SCO OpenServer支持Versioning Filesystems(undelete),但是缺省却没有打开此项功能,下面是具体细节:
1) scoadmin中选择Hardware/Kernel Manager,选择Filesystem configuration,
2) 重新编译(Relink)内核;
3) 重新启动服务器;
4) 启用Undelete,针对需要设置undelete的目录(例如:/u/data)
undelete -s /u/data
5) 为了察看Versioned情况,设置以下环境变量:
6) 用文件察看命令察看Versioned的文件,可以根据需要恢复删除或覆盖的文件。
undelete supports the following options:
If the -l, -p, -s, -u and -v options are not specified, undelete recovers the specified files.
print a listing of all versions of the specified file(s)
purge (permanently delete) specified source file(s)
turn the version attribute on for the specified directories and its subsequent child directories
turn the version attribute off for the specified directories
force the specified file(s) to be versioned
The following additional options are recognized:
normally, if the specified file is a directory, undelete will operate on the files contained in that directory. If this option is specified, undelete operates on the directory itself.
NOTE: undelete does not work on directories that are mounted.
undelete will prompt for confirmation prior to recovering a file that will overwrite the current version of the file. A y answer means that the undeletion should proceed. Any other answer prevents undelete from undeleting the file.
undelete will recover the file(s) without prompting even if it is overwriting over an existing current version of the file. This option overrides the -i option. Note that this is the default if the standard input is not a terminal.
undelete will operate recursively on any directories in the argument list. Symbolic links that are encountered with this option will not be traversed.
-m [+-]days
undelete will only consider files that were deleted less than ( - , greater than ( +  or exactly (neither - nor +  days ago.
flybirdxp 回复于:2002-12-14 17:26:54 |
不错,建议大家都来看一下; 没有这么用过,不知道好不好用,大家评论一下。 |
rainbowzhou 回复于:2002-12-14 17:30:40 |
这种功能说有用就有用,没用就没用,因为会备份的基本上不会需要,而且基本上不会出错,有用的人,就算有这个功能照样会丢失文件。 |
spirit 回复于:2002-12-15 10:15:26 |
不错啊,我马上试一下 |
yeungxl 回复于:2002-12-16 09:15:24 |
spirit,你试的结果如何呀? rainbowzhou,估计你是在大单位工作, 所有的安全措施做的很足,很可能还有 在线备份。我是看了 贴子才有感而写的。 |
htldm 回复于:2002-12-16 09:36:54 |
我马上试 |
hasjing 回复于:2002-12-16 12:47:18 |
很好! |
cgweb 回复于:2002-12-23 18:00:07 |
我是新手, 我在kardware/kernel manager中找了半天也没找到filesystem configuration 为什么没有 请指教. |
lcz88990200 回复于:2002-12-23 18:14:48 |
kardware/kernel manager中找了半天也没找到filesystem configuration 我在sco 5.05中也没找到 |
sensir 回复于:2002-12-23 19:00:05 |
我认为对于我们专业的技术人来说,UNIX下的反删除功能基本上是没意义的,关键还是要有谨慎的态度,譬如在删除之前我们完全应该而且也可以作出这样的确认: “我该不该这样做?在这样做之前我还应该做些什么?” |
babycat 回复于:2002-12-27 16:41:47 |
1. scoadmin 2. select hardware 3. select parameters (which is on the right hand side) 4. selete item 10 Good luck |
lcz88990200 回复于:2002-12-27 17:01:09 |
[quote][b]下面引用由[u]babycat[/u]在 [i]2002/12/27 04:41pm[/i] 发表的内容:[/b] 1. scoadmin 2. select hardware 3. select parameters (which is on the right hand side) 4. selete item 10 ... [/quote] 试过吗 |
昂居车 回复于:2002-12-27 17:03:04 |
有点意思 |
山地獾 回复于:2002-12-27 17:03:13 |
我宁愿不知道这条命令的存在。 |
lcz88990200 回复于:2002-12-27 17:09:13 |
没多大用处 |
yeungxl 回复于:2002-12-27 19:29:23 |
[quote][b]下面引用由[u]山地獾[/u]在 [i]2002/12/27 05:03pm[/i] 发表的内容:[/b] 我宁愿不知道这条命令的存在。 [/quote] Why? 我发此贴只是不想使用SCO OpenServer的小公司的兄弟们 再为误删除文件而痛心疾首而已. 对于帖子中调整内核参数的相关命令,由于我只在5.0.4版 本下试过所以对5.0.4以上版本引起的不能操作只能表示 遗憾. BTW:SCO离我的生活越来越远了.新的东西我是没有机会接触 了. |
lcz88990200 回复于:2002-12-27 19:33:54 |
呵呵,你发的这篇贴子是不错的,可很少人想用它 |
yeungxl 回复于:2002-12-27 19:52:37 |
[quote][b]下面引用由[u]lcz88990200[/u]在 [i]2002/12/27 07:33pm[/i] 发表的内容:[/b] 呵呵,你发的这篇贴子是不错的,可很少人想用它 [/quote] 在SCO下有一个SPY系统,在5.0.4上我试过, 当时将一个同事吓坏了,没有人操作终端, 应用系统怎么会自动运行?她不知道我 安装了SPY系统. 该系统在tls604.tar.Z中,可以察看任意 telnet用户的操作,并可以在控制台控制 该终端,好像在终端上直接按键一样.感觉 比较好玩,就不知在5.0.4版本以上可不可 以用. |