我的机器启动以后就直接进bois了 而且里面只有winnt 4.0的选项 怎么早也没有找到unix的启动选项。怎么进去 高手救命呀!

qingxues 回复于:2002-12-04 13:31:43 |
是 什么机器? |
robert 回复于:2002-12-04 13:36:17 |
你的机器一定是装的unix吗。如果在Alpha bios下的话,菜单中有切换至unix console的功能。你好好找找。 |
miniyoyo2002 回复于:2002-12-04 13:55:35 |
对,楼上说得对! 如果是装的unix的话,应该能够切换的! |
ydh07 回复于:2002-12-04 16:13:34 |
启动后点F2进入bios,然后选择CMOS选项,点F6进入高级选项就可以看到选择启动模式的项,根据需求选择就好了。 |
loveeagle 回复于:2002-12-04 16:52:29 |
我的机器是 digital alpha 的tru64操作系统 在那个 cmois中已经选择成 digital unix (RMS) 可是重起以后还是进入到bois检测。我怀疑没有启动硬盘。 可是在bois中硬盘还是有的.有没有什么办法测试以下是不是硬件问题 呀 |
robert 回复于:2002-12-04 20:24:38 |
修改进入Digital unix后,在>>>console 下 >>>set os_type unix |
loveeagle 回复于:2002-12-04 21:38:53 |
他根本就不出来>>>提示符 每次看是就是bios检测 然后直接就进bois 检测硬盘 然后就是winnt 4.0选项 F2 进bios 什么也不让操作。 |
robert 回复于:2002-12-04 22:00:41 |
方法一: DIGITAL UNIX and OpenVMS are booted and firmware-based diagnostics are run from the SRM console. Follow this procedure to switch from AlphaBIOS to SRM: 1. Select CMOS Setup and press Enter. 2. In the CMOS Setup screen press F6. The Advanced CMOS Setup screen is displayed. 3. Select DIGITAL UNIX console (SRM) or OpenVMS console (SRM) and press F10. 4. The CMOS Setup screen is displayed. Press F10 to save the change. 5. Reset the system. Alternatively, you can press the Reset button, wait 5 seconds, and then press the Halt button. The method you choose depends on how you want the system to function on subsequent resets: · If you make the selection in the Advanced CMOS Setup screen, the system will stop in the SRM console whenever it is powered up, reset, or initialized until the Windows NT operating system is again specified. · If you press the Reset button, followed by the Halt button, no system setup information is changed, and AlphaBIOS will start the next time the system is powered up, reset, or initialized. 方法二: It is necessary to switch to the SRM console to boot DIGITAL UNIX or OpenVMS or to run firmware-based diagnostics. To switch from AlphaBIOS to the SRM console, press the Rest button on the control panel, wait 5 seconds, and press the Halt button. Alternatively, select DIGITAL UNIX (SRM) or OpenVMS (SRM) from the Advanced CMOS Setup screen and reset the system. 方法一,方法二: 在>>>下: >>>set os_type unix 以后加电自检后进入>>> |
ydh07 回复于:2002-12-05 10:51:11 |
没硬盘也能进入>>>状态下。你确定改成digital unix 选项后保存了吗? |
loveeagle 回复于:2002-12-05 13:20:25 |
谢谢大家了我的问题解决了。 这个帖子收藏了。 |
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