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发布: 2008-2-18 13:39 | 作者: 希赛网 | 来源: 希赛网 | 查看: 209次 | 进入软件测试论坛讨论


  Computer crime is certain to continue.The goal of computer security is to institute controls that preserve secrecy,integrity,and availability.Sometimes these controls are able to prevent attacks;other less powerful methods can only detect a breach as or after it occurs.
  In this section we will survey the controls that attempt to prevent exploitation of the vulnerabilities of computing systems.
  The most powerful tool in providing computer security is coding.By transforming data so that it is unintelligible to the outside observer,the value of an interception and the possibility of a modification or a fabrication are almost nullified.
    Encryption provides secrecy for data.Additionally,encryption can be used to achieve integrity,since data that cannot be read generally also cannot be changed.Furthermore,encryption is important in protocols,which are agreed-upon sequences of actions to accomplish some task.Some protocols ensure availability of resources.Thus,encryption is at the heart of methods for ensuring all three goals of computer security.
    Encryption is an important tool in computer security,but one should not overrate its importance.Users must understand that encryption does not solve all computer security problems.Furthermore,if encryption is not used properly,it can have no effect on security or can,in fact,degrade the performance of the entire system.Thus,it is important to know the situations in which encryption is useful and to use it effectively.
2.Software Controls
  Programs themselves are the second link in computer security.Programs must be secure enough to exclude outside attack.They must also be developed and maintained so that one can be confident of the dependability of the programs.
    Program controls include the following kinds of things:
    •  Development controls,which are standards under which a program is designed,coded,tested,and maintained
    •   Operating system controls,which are limitations enforced by the operating system to protect each user from all other users
    •   Internal program controls that enforce security restrictions,such as access limitations in a database management program
    Software controls may use tools such as hardware components,encryption,or information gathering.Software controls generally affect users directly,and so they are often the first aspects of computer security that come to mind.Because they influence the way users interact with a computing system,software controls must be carefully designed.Ease of use and potency are often competing goals in the design of software controls.

3.Hardware Controls
  Numerous hardware devices have been invented to assist in computer security.These devices range from hardware implementations of encryption to locks limiting access to theft protection to devices to verify users’identities.
    Some controls on computing systems are achieved through added hardware or software features,as described above.Other controls are matters of policy.In fact,some of the simplest controls,such as frequent changes of passwords,can be achieved at essentially no cost but with tremendous effect.
    Legal and ethical controls are an important part of computer security.The law is slow to evolve,and the technology involving computers has emerged suddenly.Although legal protection is necessary and desirable,it is not as dependable in this area as it would be in more well-understood and long-standing crimes[1].
  The area of computer ethics is likewise unclear,not that computer people are unethical,but rather that society in general and the computing community in particular have not adopted formal standards of ethical behavior.Some organizations are attempting to devise codes of ethics for computer professionals.Although these are important,before codes of ethics become widely accepted and therefore effective,the computing community and the general public need to understand what kinds of behavior are inappropriate and why.
  2)Physical Controls
    Some of the easiest,most effective,and least expensive controls are physical controls.Physical controls include locks on doors,guards at entry points,backup copies of important software and data,and physical site planning that reduces the risk of natural disasters.Often the simple physical controls are overlooked while more sophisticated approaches are sought.
    3)Effectiveness of Controls
    Merely having controls does no good unless they are used properly.The next section contains a survey of some factors that affect the effectiveness of controls.
   Awareness of Problem
        People using controls must be convinced of the need for security;people will willingly cooperate with security requirements only if they understand why security is appropriate in each specific situation.Many users,however,are unaware of the need for security,especially in situations in which a group has recently undertaken a computing task that was previously performed by a central computing department[2].
   Likelihood of Use
        Of course,no control is effective unless it is used.The lock on a computer room door does no good if people block the door open.During World War II code clerks used outdated codes because then had already learned them and could encode messages rapidly.Unfortunately,the opposite side had already broken some of those codes and could decode those messages easily.
    Principle of Effectiveness.Controls must be used to be effective.They must be efficient,easy to use,and appropriate.
    This principle implies that computer security controls must be efficient enough,in terms of time,memory space,human activity,or other resources used,so that using the control does not seriously affect the task being protected.Controls should be selective so that they do not exclude legitimate accesses.
4.Overlapping Controls
  Several different controls may apply to one exposure.For example,security for a microcomputer application may be provided by a combination of controls on program access to the data,on physical access to the microcomputer and storage media,and even by file locking to control access to the processing programs[3].This situation is shown in Fig. 18-3.

5.Periodic Review
  Few controls are permanently effective.Just when the security specialist finds a way to secure assets against certain kinds of attacks,the opposition doubles its efforts in an effort to defeat the security mechanism.Thus,judging the effectiveness of a control is an ongoing task.

[1]主句中前面一个it代表legal protection;as... as it...为同等比较。
[2]a group暗示many users。
[3]该长句实际上是一个简单句,只是方式状语有两个并列成分by a combination...和even by file...。

encryption     加密

1.True / False.
(1)            The most powerful tool in providing computer security is coding.
(2)            Some less powerful methods of defense are able to prevent attacks.
(3)            Encrypted data is unintelligible to the outside observer.
(4)            We can’t overrate encryption’s importance.
(5)            Development controls are limitations by the operating system.
(6)            Access limitations in a data base management program are internal program controls.
(7)            Ease of use and potency are often cooperative goals in the design of sof-tware controls.
(8)            Policies in hardware controls are complex controls.
(9)            Legal protection is not as dependable in computing area.
(10)           The area of computer ethics is likewise unclear.
(11)           Control is effective unless it is used.
(12)           Overlapping controls combined several different controls to one expos-ure.

2.Fill in the blanks with appropriate words or phrases.
(1)The goal of computer security is to preserve             .
(2)Methods of defense provided in this text include             .
(3)Encryption can be used to achieve              of data.
(4)Some              ensure availability of resources.
(5)Types of abuse in computing systems include             .
(6)             of programs must be confident in the development and maintenance of the programs.
(7)Tools used by software controls involve             .
(8)Hardware controls include             .
(9)The simplest control in policies is             .
(10)Physical controls in computing systems include              of important software and data.
(11)Factors that affect the effectiveness of controls are             .
(12)Principle of Effectiveness means that computer security controls must be efficient enough,in terms of             .
   a.hardware components,encryption,or information gathering
   b.backup copies
   c.secrecy,integrity,and availability
   d.frequent changes of passwords
   g.awareness of problem and likelihood of use
   h.encryption,software controls,hardware controls,overlapping controls and periodic review
   i.hardware,software and data
   j.time,memory space,human activity,or other resources used
   k.hardware implementations of encryption,locks limiting access to theft protection and devices to verify users’ identities

(1)t   (2)f   (3)t  (4)t
(5)f    (6)t   (7)f  (8)f
(9)t    (10)t   (11)f  (12)t
(1)c    (2)h   (3)f  (4)1
(5)i    (6)e   (7)a  (8)k
(9)d    (10)b   (11)g  (12)j


 开发控制,指程序设计、编码、测试和维护的标准化行为;
 操作系统控制,限制由操作系统强制实施,以防止其他用户对某一用户的干扰;
 内部程序控制,强调安全限制,如对数据库管理程序的访问限制。
 认识问题。
 使用的可能性。
 有效性原理。


文章来源于领测软件测试网 https://www.ltesting.net/

TAG: 安全防范

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