3.更改Activex用户控件的名称,更改为 Downloader (此项可省) 。
Option Explicit
Event DownloadProgress(CurBytes As Long, MaxBytes As Long, SaveFile As String)
Event DownloadError(SaveFile As String)
Event DownloadComplete(MaxBytes As Long, SaveFile As String)
´Public downStat As Boolean
Public Function CancelAsyncRead() As Boolean
On Error Resume Next
End Function
´Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
´ If Not downStat Then
´ Timer1.Enabled = False
´ Exit Sub
´ End If
´ Static Cs As Integer
´ If Cs > 2 Then Cs = 0
´ UserControl.Picture = P1(Cs).Picture
´ Cs = Cs + 1
´ DoEvents
´End Sub
Private Sub UserControl_AsyncReadComplete(AsyncProp As AsyncProperty)
On Error Resume Next
Dim f() As Byte, fn As Long
If AsyncProp.BytesMax <> 0 Then
fn = FreeFile
f = AsyncProp.Value
Open AsyncProp.PropertyName For Binary Access Write As #fn
Put #fn, , f
Close #fn
RaiseEvent DownloadError(AsyncProp.PropertyName)
End If
RaiseEvent DownloadComplete(CLng(AsyncProp.BytesMax), AsyncProp.PropertyName)
downStat = False
End Sub
Private Sub UserControl_AsyncReadProgress(AsyncProp As AsyncProperty)
On Error Resume Next
If AsyncProp.BytesMax <> 0 Then
RaiseEvent DownloadProgress(CLng(AsyncProp.BytesRead), CLng(AsyncProp.BytesMax), AsyncProp.PropertyName)
downStat = True: Timer1.Enabled = True
End If
End Sub
´Private Sub UserControl_Resize()
´ SizeIt
´End Sub
Public Sub BeginDownload(url As String, SaveFile As String)
On Error GoTo ErrorBeginDownload
downStat = True
UserControl.AsyncRead url, vbAsyncTypeByteArray, SaveFile, vbAsyncReadForceUpdate
Timer1.Enabled = True
Exit Sub
downStat = False
MsgBox Err & "开始下载数据失败!" _
& vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "错误:" & Err.Description, vbCritical, "错误"
End Sub
´Public Sub SizeIt()
´ On Error GoTo ErrorSizeIt
´ With UserControl
´ .Width = ScaleX(32, vbPixels, vbTwips)
´ .Height = ScaleY(32, vbPixels, vbTwips)
´ End With
´ Exit Sub
´End Sub
´Public Sub kill()
´ downStat = False
´ Dim m As AsyncProperty
´ MsgBox m.Value
´End Sub
本文采取VB6中OCX中的 异步获取方法来下载文件。
用到 AsyncRead(异步读取)
文中带注解的部分为下载界面控制,在下载时,会有像 FlashGet一样的有动画图标在动,要添加此功能,请在用户控件上添加三个image,(image上要带图片)
4.关闭用户控件的代码与设置窗口,回到 Form1
5.这时你会看到在左边的工具栏下多了一用户控件,把它添加到窗体上。命名为 Downloader1
6.在窗体上添加一 command 控钮,命名为 Command1
7.在窗体 Form1的代码窗口输入代码:
Option Explicit
´ 程序编写, airon,softWoker 2004-02-20
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Downloader1.BeginDownload url, SaveFile
´请把 URL 替代为 Http://文件路径
´请把 savefile 替代为下载到本地文件的路径与名称。
End Sub
Private Sub Downloader1_DownloadComplete(MaxBytes As Long, SaveFile As String)
MsgBox "文件下载完成,保存文件名为:" & SaveFile, vbInformation Or vbOKOnly, "提示:"
End Sub
Private Sub Downloader1_DownloadError(SaveFile As String)
MsgBox "下载发生错误!", vbExclamation Or vbOKOnly, "错误:"
End Sub
Private Sub Downloader1_DownloadProgress(CurBytes As Long, MaxBytes As Long, SaveFile As String)
End Sub
最后申明: 本文为 airon,softWorker 原作,未经本人同意,不作出版,(CSDN 除外),但可以转载,转载时请注明作者。 如需在源程序的请mail联系我, 。希望本文能给广大读者带来帮助。
文章来源于领测软件测试网 https://www.ltesting.net/