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RFC459 - Network questionnaires

发布: 2007-6-23 14:09 | 作者:   | 来源:   | 查看: 13次 | 进入软件测试论坛讨论


  Network Working Group W. Kantrowitz
RFC: 459 LL-TX-2
NIC: 14379 February 26, 1973

Network Questionnaires

In recent times, a steady stream of questionnaires has been arriving

from the.network community. Each questionnaire creates an additional
distraction from more useful work and raises the general annoyance level
somewhat. The arrival of the seven-page NCP questionnaire (RFC460) has
pushed the annoyance level over the top.

We are wondering if any of the questionnaire polluters has given any
thought to the fact that it takes time to fill out these questionnaires
especially if one wants to do a conscientious job and provide reasonable
answers to questions which are frequently only partially applicable.

It seems rather presumptuous for RFC460 to provide a lengthy
questionnaire without any explanation as to the motivation for it and
then request a response in two weeks. And tantalize us yet with the
promise of additional questionnaires in the future.

Sites which have the luxury of people who have nothing better to do
than create questionnaires and other meta-work should realize that there
are some sites that operate with limited personnel resources, do have
something better to do, and will get nothing done if they are
continually swamped with all kinds of meta-work.

This material has not been reviewed for public release and is intended
only for use with the ARPA network. It should not be quoted or cited
in any publication not related to the ARPA network.

[ This RFCwas put into machine readable form for entry ]
[ into the online RFCarchives by Alex McKenzie with ]
[ support from GTE, formerly BBN Corp. 9/99 ]

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