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发布: 2008-2-25 15:20 | 作者: 张爱生 | 来源: tech.ddvip.com | 查看: 97次 | 进入软件测试论坛讨论

领测软件测试网 13. 属性和代码如下:

    1. wroot_dw_query属性:

    X = 9 Y = 1132 Width = 2912 Height = 712
    Visible = true Enabled = true TitleBar = true Title = "定位查询"
    ControlMenu = true Border = true WindowType = response! WindowState = normal!
    BackColor = 79741120

    2. 窗口实例变量:

    Boolean ib_changed
    Long MaxEditRow = 1
    String sWhere, oldsql, orisql, is_title, is_section = 'WhereClause'
    DataWindow dw_result,dw_detail
    pfc_n_cst_string inv_string
    string sSyntax

    注释:a.pfc_n_cst_string 为PFC用户对象。

    3. 窗口事件代码:

    3.1 close 事件:


    3.2 open 事件:


    integer i, row, li_where_row = 10
    string tmp
    str_result_column lstr_1
    // 成员adw_column指在本窗口查询条件所要显示的dw
    lstr_1 = Message.PowerObjectParm
    dw_result = lstr_1.adw_result
    dw_detail = lstr_1.adw_column
    if isnull(dw_result) or not isvalid(dw_result) then return
    if isnull(lstr_1.adw_column) or not isvalid(lstr_1.adw_column) then return
    window act_w
    x = act_w.x + 8
    y = act_w.y + act_w.height - height+258
    width = act_w.width
    cb_exec.x=width - cb_exec.width -80
    cb_exit.x=width - cb_exec.width -80
    dw_where.Width = width - 2 * dw_where.X - cb_exec.width -100
    dw_column.visible = False
    wf_setcolumn(lstr_1.adw_column, dw_column)
    //orisql = dw_result.Object.DataWindow.Table.Select //原始语法,close中用.
    orisql = dw_result.GetSqlSelect() //上句对CrossTab无效
    oldsql = lower(orisql)
    For i = 1 to li_where_row
    datawindowchild dwc
    For i = 1 to dw_column.RowCount()
    tmp = dw_column.GetItemString(i,1)
    row = dwc.InsertRow(0)
    window w_parent
    if dw_result.GetParent().typeof() = window! then
    w_parent = dw_result.GetParent()
    is_title = w_parent.title
    is_title = dw_result.DataObject
    end if
    ib_changed = True
    row = 0
    tmp = ''
    is_title = gnv_app.is_regkey + '\' + is_title + '\' + scname
    For i = 1 to li_where_row
    RegistryGet(is_title, is_section + String(i), RegString!, tmp)
    //tmp = ProfileString(sinifile,is_title,"WhereClause" + string(i),"")
    if tmp <> "" and (Not IsNull(tmp)) then
    //SetProfileString(sinifile,is_title,"WhereClause" + string(i),"")
    RegistrySet(is_title, is_section + String(i), RegString!, '')
    row ++
    dw_where.object.data[row,1] = inv_string.of_gettoken(tmp, ",")
    dw_where.object.data[row,2] = inv_string.of_gettoken(tmp, ",")
    dw_where.object.data[row,3] = inv_string.of_gettoken(tmp, ",")
    dw_where.object.data[row,4] = inv_string.of_gettoken(tmp, ",")
    dw_where.object.data[row,5] = inv_string.of_gettoken(tmp, ",")
    dw_where.object.data[row,6] = inv_string.of_gettoken(tmp, ",")
    end if
    MaxEditRow = row // MaxEditRow 为dw_where中当前已编辑过的最大行的行号.实例变量.
    If MaxEditRow = 0 Then MaxEditRow = 1

文章来源于领测软件测试网 https://www.ltesting.net/

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