# /usr/sbin/clu_add_member
This is the TruCluster Add Member Program
You will need the following information in order to add a member to
the cluster:
- Hostname
- Member ID (1-63)
- Members Votes
- Boot disk (for example, dsk7)
- Cluster interconnect IP name
- Cluster interconnect IP address
- Number of votes for this member
The program will prompt for this information, offering a default
value when one is available. To accept the default value, press Return
If you need help responding to a prompt, either type the word 'help'
or type a question mark (?) at the prompt.
The program does not begin to add the member until you answer
all the prompts, and you confirm that the answers are correct.
Adding a member involves the following steps:
Labeling the boot disk (when required)
Creating AdvFS domains
Creating additional CDSLs
Updating configuration files
You then boot genvmunix from the new member's boot disk. At the first
boot the new member:
Configures layered product subsets
Builds a kernel and copies it to the member's boot disk
Boots the new kernel
Do you want to continue adding this member? [yes]:
grep: can't open /etc/resolv.conf
Warning: BIND does not appear to be configured correctly.
Do you want to continue adding this member? [yes]:
Warning: xntpd is not configured on your system. It is recommended
that xntp be configured prior to running this system as a cluster member.
Do you want to continue adding this member? [yes]:
Each cluster member has a hostname, which is assigned to the HOSTNAME
variable in /etc/rc.config.
Enter the new member's fully qualified hostname []:host2#第二个成员的名字。
Checking member's hostname: host2
Warning: The member's hostname 'host2' is not fully qualified and the
current hostname `'???'` is fully qualified. In most cases the new
members hostname should be fully qualified and in the same domain as the
current hostname.
You entered 'host2' as this member's hostname.
Is this name correct? [yes]:
The next available member id for a cluster member is '2'.
To use this default value, press Return at the prompt.
A member ID is used to identify each member in a cluster.
Each member must have a unique member ID, which is an integer in
the range 1-63, inclusive.
Enter a cluster member ID [2]:#cluster 成员的ID(不能和第一个重复)
Checking cluster member ID: 2
You entered '2' as the member ID.
Is this correct? [yes]:
By default, when the current members expected votes is greater then 1,
each added member is assigned '1' vote(s).
To use this default value, press Return at the prompt.
The number of votes for a member is an integer usually 0 or 1
Enter the number of votes for this member [1]:
Checking number votes for this member: 1
You entered '1' as the number votes for this member.
Is this correct? [yes]:
Each member has its own boot disk, which has an associated
device name; for example, 'dsk5'.
Enter the device name of the member boot disk []:dsk3#第二个成员启动的磁盘。
Checking the member boot disk: dsk3
You entered 'dsk3' as the device name of this member's boot disk.
Is this correct? [yes]:
Device 'mc0' is the default cluster interconnect interface device
Checking cluster interconnect interface device: mc0
The cluster interconnect IP name 'host2-mc0' was formed by appending
'-mc0' to the system's hostname.
To use this default value, press Return at the prompt.
Each cluster interconnect interface has a unique IP name (a hostname)
associated with it.
Enter the IP name for the cluster interconnect [host2-mc0]:#host2上面的内存通道卡上的计算机名称
Checking cluster interconnect IP name: host2-mc0
You entered 'host2-mc0' as the IP name for the cluster interconnect.
Is this name correct? [yes]:
The cluster interconnect IP address '' was created by prepending the
network address of the current member to the member id of the member you are
currently adding.
To use this default value, press Return at the prompt.
The cluster interconnect IP address is the IP address associated
with the cluster interconnect IP name. ( is an example
of an IP address.)
Enter the IP address for the cluster interconnect []:#host2 上面的内存通道卡上的IP地址。
Checking cluster interconnect IP address:
You entered '' as the IP address for the cluster interconnect.
Is this address correct? [yes]:
Each cluster member must have its own registered TruCluster Server
license. The data required to register a new member is typically located on
the License PAK certificate or it may have been previously placed on your
system as a partial or complete license data file. If you are prepared to
enter this license data at this time, clu_add_member can configure the new
member to use this license data. If you do not have the license data at this
time you can enter this data on the new member when it is up and running.
Do you wish to register the TruCluster Server license for this new member at
this time? [yes]:
By default the TruCluster Server license data is entered by invoking
the editor that is defined by your EDITOR environment variable. If the
environment variable is undefined, the vi editor will be invoked.
clu_add_member will display a template that includes all the fields on a PAK
and an additional field for your comment. You must transfer the values from
your License Pak certificate to the template, then save and exit the editor.
Do you wish to enter the data using the 'vi' editor? [yes]: #下面就是输入许可证了(host2)我就不写了:)
Licensed Software Product
Product Authorization Key
Enter data on lines terminated with :
Number of units:
Product Release Date:
Key Termination Date:
Availability Table Code:
Key Options:
Warning Creating new license database
Warning creating new history file
Checking TruCluster Server license data
You entered the following information:
Member's hostname: host2
Member's ID: 2
Number of votes assigned to this member: 1
Member's boot disk: dsk3
Member's cluster interconnect IP name: host2-mc0
Member's cluster interconnect IP address:
Member's cluster license: Entered
If you want to change any of the above information answers 'n' to the
following prompt. You will then be given an opportunity to change your
Do you want to continue to add this member? [yes]:#确认信息开始建立host2
Creating required disk labels.
Creating disk label on member disk : dsk3
Initializing cnx partition on member disk : dsk3h
Creating AdvFS domains:
Creating AdvFS domain 'root2_domain#root' on partition '/dev/disk/dsk3a'.
Creating cluster member-specific files:
Creating new member's root member-specific files
Creating new member's usr member-specific files
Creating new member's var member-specific files
Creating new member's boot member-specific files
Modifying configuration files required for new member operation:
Updating /etc/hosts - adding IP address '' and hostname 'host2-mc0'
Updating /etc/rc.config
Updating /etc/sysconfigtab
Updating member-specific /etc/inittab file with 'cms' entry.
Updating /etc/securettys - adding ptys entry
Updating /.rhosts - adding hostname 'host2-mc0'
Updating /etc/hosts.equiv - adding hostname 'host2-mc0'
Updating /etc/cfgmgr.auth - adding hostname 'host2'
Configuring cluster alias.
Configuring Network Time Protocol for new member
Adding interface 'host1-mc0' as an NTP peer to member 'host2'
Adding interface 'host2-mc0' as an NTP peer to member 'host1'
Registering TruCluster Server License
Configuring automatic subset configuration and kernel build.
clu_add_member: Initial new member configuration completed successfully.
Perform the following steps to complete the new member configuration:
1. Boot the new member using genvmunix:
>>>boot -file genvmunix <new-member-boot-device>
During this initial boot the new member will:
o Configure each installed subset.
o Attempt to build and install a new kernel. If the system cannot
build a kernel, it starts a shell where you can attempt to build
a kernel manually. If the build succeeds, copy the new kernel to
/vmunix. When you are finished exit the shell using ^D or 'exit'.
o The new member will attempt to set boot related console variables
and continue to boot to multi-user mode.
o After the new member boots you should setup your system default
network interface using the appropriate system management command.
然后重新启动。这样双机就安装完成了。用sysman可以查看双机的状态。和添加服务。 :em06:
mophe 回复于:2002-06-22 10:50:11 |
收到,谢谢!非常感谢!!!! |
我爱臭豆腐 回复于:2002-06-22 21:12:43 |
没有什么,希望着是一个抛砖引玉。希望大家多多交流。 :em07: |
huh523 回复于:2002-06-26 11:32:59 |
能介绍以下Cluster的管理方法,和怎样在Cluster上安装oracle8吗 |
我爱臭豆腐 回复于:2002-06-26 12:24:09 |
管理使用sysman 就可以。oracle我没有安装过。但是应该和sybase查不多。但是安装前一定要打补丁。 |
zhangpiwang 回复于:2004-03-26 18:35:53 |
[quote:bbb70183f4] 1. Boot the new member using genvmunix:
>>>boot -file genvmunix <new-member-boot-device>[/quote:bbb70183f4] 您这个是在member1上boot member2的根设备么? 就是说您安装member2的整个过程都是在member1上做的,在安装的时候是通过interconnnect过去的,然后,在member1上安装配置好member2后,在member1上reboot member2 吧? [quote:bbb70183f4] 然后重新启动。这样双机就安装完成了。用sysman可以查看双机的状态。 和添加服务。 [/quote:bbb70183f4] 从新启动,您是从member1上将member2从新启动,还是从member2上reboot它. 您能介绍一下如何添加服务么,sybase的安装方法也好,可以借鉴一下子的了de |
文章来源于领测软件测试网 https://www.ltesting.net/