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RFC53 - Official protocol mechanism

发布: 2007-6-23 14:09 | 作者:   | 来源:   | 查看: 12次 | 进入软件测试论坛讨论


  Network Working Group S. Crocker
Request for Comments #53 UCLA
9 June 70

An Official Protocol Mechanism

During the Spring Joint Computer Conference in Atlantic City, Larry

Roberts, Barry Wessler, Cordell Green, Jon Postel and I discussed rules
for establishing and modifying an official Host-Host protocol.

The following decisions were made:

1. A new set of documents will be created. This set of
documents will specify the official Host-Host protocol. When
it becomes appropriate, these documents will be maintained at
the Network Information Center on SRI's computer.

2. I will distribute proposals for the initial version of the
official protocol and all subsequent changes as NWG/RFC's.
These proposals will be formulated from suggestions made by
any interested parties.

3. After a proposal for a change in the official protocol
has been issued as an NWG/RFC,.networkers are requested to
respond with approval, criticism, etc. A cutoff date will be
included with each protocol.

4. After the cutoff date, one of two situations will prevail.
Either the proposal will have been substantially accepted by
the network community, or substantial criticism will have been
generated. In the latter case, the process stops and no
change occurs to the official protocol.

5. If the proposal has been substantially accepted, the
proposal, together with its minor revisions will be forwarded
to the ARPA office. Barry Wessler or his successor will then
either approve or disapprove the whole proposal. His decision
will be returned to me by letter.

6. After the ARPA office approves the proposal, I will send
out the new protocol (as mentioned in item 1 above).

The first version of an official protocol will be proferred this month.

[ This RFCwas put into machine readable form for entry ]
[ into the online RFCarchives by Kathy de Graaf 2/98 ]

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