1 将VMS安装光盘放入光驱中,启动机器至CONSOLE界面下, >>>sh dev (列出外设名)
2 >>>BO DKA500 (从光盘引导至安装菜单), 安装菜单有1-8个选项,在提示行下输入1,即upgrade;install or reconfigure,open vms alpha version v7.2-1该项。
3 以下是每次输入后的提示行
do you want to initialize or to preserve? Initialize (安装系统前先格式化装系统的硬盘)
4 enter device name for target disk(?) ? (输入?列出可安装的目标硬盘)
选中一块磁盘作系统盘, 输入盘名,如DKA0
5 do you want to keep this label?(yes/no) yes
is this ok ? yes (是否保持原先设好的LABEL,否则再设定一个做为该盘的LABEL)
password for system account:******** (password 至少8个字符)
re-enter system password for verification:********
6 will this system be a member of openvms cluster? (yes/no) no (是否为CLUSTER成员)
7 will this system be an instance in an openvms galaxy (yes/no) no
8 do you want to install decwindows motif for openvms alpha v1.2-5 ? yes (安装CDE桌面图形环境)
9 do you want to install decent-plus for openvms alpha v7.2-1? Yes (安装DECNET软件)
do you want to install digital tcp/ip services for openvms v5.0-10? Yes (安装TCP/IP
enter scsnode: (主机节点名)
10 select the number above that host repnesents the lesined time zone :25 (时区为RPC)
is this correct? Yes
is daylight savings time in effect ? yes
enter the TIME Differential factor [9:00]
is this correct? Yes
11 do you want to register any product authorization regs? Yes (登记license)
enter one of the above choices [1]: (进入菜单后选1开始登记license)
do you have your product authorization reg ? yes
以下分别输入3个license 包括网络license, WINDOWS桌面license, SYSTEM license
12 do you always want detailed descrippions? No
do you want the defaults for all options? Yes (默认系统参数)
do you want to review the options? No
若第9步安装DECNET时,选yes,则系统安装的是DECNET5.0版本,否则系统装完后,自动退到菜单选项,选3安装layer product 软件后输入DECNET产品号和许可证号。
安装完毕后 (输入99)退出重启
文章来源于领测软件测试网 https://www.ltesting.net/