: The Human Aspects of Project Management pp. 117- 119
(36) ANS: C
Reference: PMBOK
(37) ANS: B
Reference: PMBOK
(38) ANS: B
Reference: PMBOK
(39) ANS: A
Reference: PMBOK Glossary
(40) ANS: D
Reference: PMBOK Figures 3-5, 3-7 and 7-1
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