服务器:HP ML370G3
操作系统:sco openserver5.0.7
磁带机:HP DAT24e
Enter the prefix of the SCSI host adapter that supports this device
or press <Return> for the default: 'ad160'
Enter h for a list of host adapters or enter q to quit:
# tar c8v /u/aaa
tar:cannot open /dev/rct0
hao4488 回复于:2004-07-18 22:17:24 |
1. 设置HP磁带机的ID号.
2用mkdev tape命令 |
hao4488 回复于:2004-07-18 22:18:07 |
1. 设置HP磁带机的ID号.
2用mkdev tape命令 |
sdccf 回复于:2004-07-19 08:09:58 |
回答的太简单了。 |
giggle5 回复于:2004-07-19 11:28:39 |
关键是scsi卡的驱动.你的是不是adaptec 39160.如过是在Enter the prefix of the SCSI host adapter that supports this device
or press <Return> for the default: 'ad160' Enter h for a list of host adapters or enter q to quit: 这里直接回车就可以. tar c8v /u/aaa tar:cannot open /dev/rct0 这里是磁带机还没有配好.关键是id号和scsi通道. |
ludde 回复于:2004-07-19 12:14:10 |
# mkdev tape
* :em13: Config the Tape Device Tape Drive Configuration Program 1. Configure a SCSI or Enhanced IDE tape drive 2. Configure a different type of tape drive Select an option or enter q to quit: 1 SCSI or Enhanced IDE Tape Drive Configuration Program 1. Install a SCSI Tape Drive 2. Install an Enhanced IDE Tape Drive 3. Remove a SCSI Tape Drive 4. Remove an Enhanced IDE Tape Drive 5. Change default Tape Drive 6. View Current SCSI and Enhanced IDE Tape Drive configuration Select an option or enter q to return to main menu: 6 Error: There are no SCSI or Enhanced IDE tapes currently configured. SCSI or Enhanced IDE Tape Drive Configuration Program 1. Install a SCSI Tape Drive 2. Install an Enhanced IDE Tape Drive 3. Remove a SCSI Tape Drive 4. Remove an Enhanced IDE Tape Drive 5. Change default Tape Drive 6. View Current SCSI and Enhanced IDE Tape Drive configuration Select an option or enter q to return to main menu: 1 Enter the prefix of the SCSI host adapter that supports this device or press <Return> for the default: 'ad160' Enter h for a list of host adapters or enter q to quit: ad160 * :em13: Onboard SCSI host adapter is ‘ad160’ Which 'ad160' SCSI host adapter supports this device? Select 0-1, or enter q to quit: 1 * :em13: ‘1’---interface on the back ; ‘0’---default connect with HDD 'ad160' SCSI host adapter 1 is not configured. Would you like to update the link-kit? (y/n) y What SCSI Bus is this device attached to? Press <Return> to use the default:0 Select 0-n, or h for help, or q to quit: 0 What is the Target ID for this device? Select 0-15, or h for help, or q to quit: 6 * :em13: ‘6’ is the dial number at the Tape What is the LUN of this device? Press <Return> to use the default: 0 Select 0-7, or h for help, or q to quit: 0 You are about to add the following SCSI device: Host Adapter Adapter Type Device Number ID LUN BUS ---------------------------------------------- ad160 Stp 1 6 0 0 Update SCSI configuration? (y/n) y The SCSI configuration file has been updated. Adding device to system configuration files ... System files have been successfully updated. Configuring Tape Driver ...( Stp ) Enter Vendor Identification string or press <Return> to use default or enter q to return to main menu: Enter SCSI version that device is conformant to or press <Return> to use default or enter q to return to main menu: Enter Response Data Format that device uses or press <Return> to use default or enter q to return to main menu: The following tape drive types are supported: 1. Generic SCSI-1 / SCSI-2 tape drive 2. EXABYTE 8mm tape drive (8200 or 8500) 3. IBM rebadged EXABYTE 8mm tape drive (8200) 4. DAT drive (Compressing and non-Compressing) 5. QIC Cartridge tape drive Please choose one of the above, press <Return> for default,or enter q to return to main menu: 1 Tape Driver Successfully Configured Default special devices have been created with the following links: /dev/xct0 linked to /dev/xStp0 /dev/rct0 linked to /dev/rStp0 and /dev/rmt/0b /dev/nrct0 linked to /dev/nrStp0 and /dev/rmt/0bn In /etc/default/boot: No current boot string. Enter new string, "rm" to remove string, or enter q to leave current string as is: q SCSI or Enhanced IDE Tape Drive Configuration Program 1. Install a SCSI Tape Drive 2. Install an Enhanced IDE Tape Drive 3. Remove a SCSI Tape Drive 4. Remove an Enhanced IDE Tape Drive 5. Change default Tape Drive 6. View Current SCSI and Enhanced IDE Tape Drive configuration Select an option or enter q to return to main menu: 6 The current tape configuration is: Unit Description 0 Generic SCSI-1 / SCSI-2 tape drive * :em13: Config Tape device successfully Press <Return> to continue * :em13: You must relink kernel then reboot system You must create a new kernel to effect the driver change you specified. Do you wish to create a new kernel now? (y/n) y The UNIX Operating System will now be rebuilt. This will take a few minutes. Please wait. The UNIX Kernel has been rebuilt. Do you want this kernel to boot by default? (y/n) y Backing up unix to unix.old Installing new unix on the boot file system The kernel environment includes device node files and /etc/inittab. The new kernel may require changes to /etc/inittab or device nodes. Do you want the kernel environment rebuilt? (y/n) y The kernel has been successfully linked and installed. To activate it, reboot your system. Setting up new kernel environment You have successfully re-linked a new kernel. In order for the changes to be reflected on your emergency boot floppy set, it is recommended that you run the command '/etc/mkdev fd' and re-create the emergency boot floppy set with the newly linked kernel. All over !!~~ :D ~~~ *為註釋 |
酸辣粉 回复于:2004-07-21 10:12:20 |
这要看你磁带机接在哪个通道上。如果是主板上的SCSI第一接口,就用AD160,磁带机的ID号是为3其它的是为0。第二通道上磁带机的ID号仍是为3但“Which 'ad160' SCSI host adapter supports this device?
Select 0-1, or enter q to quit: ”这里要输1。如果服务器是加了ARRAY卡,你的磁带机又接到到了ARRAY卡上就另当别论了。你在可以这里“Enter the prefix of the SCSI host adapter that supports this device or press <Return> for the default: 'ad160' ”输入h查看有没有AD160这个驱动。没有可用EFS这个包的前三张盘加上。 |
irontech 回复于:2004-07-21 15:50:28 |
服务器:HP ML370G3 操作系统:sco openserver5.0.7 磁带机:HP DAT24e For ML370G3, with HP Dat 24E, your configuration should connect to LSI Logic controller. SCO 507 doesn't support lsil SCSI, you need to add in from HP EFS diskettle no 4. (use installpkg , select " lsil ") Before this, you need to remove your previous wrong tape configuration. Relink kernel, reboot server. Perform mkdev tape again, under [Enter the prefix of the SCSI host adapter that supports this device] , manual KEY IN lsil . Under the BUS, select 0 if you connect to the lower connector (back of the SCSI PCI card), select 1 if you connect to the upper connector ID, refer to your HP DAT 24E, by default it should be ID 3 LUN, 0 Update SCSI, press enter 3 times, select DAT, q (quit) , rebuild kernel, reboot server. |
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