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VBS、ASP代码语法加亮显示的类 (二)

发布: 2007-6-30 18:56 | 作者: admin | 来源: | 查看: 13次 | 进入软件测试论坛讨论

领测软件测试网 <!--#include file="token.asp"-->
<% ‘’ *************************************************************************
‘’ This is all test/example code showing the calling syntax of the
‘’ cBuffer class ... the interface to the cBuffer object is quite simple.
‘’ Use it for reference ... delete it ... whatever.
‘’ *************************************************************************

REM This is a rem type comment just for testing purposes!

‘’ This variable will hold an instance of the cBuffer class
Dim objBuffer

‘’ Set up the error handling
On Error Resume Next

‘’ create the instance of the cBuffer class
Set objBuffer = New cBuffer
‘’ Set the PathToFile property of the cBuffer class
‘’ Just for kicks we‘’ll use the asp file that we created
‘’ in the last installment of this article series for testing purposes
objBuffer.PathToFile = "../081899/random.asp"   ‘’这是文件名啦。

‘’ Here‘’s an example of how to add a new keyword to the keyword array
‘’ You could add a list of your own function names, variables or whatever...cool!
‘’ NOTE: You can add different HTML formatting if you like, the <strong>
‘’ attribute will applied to all keywords ... this is likely to change
‘’ in the near future.
‘’objBuffer.AddKeyword "response.write", "<font color=Red>Response.Write</font>"
‘’ Here are examples of changing the table background color, code color,
‘’ comment color, string color and tab space properties
‘’objBuffer.TableBGColor = "LightGrey" ‘’ or
‘’objBuffer.TableBGColor = "#ffffdd" ‘’ simple right?
‘’objBuffer.CodeColor = "Red"
‘’objBuffer.CommentColor = "Orange"
‘’objBuffer.StringColor = "Purple"
‘’objBuffer.TabSpaces = "  "
‘’ Call the ParseFile method of the cBuffer class, pass it true if you want the
‘’ HTML contained in the page output or false if you don‘’t
objBuffer.ParseFile False   ‘’注意:显示代码的response.write已经在class中。这里调用方法就可以了。

‘’ Check for errors that may have been raised and write them out
If Err.number <> 0 Then
    Response.Write Err.number & ":" & Err.description & ":" & Err.source & "<br>"
End If

‘’ Output the processing time and number of lines processed by the script
Response.Write "<strong>Processing Time:</strong> " & objBuffer.ProcessingTime & " seconds<br>"
Response.Write "<strong>Lines Processed:</strong> " & objBuffer.LineCount & "<br>"    

‘’ Destroy the instance of our cBuffer class
Set objBuffer = Nothing

文章来源于领测软件测试网 https://www.ltesting.net/

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