//clear it out in case someone sets it in the URL or something
create table user (
user_id int not null auto_increment primary key,
user_name text,
real_name text,
email text,
password text,
remote_addr text,
confirm_hash text,
is_confirmed int not null default 0
function user_isloggedin() {
global $user_name,$id_hash,$hidden_hash_var,$LOGGED_IN;
//have we already run the hash checks?
//If so, return the pre-set var
if (isset($LOGGED_IN)) {
return $LOGGED_IN;
if ($user_name && $id_hash) {
if ($hash == $id_hash) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
} else {
return false;
function user_login($user_name,$password) {
global $feedback;
if (!$user_name || !$password) {
$feedback .= @# ERROR - Missing user name or password @#;
return false;
} else {
$sql="SELECT * FROM user WHERE user_name=@#$user_name@# AND password=@#". md5($password) ."@#";
if (!$result || db_numrows($result) < 1){
$feedback .= @# ERROR - User not found or password incorrect @#;
return false;
} else {
if (db_result($result,0,@#is_confirmed@#) == @#1@#) {
$feedback .= @# SUCCESS - You Are Now Logged In @#;
return true;
} else {
$feedback .= @# ERROR - You haven\@#t Confirmed Your Account Yet @#;
return false;
function user_logout() {
function user_set_tokens($user_name_in) {
global $hidden_hash_var,$user_name,$id_hash;
if (!$user_name_in) {
$feedback .= @# ERROR - User Name Missing When Setting Tokens @#;
return false;
$id_hash= md5($user_name.$hidden_hash_var);
function user_confirm($hash,$email) {
Call this function on the user confirmation page,
which they arrive at when the click the link in the
account confirmation email
global $feedback,$hidden_hash_var;
//verify that they didn@#t tamper with the email address
if ($new_hash && ($new_hash==$hash)) {
//find this record in the db
$sql="SELECT * FROM user WHERE confirm_hash=@#$hash@#";
if (!$result || db_numrows($result) < 1) {
$feedback .= @# ERROR - Hash Not Found @#;
return false;
} else {
//confirm the email and set account to active
$feedback .= @# User Account Updated - You Are Now Logged In @#;
$sql="UPDATE user SET email=@#$email@#,is_confirmed=@#1@# WHERE confirm_hash=@#$hash@#";
return true;
} else {
$feedback .= @# HASH INVALID - UPDATE FAILED @#;
return false;
function user_change_password ($new_password1,$new_password2,$change_user_name,$old_password) {
global $feedback;
//new passwords present and match?
if ($new_password1 && ($new_password1==$new_password2)) {
//is this password long enough?
if (account_pwvalid($new_password1)) {
//all vars are present?
if ($change_user_name && $old_password) {
//lower case everything
$sql="SELECT * FROM user WHERE user_name=@#$change_user_name@# AND password=@#". md5($old_password) ."@#";
if (!$result || db_numrows($result) < 1) {
$feedback .= @# User not found or bad password @#.db_error();
return false;
} else {
$sql="UPDATE user SET password=@#". md5($new_password1). "@# ".
"WHERE user_name=@#$change_user_name@# AND password=@#". md5($old_password). "@#";
if (!$result || db_affected_rows($result) < 1) {
$feedback .= @# NOTHING Changed @#.db_error();
return false;
} else {
$feedback .= @# Password Changed @#;
return true;
} else {
$feedback .= @# Must Provide User Name And Old Password @#;
return false;
} else {
$feedback .= @# New Passwords Doesn\@#t Meet Criteria @#;
return false;
} else {
return false;
$feedback .= @# New Passwords Must Match @#;
function user_lost_password ($email,$user_name) {
global $feedback,$hidden_hash_var;
if ($email && $user_name) {
$sql="SELECT * FROM user WHERE user_name=@#$user_name@# AND email=@#$email@#";
if (!$result || db_numrows($result) < 1) {
//no matching user found
$feedback .= @# ERROR - Incorrect User Name Or Email Address @#;
return false;
} else {
//create a secure, new password
//update the database to include the new password
$sql="UPDATE user SET password=@#". md5($new_pass) ."@# WHERE user_name=@#$user_name@#";
//send a simple email with the new password
mail ($email,@#Password Reset@#,@#Your Password @#.
@#has been reset to: @#.$new_pass,@#From: noreply@company.com@#);
$feedback .= @# Your new password has been emailed to you. @#;
return true;
} else {
$feedback .= @# ERROR - User Name and Email Address Are Required @#;
return false;
function user_change_email ($password1,$new_email,$user_name) {
global $feedback,$hidden_hash_var;
if (validate_email($new_email)) {
//change the confirm hash in the db but not the email -
//send out a new confirm email with a new hash
$sql="UPDATE user SET confirm_hash=@#$hash@# WHERE user_name=@#$user_name@# AND password=@#". md5($password1) ."@#";
if (!$result || db_affected_rows($result) < 1) {
$feedback .= @# ERROR - Incorrect User Name Or Password @#;
return false;
} else {
$feedback .= @# Confirmation Sent @#;
return true;
} else {
$feedback .= @# New Email Address Appears Invalid @#;
return false;
function user_send_confirm_email($email,$hash) {
Used in the initial registration function
as well as the change email address function
$message = "Thank You For Registering at PHPBuilder.com".
"\nSimply follow this link to confirm your registration: ".
"\n\nhttp://www.phpbuilder.com/account/confirm.php?hash=$hash&email=". urlencode($email).
"\n\nOnce you confirm, you can use the services on PHPBuilder.";
mail ($email,@#PHPBuilder Registration Confirmation@#,$message,@#From: noreply@phpbuilder.com@#);
function user_register($user_name,$password1,$password2,$email,$real_name) {
global $feedback,$hidden_hash_var;
//all vars present and passwords match?
if ($user_name && $password1 && $password1==$password2 && $email && validate_email($email)) {
//password and name are valid?
if (account_namevalid($user_name) && account_pwvalid($password1)) {
//does the name exist in the database?
$sql="SELECT * FROM user WHERE user_name=@#$user_name@#";
if ($result && db_numrows($result) > 0) {
$feedback .= @# ERROR - USER NAME EXISTS @#;
return false;
} else {
//create a new hash to insert into the db and the confirmation email
$sql="INSERT INTO user (user_name,real_name,password,email,remote_addr,confirm_hash,is_confirmed) ".
"VALUES (@#$user_name@#,@#$real_name@#,@#". md5($password1) ."@#,@#$email@#,@#$GLOBALS[REMOTE_ADDR]@#,@#$hash@#,@#0@#)";
if (!$result) {
$feedback .= @# ERROR - @#.db_error();
return false;
} else {
//send the confirm email
$feedback .= @# Successfully Registered. You Should Have a Confirmation Email Waiting @#;
return true;
} else {
$feedback .= @# Account Name or Password Invalid @#;
return false;
} else {
$feedback .= @# ERROR - Must Fill In User Name, Matching Passwords, And Provide Valid Email Address @#;
return false;
function user_getid() {
global $G_USER_RESULT;
//see if we have already fetched this user from the db, if not, fetch it
if (!$G_USER_RESULT) {
$G_USER_RESULT=db_query("SELECT * FROM user WHERE user_name=@#" . user_getname() . "@#");
if ($G_USER_RESULT && db_numrows($G_USER_RESULT) > 0) {
return db_result($G_USER_RESULT,0,@#user_id@#);
} else {
return false;
function user_getrealname() {
global $G_USER_RESULT;
//see if we have already fetched this user from the db, if not, fetch it
if (!$G_USER_RESULT) {
$G_USER_RESULT=db_query("SELECT * FROM user WHERE user_name=@#" . user_getname() . "@#");
if ($G_USER_RESULT && db_numrows($G_USER_RESULT) > 0) {
return db_result($G_USER_RESULT,0,@#real_name@#);
} else {
return false;
function user_getemail() {
global $G_USER_RESULT;
//see if we have already fetched this user from the db, if not, fetch it
if (!$G_USER_RESULT) {
$G_USER_RESULT=db_query("SELECT * FROM user WHERE user_name=@#" . user_getname() . "@#");
if ($G_USER_RESULT && db_numrows($G_USER_RESULT) > 0) {
return db_result($G_USER_RESULT,0,@#email@#);
} else {
return false;
function user_getname() {
if (user_isloggedin()) {
return $GLOBALS[@#user_name@#];
} else {
//look up the user some day when we need it
return @# ERROR - Not Logged In @#;
function account_pwvalid($pw) {
global $feedback;
if (strlen($pw) < 6) {
$feedback .= " Password must be at least 6 characters. ";
return false;
return true;
function account_namevalid($name) {
global $feedback;
// no spaces
if (strrpos($name,@# @#) > 0) {
$feedback .= " There cannot be any spaces in the login name. ";
return false;
// must have at least one character
if (strspn($name,"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ") == 0) {
$feedback .= "There must be at least one character.";
return false;
// must contain all legal characters
if (strspn($name,"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789-_")
!= strlen($name)) {
$feedback .= " Illegal character in name. ";
return false;
// min and max length
if (strlen($name) < 5) {
$feedback .= " Name is too short. It must be at least 5 characters. ";
return false;
if (strlen($name) > 15) {
$feedback .= "Name is too long. It must be less than 15 characters.";
return false;
// illegal names
if (eregi("^((root)|(bin)|(daemon)|(adm)|(lp)|(sync)|(shutdown)|(halt)|(mail)|(news)"
. "|(uucp)|(operator)|(games)|(mysql)|(httpd)|(nobody)|(dummy)"
. "|(www)|(cvs)|(shell)|(ftp)|(irc)|(debian)|(ns)|(download))$",$name)) {
$feedback .= "Name is reserved.";
return 0;
if (eregi("^(anoncvs_)",$name)) {
$feedback .= "Name is reserved for CVS.";
return false;
return true;
function validate_email ($address) {
return (ereg(@#^-!}
文章来源于领测软件测试网 https://www.ltesting.net/