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发布: 2008-2-18 14:05 | 作者: 希赛网 | 来源: 希赛网 | 查看: 141次 | 进入软件测试论坛讨论


   The purpose of a network firewall is to provide a shell around the network which will protect the systems connected to the network from various threats.The types of threats a firewall can protect against include:
    Unauthorized access to network resources—an intruder may break into a host on the network and gain unauthorized access to files.
    Denial of service—an individual from outside of the network could,for example,send thousands of mail messages to a host on the net in an attempt to fill available disk space or load the network links[1].
   Masquerading—electronic mail appearing to have originated from one individual could have been forged by another with the intent to embarrass or cause harm[2].
  A firewall can reduce risks to network systems by filtering out inherently insecure network services.Network File System(NFS)services,for example,could be prevented from being used from outside of a network by blocking all NFS traffic to or from the network.This protects the individual hosts while still allowing the service,which is useful in a LAN environment,on the internal network.One way to avoid the problems associated with network computing would be to completely disconnect an organization’s internal network from any other external system.This,of course,is not the preferred method.Instead what is needed is a way to filter access to the network while still allowing users access to the“outside world”.
  In this configuration,the internal network is separated from external networks by a firewall gateway.A gateway is normally used to perform relay services between two networks.In the case of a firewall gateway,it also provides a filtering service which limits the types of information that can be passed to or from hosts located on the internal network.There are three basic techniques used for firewalls:packet filtering,circuit gateway,and application gateways.Often,more than one of these is used to provide the complete firewall service.
  There are several configuration schemes of firewall in the practical application of inter-network security.They usually use the following terminologies:
   Screening router—it can be a commercial router or a host—based router with some kind of packet filtering capability.
   Bastion host—it is a system identified by the firewall administrator as a critical strong point in the network security.
 Dual—homed gateway—some firewalls are implemented without a screening router,by placing a system on both the private network and the Internet,and disabling TCP/IP forwarding.
   Screened-host gateway一it is possibly the most common firewall configuration.This is implemented using a screening router and a bastion host.
   Screened subnet—an isolated subnet is situated between the Internet and the private network.Typically,this network is isolated using screening routers,which may implement varying levels of filtering.
   Application—level gateway—it is also called a proxy gateway and usually operates at a user level rather than the lower protocol level common to the other firewall techniques.


  gateway    网关
  circuit gateway   电路网关
  packet filtering   包过滤
  screening router   屏蔽路由器
  application-level gateway  应用级网关
  bastion host    堡垒主机
  screened subnet   屏蔽子网
  dual-homed gateway   双宿主网关
  screened-host gateway   屏蔽主机网关
  proxy gateway    代理网关

Fill in the blanks with appropriate terms or phrases.
(1)The purpose of a network firewall is to protect the systems connected to the network from             .
(2)An intruder may break into a host on the network,this action is called            .
(3)An attempt to fill available disk space or load the network links can cause      .
(4)A firewall can              out inherently insecure network services.
(5)A firewall gateway is used to separate the internal network from             .
(6)There are three basic techniques used for firewall             .
(7)A system that identified by the firewall administrator as a critical strong point in the ne-twork security is      .
(8)A firewall implemented by a screening router and bastion host is called            .
(9)A system that places on both the private network and the Internet and blocks TCP / IP forwarding is             .
(10)An isolated subnet that is situated between the Internet and the private network is          .
  b.dual-homed gateway
    c.packet filtering,circuit gateway and application gateway
  d.various threats
    e.bastion host           
  f.unauthorized access
    g.screened subnet          
  h.external networks
    i.screened-host gateway        
  j.denial of service

(1)d  (2)f   (3)j   (4)a
(5)h  (6)c   (7)e   (8)i
(9)b  (10)g


 非授权的对网络资源的访问——入侵者渗入网上的主机,并对文件进行非授权访问;
 拒绝服务——网络以外的某个人可能向该网上的主机发送成千上万个邮件消息,企图填满可用的磁盘空间,或者使网络链路满负荷;
 冒充——某个人发出的电子邮件可能被别有用心的人篡改,结果使原发件人感到难堪,或受到伤害。
 屏蔽路由器一一可以是一种商用路由器,或是带有某种包过滤功能的基于主机的路由器。
 堡垒主机一一它是由防火墙管理人员认定作为网络安全最关键处的一个系统。
 双宿主网关一一某些防火墙不使用屏蔽路由器,但在专用网和因特网之间放一个系统,不允许传送TCP/IP包。
 主机屏蔽网关-一可能是最常用的防火墙配置,它由屏蔽路由器和堡垒主机构成。
 子网屏蔽——位于因特网和专用网之间的一个隔离子网。一般来说,这种网络用一台屏蔽路由器来隔离,它可以实现不同级别的过滤功能。
 应用级网关一一又叫做代理网关,它不像普通防火墙在低层协议上工作,而通常在用户级上工作。


文章来源于领测软件测试网 https://www.ltesting.net/

TAG: 防火墙

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