我在hpux上安装gcc,我执行了configure --host=hppa64-hp-hpux11 后,用swlist查看,显示gcc 3。2,已经装上取了,可是我不知道给我装到那里去了,各位大哥告诉,ok?
onion 回复于:2002-12-24 11:32:59 |
whereis gcc |
albert 回复于:2002-12-24 12:32:13 |
find / -name gcc -print |
gadfly 回复于:2002-12-24 14:29:31 |
swlist -l file gcc |
p4s2wd 回复于:2002-12-24 14:42:24 |
/usr/local/pa20_64/bin>,我得3.1版在这个目录,不过一般他会在/usr/local/bin下做个gcc得连接得。 |
Law 回复于:2002-12-24 17:49:34 |
我的好奇怪阿,我的用swlist看已经安装上了gcc了,可是我进他说的安装目录看,去没有!!好奇怪阿! |
gadfly 回复于:2002-12-24 18:09:15 |
那就说明装的不对。不是有depot包么.我装一点问题都没有啊 |
Law 回复于:2002-12-25 09:19:14 |
我以前就是用depot包装老是装不上取,每次装到一半就出错了,于是我只有用configure来装了,可以configure完了后,用swlist看,有gcc 3.2还有bintule 也装上取了,可是系统说的安装目录看,根本没有阿,都是孔的阿 |
gadfly 回复于:2002-12-25 11:42:44 |
depot装不上,有可能是因为依赖的什么包没有安装.查查你的swagentd.log 和swagent.log |
Law 回复于:2002-12-25 12:19:23 |
他提示安装目表目录的一个文件不能访问是什么ar..h的文件哦 |
gadfly 回复于:2002-12-25 12:50:48 |
??能不能把错误信息、环境贴出来 |
Law 回复于:2002-12-26 10:25:40 |
swagent.log: ======= 12/26/02 10:20:22 EAT BEGIN install AGENT SESSION (pid=17806) (jobid=hzjy-0263) * Agent session started for user "root@hzjy". (pid=17806) * Beginning Analysis Phase. * Source: hzjy:/oracle/gccgz/gcc-3.2-sd.depot * Target: hzjy:/ * Target logfile: hzjy:/var/adm/sw/swagent.log * Reading source for product information. * Reading source for file information. * Executing preDSA command. NOTE: The used disk space on filesystem "/usr" is estimated to increase by 61228 Kbytes. This will leave 384979 Kbytes of available user disk space after the installation. NOTE: The used disk space on filesystem "/var" is estimated to remain unchanged. This will leave 1315228 Kbytes of available user disk space after the installation. * Summary of Analysis Phase: * 4 of 4 filesets had no Errors or Warnings. * The Analysis Phase succeeded. * Beginning the Install Execution Phase. * Filesets: 4 * Files: 517 * Kbytes: 60618 * Installing fileset "gcc.gcc-INC,r=3.2" (1 of 4). ERROR: Could not access remote file "/usr/local/include/ansidecl.h" in software item "gcc.gcc-INC,r=3.2,a=HP-UX_B.11.00_700/800,v=:/usr/local" due to an internal error on the remote system. ERROR: Failed installing fileset "gcc.gcc-INC,r=3.2". Check the above output for details. * Retry number 1 of 1 for loading files for fileset "gcc.gcc-INC,r=3.2". * Installing fileset "gcc.gcc-INC,r=3.2" (1 of 4). ERROR: Could not access remote file "/usr/local/include/ansidecl.h" in software item "gcc.gcc-INC,r=3.2,a=HP-UX_B.11.00_700/800,v=:/usr/local" due to an internal error on the remote system. ERROR: Failed installing fileset "gcc.gcc-INC,r=3.2". Check the above output for details. NOTE: The Install Phase has suspended. Check the above output for reasons. swagentd.log: NOTE: The target "/oracle/gccgz/gcc-3.2-sd.depot" currently open for reading is a tape. pid=17821 12/26/02 10:20:41 EAT * Agent pid=17821 completed. 12/26/02 10:20:41 EAT 看麻,我都要疯了,log文件都有1200多行了,都是装gcc的 |
Law 回复于:2002-12-26 10:28:49 |
补充: hp-ux 11。0, 64 bit ,8*73G, 1G M, 还要什么信息? |
Law 回复于:2002-12-27 12:53:10 |
我顶!! |
gadfly 回复于:2002-12-27 15:41:59 |
[这个贴子最后由gadfly在 2002/12/27 03:42pm 编辑] sorry,现在没有机器在边上。我回去再看看 |
Law 回复于:2002-12-27 21:34:13 |
谢谢拉,一定要帮帮我阿 #swlist binutils 2.11.2 binutils gcc 3.2 gcc # 太奇怪了,可是进去看根本没有阿! |
gadfly 回复于:2002-12-27 21:48:51 |
挺巧,版本都一样(os和gcc),除了机器配置比你的低n倍。 记住,装gcc前,要先安装binson, flex, make. 另外应该还有个swagentd.log,能把相应的部分,和gcc安装时 报的错贴出来么? |
Law 回复于:2002-12-27 23:05:04 |
swagentd.log NOTE: The target "/oracle/gccgz/gcc-binutils.depot" currently open for reading is a tape. pid=21000 12/24/02 10:11:59 EAT * Agent pid=21000 completed. 12/24/02 10:11:59 EAT * Started install agent on "/" for root@hzjy, pid=21009, 12/24/02 10:16:23 EAT * Agent pid=20985 completed. 12/24/02 10:16:23 EAT * Agent pid=20988 completed. 12/24/02 10:16:26 EAT * Agent pid=21009 completed. 12/24/02 10:16:26 EAT * Started remove agent on "/" for root@hzjy, pid=28382, 12/24/02 11:31:37 EAT * Agent pid=28382 completed. 12/24/02 11:44:08 EAT * Started remove agent on "/" for root@hzjy, pid=29803, 12/24/02 15:01:30 EAT * Agent pid=29803 completed. 12/24/02 15:14:49 EAT * Started install agent on "/" for root@hzjy, pid=17693, 12/26/02 10:17:59 EAT * Agent pid=17693 completed. 12/26/02 10:19:31 EAT * Started install agent on "/" for root@hzjy, pid=17806, 12/26/02 10:20:21 EAT * Started source agent on "/oracle/gccgz/gcc-3.2-sd.depot" for root@hzjy, pid=17809, 12/26/02 10:20:22 EAT NOTE: The target "/oracle/gccgz/gcc-3.2-sd.depot" currently open for reading is a tape. pid=17809 12/26/02 10:20:22 EAT * Started source agent on "/oracle/gccgz/gcc-3.2-sd.depot" for SD agent at host hzjy on behalf of root@hzjy, pid=17814, 12/26/02 10:20:33 EAT NOTE: The target "/oracle/gccgz/gcc-3.2-sd.depot" currently open for reading is a tape. pid=17814 12/26/02 10:20:33 EAT * Started source agent on "/oracle/gccgz/gcc-3.2-sd.depot" for SD agent at host hzjy on behalf of root@hzjy, pid=17821, 12/26/02 10:20:41 EAT * Agent pid=17814 completed. 12/26/02 10:20:41 EAT NOTE: The target "/oracle/gccgz/gcc-3.2-sd.depot" currently open for reading is a tape. pid=17821 12/26/02 10:20:41 EAT * Agent pid=17821 completed. 12/26/02 10:20:41 EAT 用.depot安装gcc报的错就是上面log提示的错误阿! |
gadfly 回复于:2002-12-27 23:34:11 |
swagentd.log里没错?你还是先把那几个依赖的包装上,你再试试装gcc看看 |
hpux 回复于:2002-12-28 09:07:01 |
#/usr/local/bin |
Law 回复于:2002-12-30 13:09:50 |
binutils 2.11.2 binutils gcc 3.2 gcc 在那里可以下载的到你说的哪几个依赖的包阿?hp的斑竹说过只要装了上面两个就可以了。我装gcc其实只是为了再hp上能够编译东西,如果有acc哪就最好不过了! |
gadfly 回复于:2002-12-30 13:23:24 |
http://hpux.cs.utah.edu/hppd/hpux/ 这个网址有hp所有的开放源码的软件包,很不错,而且有查询功能。每个包的依赖关系都描述的很清楚。你自己看看 |
Law 回复于:2002-12-30 18:12:36 |
谢谢,我看到了,左边是gcc3。2,右边是gdb-5。2。1 gdb是什么东西啊,你装了么? |
Law 回复于:2002-12-30 21:24:10 |
我把gdb下载下来了,安装他的时候出错的类型和装gcc一摸一样啊。我有发现上次用swlist看到的gcc安装信息是假的,安装的时候系统先把安装信息加入到系统中去,如果出错了的话是不会自动帮你清除的。下面是安装gdb的log ======= 12/30/02 21:15:55 EAT BEGIN install AGENT SESSION (pid=566) (jobid=hzjy-0265) * Agent session started for user "root@hzjy". (pid=566) * Beginning Analysis Phase. * Source: hzjy:/oracle/gccgz/gdb-5.2.1-sd-11.00.depot * Target: hzjy:/ * Target logfile: hzjy:/var/adm/sw/swagent.log * Reading source for product information. * Reading source for file information. * Executing preDSA command. NOTE: The used disk space on filesystem "/usr" is estimated to increase by 22294 Kbytes. This will leave 423913 Kbytes of available user disk space after the installation. NOTE: The used disk space on filesystem "/var" is estimated to increase by 8 Kbytes. This will leave 1311158 Kbytes of available user disk space after the installation. * Summary of Analysis Phase: * 1 of 1 filesets had no Errors or Warnings. * The Analysis Phase succeeded. * Beginning the Install Execution Phase. * Filesets: 1 * Files: 45 * Kbytes: 22170 * Installing fileset "gdb.gdb-RUN,r=5.2.1" (1 of 1). ERROR: Could not access remote file "/usr/local/bin/gdb" in software item "gdb.gdb-RUN,r=5.2.1,a=HP-UX_B.11.00_700/800,v=:/usr/local" due to an internal error on the remote system. ERROR: Failed installing fileset "gdb.gdb-RUN,r=5.2.1". Check the above output for details. * Retry number 1 of 1 for loading files for fileset "gdb.gdb-RUN,r=5.2.1". * Installing fileset "gdb.gdb-RUN,r=5.2.1" (1 of 1). ERROR: Could not access remote file "/usr/local/bin/gdb" in software item "gdb.gdb-RUN,r=5.2.1,a=HP-UX_B.11.00_700/800,v=:/usr/local" due to an internal error on the remote system. ERROR: Failed installing fileset "gdb.gdb-RUN,r=5.2.1". Check the above output for details. NOTE: The Install Phase has suspended. Check the above output for reasons. |
gadfly 回复于:2002-12-31 20:15:03 |
[quote][b]下面引用由[u]Law[/u]在 [i]2002/12/30 06:12pm[/i] 发表的内容:[/b] 谢谢,我看到了,左边是gcc3。2,右边是gdb-5。2。1 gdb是什么东西啊,你装了么? [/quote] gcc和gdb本身没有关系亚。url如下:http://hpux.cs.utah.edu/hppd/hpux/Gnu/gcc-3.2/ 看这行, Dependencies: bison flex make 很清楚呀,是依赖bison,flex,make. BTW:gdb我装了,没问题。 |
gadfly 回复于:2002-12-31 20:16:09 |
我想问一下,你的安装命令怎么写的,给我看看。 |
Law 回复于:2003-01-01 18:36:13 |
我安装的是hp编译好了的 swinstall -s /oracle/gxxgz/...depot |
gadfly 回复于:2003-01-01 22:53:22 |
我安装的方式,假如gcc在当前目录下,命令如下: swinstall -s `pwd`/gcc*.depot gcc |
Law 回复于:2003-01-02 11:31:45 |
可以用*这个通配符号么?? |
gadfly 回复于:2003-01-02 16:43:42 |
可以亚,没有关系的 |
Law 回复于:2003-01-06 12:57:58 |
那个*起了什么作用呢?是不是所有的以gcc开头的包都装进去?不用*行不行?能不能一个一个的装? |
gadfly 回复于:2003-01-06 14:02:44 |
可以呀,我是懒得都输入 |
Law 回复于:2003-01-07 10:41:36 |
[quote][b]下面引用由[u]gadfly[/u]在 [i]2002/12/27 09:48pm[/i] 发表的内容:[/b] 挺巧,版本都一样(os和gcc),除了机器配置比你的低n倍。 记住,装gcc前,要先安装binson, flex, make. 另外应该还有个swagentd.log,能把相应的部分,和gcc安装时 报的错贴出来么? [/quote] 你那几个包在哪里能下载?有些人没有装那几个包都成功了啊,市不是必须装? 你有没有acc?有的话最好了啊! |
gadfly 回复于:2003-01-07 19:55:26 |
我都是在那个网站下载的。没问题呀 我没有acc,呵呵,没有买。再说也用惯了gcc,gmake |
Law 回复于:2003-01-08 09:56:20 |
我是用db2的,要在hp上装relation connect,装的时候需要hp的acc编译器,因为安装的文件里面有需要acc编译的,但是带了很多编译的参数,我有点担心就算是装gcc,也不能替代acc编译文件,编译的参数太多了,不知道gcc是否能够有相同的! 还有,我就要回公司总部了,这边的出差就完了,hp的问题可能要留到以后再区解决了! 谢谢你哈! 我的qq :4416408 |
megdu 回复于:2003-06-10 16:31:53 |
我知道,在/usr/local/bind下 |
megdu 回复于:2003-06-10 16:32:43 |
不对,错了,在/usr/local/bin下 |
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