select decode (o.type#,1,’INDEX’ , 2,’TABLE’ , 3 , ’CLUSTER’ , 4, ’VIEW’ , 5 ,
’SYNONYM’ , 6 , ’SEQUENCE’ , ’OTHER’ ) object_type , count(*) quantity from
sys.obj$ o where o.type# > 1 group by decode (o.type#,1,’INDEX’ , 2,’TABLE’ , 3
, ’CLUSTER’ , 4, ’VIEW’ , 5 , ’SYNONYM’ , 6 , ’SEQUENCE’ , ’OTHER’ ) union select
’COLUMN’ , count(*) from sys.col$ union select ’DB LINK’ , count(*) from
select u.name schema, sum(decode(o.type#, 1, 1, NULL)) indexes,
sum(decode(o.type#, 2, 1, NULL)) tables, sum(decode(o.type#, 3, 1, NULL))
clusters, sum(decode(o.type#, 4, 1, NULL)) views, sum(decode(o.type#, 5, 1,
NULL)) synonyms, sum(decode(o.type#, 6, 1, NULL)) sequences,
sum(decode(o.type#, 1, NULL, 2, NULL, 3, NULL, 4, NULL, 5, NULL, 6, NULL, 1))
others from sys.obj$ o, sys.user$ u where o.type# >= 1 and u.user# =
o.owner# and u.name <> ’PUBLIC’ group by u.name order by
sys.link$ union select ’CONSTRAINT’ , count(*) from sys.con$
文章来源于领测软件测试网 https://www.ltesting.net/