Quota Applications
1. How to use Quotas Subsystem For every user disk space ?
Notes:quota just use in localdisk,except sysdisk and remote disk can't use.
a.setup quotas subsystem of IRIX6.x
b.# chkconfig quotacheck on
# chkconfig quotas on
# quotas stop
# quotas start
c. at /etc/mtab and fstab
add "/dev/dsk/dks1d6s7 /disk1 xfs rw,quota 0 0"
d.Add a user e.g jaleo use disk space just 25m
at /disk1/jaleo(/dev/dsk/dks1d6s7)
e.at /disk1/quotas (under every filesystem root must be creat a quotas file 

# touch /disk1/quotas
add " fs /disk1 kbytes (soft = 25000, hard = 25000) inodes (soft = 25000, hard = 25000)"
f. Limit User
#edquota jaleo
add "fs /disk1 kbytes (soft = 25000, hard = 25000) inodes (soft = 25000, hard = 25000)"
2.Notes: How to copy jaleo user limit to share jack user limit ?
#edquota -p jaleo share jack
g.start quota
# quotaon -v -a
# reboot
h.How to test quota succeed ?
# quota -v jaleo
Disk quotas for jaleo (uid 64684):
Filesystem usage quota limit timeleft files quota limit timeleft
/disk1 96 25000 25000 49 25000 25000
#repquota -v -a
/dev/dsk/dks1d6s7 (/disk1):
Disk limits File limits
User used soft hard timeleft used soft hard timeleft
root --4099488 0 0 75 0 0
jaleo -- 96 25000 25000 49 25000 25000
i.If user disk space over mix 25m will be list Quota Message:" Disk quota exceeded "
文章来源于领测软件测试网 https://www.ltesting.net/