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@# ###################################################
@# ## BarChart                                       #
@# ## Class to draw bar charts in ASP applications   #
@# ## Author : Anton Bawab                           #
@# ## First written : March 27th 2000                #
@# ###################################################

@# ###################################################
@# ## Include this file in your ASP script           #
@# ## assign the properties                          #
@# ## then use the Draw method                       #
@# ###################################################

Class BarChart

Private mchartBGcolor
Private mchartTitle
Private mchartWidth
Private mchartValueArray
Private mchartLabelsArray
Private mchartColorArray
Private mchartViewDataType
Private mchartBarHeight
Private mchartBorder
Private mchartTextColor
Private mchartCounter @# general counter
Private mchartMaxValue
Private mchartFactor
Private mchartTotalValues
Private mchartMinValue

Public Property LET chartBGcolor(strColor)
    mchartBGcolor = strColor

    @#code validation
        IF LEN(mchartBGcolor) <> 7 THEN
            ERR.Number = vbObjectError + 1000
            ERR.Description = "Color string provided unequal to 7 characters"
            Response.Write Err.Number & vbCRLF & ERR.Description

            EXIT Property
        END IF
END Property

Public Property LET chartTitle(strTitle)
    mchartTitle = strTitle
END Property

Public Property LET chartWidth(intWidth)
    mchartWidth = intWidth
END Property

Public Property LET chartValueArray(arrValues)
    mchartValueArray = arrValues

    IF NOT isArray(mchartValueArray) THEN
        ERR.Number = vbObjectError + 1001
        ERR.Description = "Values passed are not an array"
        Response.Write Err.Number & vbCRLF & ERR.Description
        EXIT Property
        ERR.Number = vbObjectError + 1002
        ERR.Description "Number of values passed does not match labels"
        Response.Write Err.Number & vbCRLF & ERR.Description
        EXIT Property
    END IF

END Property

Public Property LET chartLabelsArray(arrLabels)
    mchartLabelsArray = arrLabels

    IF NOT isArray(mchartLabelsArray) THEN
        ERR.Number = vbObjectError + 1001
        ERR.Description = "Label values passed are not an array"
        Response.Write Err.Number & vbCRLF & ERR.Description
        EXIT Property
    ELSEIF UBOUND(mchartValueArray) <> UBOUND(mchartLabelsArray) THEN
        ERR.Number = vbObjectError + 1002
        ERR.Description = "Number of values passed does not match labels"
        Response.Write Err.Number & vbCRLF & ERR.Description
        EXIT Property
    END IF
END Property

Public Property LET chartColorArray(arrColors)
    Dim tempNumOfColors, I
    mchartColorArray = arrColors

    IF NOT isArray(mchartColorArray) THEN
        ERR.Number =  vbObjectError + 1001
        ERR.Description = "Color values passed are not an array"
        Response.Write Err.Number & vbCRLF & ERR.Description
        EXIT Property
    END IF

    @# match the number of the colors to the number of elements to draw
    IF UBOUND(mchartColorArray) < UBOUND(mchartValueArray) THEN
        tempNumOfColors = UBOUND(mchartColorArray) @#Get the number of colors provided

        REDIM PRESERVE mchartColorArray(UBOUND(mchartValueArray))

        @# Cycling the values through the array
        For I = tempNumOfColors+1 to UBOUND(mchartColorArray)
            mchartColorArray(I) = mchartColorArray((I mod (tempNumOfColors+1)))

    END IF
END Property

Public Property LET chartViewDataType(strProp)
    mchartViewDataType = UCASE(strProp)

    IF (mchartViewDataType <> "N") AND (mchartViewDataType <> "P") AND (mchartViewDataType <> "V")
        mchartViewDataType = "V"
    END IF

END Property

Public Property LET chartBarHeight(intBarHeight)
    mchartBarHeight = intBarHeight

    IF NOT ISNumeric(mchartBarHeight) THEN
        ERR.Number =  vbObjectError + 1003
        ERR.Description "chartBarHeight property can only accept numerical values"
        Response.Write Err.Number & vbCRLF & ERR.Description
        EXIT Property
    END IF
END Property

Public Property LET chartBorder(intBorder)
    mchartBorder = intBorder

    IF NOT ISNumeric(mchartBorder) THEN
        ERR.Number =  vbObjectError + 1003
        ERR.Description "chartBorder property can only accept numerical values"
        Response.Write Err.Number & vbCRLF & ERR.Description
        EXIT Property
    END IF
END Property

Public Property LET chartTextColor(strColor)
    mchartTextColor = strColor

    IF LEN(mchartTextColor) <> 7 THEN
        ERR.Number =  vbObjectError + 1000
        ERR.Description = "Color string provided less than 7 characters"
        Response.Write Err.Number & vbCRLF & ERR.Description
        EXIT Property
    END IF
END Property

Private Property LET chartMaxValue(intValue)
    mchartMaxValue = intValue
END Property

Private Property LET chartMinValue(intValue)
    mchartMinValue = intValue
END Property

Private Property LET chartTotalValues(intValue)
    mchartTotalValues = intValue
END Property

Public Property GET chartMaxValue
    chartMaxValue = mchartMaxValue
END Property

Public Property GET chartMinValue
    chartMinValue = mchartMinValue
END Property

Public Property GET chartTotalValues
    chartTotalValues = mchartTotalValues
END Property

Private Function MakeChart()
Dim F

@# getting the hieghest and lowest values within the array
@# and calculating the total of the values
mchartMinValue = 0
mchartMaxValue = 0
mchartTotalValues = 0
For each F in mchartValueArray
        IF F > mchartMaxValue THEN
            mchartMaxValue = F
        END IF

        IF mchartMinValue = 0 THEN
            mchartMinValue = F
        ELSEIF F < mchartMinValue THEN
            mchartMinValue = F
            @# Response.Write mchartMinValue
        END IF

    mchartTotalValues = mchartTotalValues + F
    @# getting the total of the values in the array

chartMaxValue = mchartMaxValue
chartMinValue = mchartMinValue
chartTotalValues = mchartTotalValues

@# Determining the factor to use for resizing the values to fit
@# within the given width
IF mchartMaxValue > (mchartWidth-20) THEN
    @# getting the factor
    mchartFactor = mchartMaxValue / (mchartWidth-20)
    Response.Write("Factor of : " & mchartFactor & "<BR>")

    @# changing the values of all the entries within the array
    For mchartCounter = 0 to UBOUND(mchartValueArray)
        mchartValueArray(mchartCounter) = CINT(mchartValueArray(mchartCounter) / mchartFactor)

@# Modifying the chartLabelsArray to reflect the setting required
SELECT CASE mchartViewDataType
    Case "V" @# display the value
        For mchartCounter = 0 to UBOUND(mchartValueArray)
            mchartLabelsArray(mchartCounter) = mchartLabelsArray(mchartCounter) & "-" &

    Case "P" @# display the percentage
        For mchartCounter = 0 to UBOUND(mchartValueArray)
            mchartLabelsArray(mchartCounter) = mchartLabelsArray(mchartCounter) & "-" &
((mchartValueArray(mchartCounter) / mchartTotalValues) * 100) & "%"

MakeChart = "<table width=""" & mchartWidth & """ border=""" & mchartBorder & """>"
MakeChart = MakeChart & "<tr><td bgcolor=""" & mchartBGcolor & """>"

MakeChart = MakeChart & "<table width=""100%"" border=""0"" cellpadding=""1"" cellspacing=""1""><tr>"
MakeChart = MakeChart & "<th colspan=""2""><b><font face=""Arial, Tahoma, Verdana"" color=""" &
mchartTextColor & """ size=""1"">"
MakeChart = MakeChart & "<u><b>" & mchartTitle & "</b></u></font></th></tr>"

FOR mchartCounter = 0 to UBOUND(mchartValueArray)
    MakeChart = MakeChart & "<tr><td valign=""middle"" align=""left"">"
    MakeChart = MakeChart & "<font face=""Arial, Tahoma, Verdana"" color=""" & mchartTextColor & """
    MakeChart = MakeChart & mchartLabelsArray(mchartCounter) & "</font></td>"
    MakeChart = MakeChart & "<td valign=""middle"" align=""left"">"
    MakeChart = MakeChart & "<table border=""0"" cellpadding=""1"" cellspacing=""0"">"
    MakeChart = MakeChart & "<tr height=""" & mchartBarHeight & """>"
    MakeChart = MakeChart & "<td width=""" & mchartValueArray(mchartCounter) & """ bgcolor=""" &
mchartColorArray(mchartCounter) & """>"
    MakeChart = MakeChart & "<img src=""chart.gif"" width=""1"" height=""" & mchartBarHeight & """>"
    MakeChart = MakeChart & "</td></tr></table>"
    MakeChart = MakeChart & "</td></tr>"

MakeChart = MakeChart & "</table>"
MakeChart = MakeChart & "</tr></td></table>"
MakeChart = MakeChart & vbCRLF & "<!--Chart created with BarChartClass by Anton Bawab ?2000-->"
END Function

Public SUB Draw()
    Response.Write MakeChart()

Private Function CheckProps()

        IF ISEMPTY(mchartBGcolor) THEN chartBGcolor = "#FFFFFF"

        IF ISEMPTY(mchartColorArray) THEN chartColorArray = Array
("#990000" , "#009900" , "#000099")

        IF ISEMPTY(mchartTitle) THEN chartTitle = "Chart Title"

        IF ISEMPTY(mchartViewDataType) THEN chartViewDataType = "V"

        IF ISEMPTY(mchartBarHeight) Then mchartBarHeight = 15

        IF ISEMPTY(mchartBorder) THEN mchartBorder = 0

        IF ISEMPTY(mchartTextColor) THEN    mchartTextColor = "#000000"



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