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RFC233 - Standardization of host call letters

发布: 2007-6-23 14:09 | 作者:   | 来源:   | 查看: 13次 | 进入软件测试论坛讨论


  Network Working Group 28 Sept 71 Abhay Bhushan
RFC#233, NIC #7650 Bob Metcalfe

Standardization of Host Call Letters

We agree with Peggy Karp (See RFC#226) that there would be some

benefit in standardizing the symbolic host names used in TELNET
programs. It should be recognized that there is a trade-off
between brevity and mnemonicism. It is our feeling that a good
set of host call letters can be developed using only four
characters (see Jim White's in RFC#206.) Each host should
suggest its own call letters. Upper and lower case letters
should be used interchangeably. The following is our currently
recommended list:

Host Number Name-4 Name-8
----------- ------ ------
1 sex sex-ucla
65 ccn ccn-ucla
2 nic nic-sri
66 srai sri-ai
3 ucsb ucsb
4 utah utah
5 bbn5 bbn-516
69 bbna bbn-10x
133 bbnb bbn-x10x
6 mult multics
70 dmcg mit-dmcg
134 its mit-ai
7 ra65 rand-65
71 ra10 rand-10
8 sdc sdc
9 harv harvard
73 har1 harvpdp1
137 ha11 harpdp11
10 ll67 linc-67
74 tx2 linc-tx2
11 stan stanford
12 ill illinois
13 case case
14 cmu cmu
15 paol paoli
16 ames ames-67
144 amtp ames-tip
145 mttp mitretip
18 radc radc
146 rdtp radc-tip

[Page 1]

19 nbs nbspdp11
147 nbtp nbs-tip
148 etac etac
21 tink tink-418
22 mccl mccl-418
23 usc usc-44
151 ustp usc-tip
152 gwc gwc-tip
25 ncar ncar7600
153 nctp ncar-tip
158 bbtp bbn-tip

[ This RFCwas put into machine readable form for entry ]
[ into the online RFCarchives by BBN Corp. under the ]
[ direction of Alex McKenzie. 12/96 ]


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