Author: abraham
Subject: The OS400 Command interface is EXCELLENT, but coukd be improved
Date Posted: 02/12/2004
Some ideas how to improve OS400 + RPG without much investment, and almost without reeducating the OS400 Community.
1. The Command interface of OS400 is very OBJECT ORIENTED. It is an excelent tool that does not exist in any other languge ! It looks like tha IBM is trying to abando ro to kill it. It stopped any improvements to it. Also many New API's Do not hav a command interface. Java Language and RPG procedures do not have it either.
2. If there is a Program or procedure with many parameters, there is no easy way to use it, unless You have a command interface. The Same is true with JAVA.
Imagine if we would not have a command interface for the command CPYF, it would be Awful to use it. Try to write a JAVA been that woud do the samr as CPYF and use it (?!)
3 But there are some shortcomings to the command interface than IBM could easy fix it. Because of theese shortcomings it is not used as much un user programs. Here are some suggestion how to improve it:
3-1 Every parameter needs to be defined twice (once in the Program and another time in the command). Need a way to define it only once. (like an option on a prototype or LIST to create a command automatically.
3-2 There is no command interface for procedure calls. And since IBM is encouraging to leave CALL-PARM and work with procedures instead, they are actually killing the command Interface.
3-3 There is an easy way to convert the Command to be GUI automatically. ( Example: Mutually exclusive parameter options would be converted to RADIO BUTTONS, ETC...)
3-4 Improve Command Interface to search command parameters by part of keyword or descriptions. (Try to find one of the parameters of the command CHGSPLFA or CPYF)
3-5 Need a way to be able to search command HELP by part of keyword or descriptions.
3-6 Ability to retrieve Command Parameter Options with the click on the screen without the need to type. (If it is GUI - CLICK of a MOUSE).
3-7 Ability to call commands directly from within an RPG or cobol program Without the use of QCMEDXC.
I thinK If IBM accepts al this suggestions it would put a big step FORWARD the ISERIES and OS400
michael9406 回复于:2004-02-18 23:08:18 |
but one friend told me that IBM stop develop the RPG/RPGLE... they said all function is enough. |