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发布: 2008-2-25 15:03 | 作者: 不详 | 来源: | 查看: 91次 | 进入软件测试论坛讨论

领测软件测试网 4. 函数:

    4.1 public function string wf_getywname (string hzname)函数



    4.2 public function string wf_getywtype (string hzname)函数



    (1) f_getoken()函数代码如下:


    4.3 public function string wf_dateconvert (string svalue)函数


    string syear,smonth,sday
    date idate
    idate = date(svalue)
    syear = string(year(idate))
    smonth = string(month(idate))
    sday = string(day(idate))
    svalue = syear + "-" + smonth + "-" + sday
    return svalue
    end function
    public function string wf_datetime (string inputvalue)
    inputvalue = trim(inputvalue)
    integer position
    string bef,aft
    /* bef 为日期,aft为时间*/
    position = pos(inputvalue," ")
    if position = 0 then inputvalue += " 00:00:00"
    position = pos(inputvalue," ")
    if position = 0 then
    return "error"
    bef = left(inputvalue , position - 1)
    aft = right(inputvalue,len(inputvalue) - position)
    if (not isdate(bef)) or (not istime(aft)) then
    return "error"
    end if
    end if
    //bef = wf_dateconvert(bef)
    //return bef + " " + aft
    string syear,smonth,sday
    date idate
    idate = date(bef)
    syear = string(year(idate))
    smonth = right('00'+string(month(idate)),2)
    sday = right('00'+string(day(idate)),2)
    return syear+smonth+sday
    end function
    public subroutine wf_setcolumn (datawindow dw_1, datawindow dw_2)
    pfc_n_cst_string lnv_string
    String scol, stable_col
    String shz, syw, stype, stable
    Integer i, row
    If Not IsValid(dw_1) Then Return
    If Not IsValid(dw_2) Then Return
    For i =1 To long(dw_1.Object.DataWindow.Column.Count)
    scol = dw_1.Describe("#" + String(i) + ".Name") //列名(可变)
    stable_col = dw_1.Describe(scol + ".dbName") //所在表.列名(OK)
    stable = lnv_string.of_gettoken(stable_col,".") //所在表
    syw = stable_col //列名(不变.OK)
    shz = trim(dw_1.Describe(scol + "_t.Text")) //中文名
    stype = dw_1.Describe(scol + ".ColType") //列类型
    if dw_1.Describe(scol + ".Type") = "column" &
    and shz <> "!" and shz <> "?" then
    shz = lnv_string.of_globalreplace(shz,"'","") //去掉单引号
    shz = lnv_string.of_globalreplace(shz,'"','') //去掉双引号
    shz = lnv_string.of_globalreplace(shz,"~r~n","_") //去掉换行符
    shz = lnv_string.of_globalreplace(shz," ","_") //去掉空格
    shz = lnv_string.of_globalreplace(shz,":","") //去掉冒号
    shz = lnv_string.of_globalreplace(shz,":","") //去掉冒号
    row = dw_2.InsertRow(0)
    dw_2.object.data[row,1] = shz
    dw_2.object.data[row,2] = syw
    dw_2.object.data[row,3] = stype
    dw_2.object.data[row,4] = stable
    end if

    4.4 public function long wf_min (long a, long b, long c)函数

    功能:给定三个数a,b,c, 如果a,b,c均为0, 则返回0;否则,返回a,b,c中不为0的数中的最小值.例1: a = 0, b = 0, c = 0 ,则返回0。例2: a = 0, b = 2, c = 6 ,则返回2。例3: a = 9, b = 0, c = 0 ,则返回9。
, long b, long c)函数


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