dsk1 quorum disk (可以非常的小)在>>>下面是D100
dsk2 host1 的boot磁盘 >>> D101
dsk3 host2 的boot磁盘 >>> D102
dsk4 Cluster 的/usr、var、>>> D103
dsk5 sybase 的数据 >>> D104
现在一台计算机上安装OS。在安装TruCluster 软件。(当然需要许可证)。
编辑/etc/hosts文件。我下面举个例子: localhost#主机自己加入的不用东 host1#主机自己加入的不用东 host2#另外一台计算机 host3#虚拟的计算机 host1mc0#内存通道卡上的IP下面的也是。不用自己写 host2mc0
开始建立cluster :
This is the TruCluster Creation Program
You will need the following information in order to create a cluster:
- Cluster name (a hostname which is also used as the
default cluster alias)
- Cluster alias IP address
- Clusterwide root disk and partition (for example, dsk4b)
- Clusterwide usr disk and partition (for example, dsk4g)
- Clusterwide var disk and partition (for example, dsk4h)
- Quorum disk device (for example, dsk4)
- Number of votes assigned to the quorum disk
- Member Id
- Number of votes assigned to this member
- First member's boot disk (for example, dsk5)
- First member's cluster interconnect IP name
- First member's cluster interconnect IP address
The program will prompt for this information, offering a default
value when one is available. To accept the default value, press Return.
If you need help responding to a prompt, either type the word 'help'
or type a question mark (?) at the prompt.
The program does not begin to create a cluster until you answer
all the prompts, and confirm that the answers are correct.
Cluster creation involves the following steps:
Labeling disks (when required)
Creating AdvFS domains
Copying the files on the current root, usr, and var
partitions to the clusterwide partitions
Creating additional CDSLs
Updating configuration files
Building a kernel and copying it to the first member's boot disk
After the kernel is built and copied, you will halt the system and boot
it using the first member's boot disk.
Do you want to continue creating the cluster? [yes]:
Warning: BIND does not appear to be configured correctly.
Do you want to continue creating the cluster? [yes]:
Info: Neither gated or routed are configured. The gated
daemon will be configured and started on the new cluster.
Do you want to continue creating the cluster? [yes]:
Warning: xntpd is not configured on your system. It is recommended
that all cluster members run xntp.
Do you want to continue creating the cluster? [yes]:
Each cluster has a unique cluster name, which is a hostname
used to identify the entire cluster.
Enter the cluster name []:host3#cluster 的名称
Checking cluster name: host3
You entered 'host3' as your cluster name.
Is this correct? [yes]:
The cluster alias IP address is the IP address associated with the
default cluster alias. ( is an example of an IP address.)
Enter the cluster alias IP address []:虚拟的IP地址
Checking cluster alias IP address:
You entered '' as the IP address for the default cluster alias.
Is this correct? [yes]:
The following AdvFS domains are already configured:
cluster_root dsk4b
cluster_usr dsk4g
cluster_var dsk4h
Do you want to reuse the devices associated with these AdvFS domains? [yes]:
Checking the cluster root partition: dsk4b
Checking the cluster usr partition: dsk4g
Checking the cluster var partition: dsk4h
Do you want to define a quorum disk device at this time? [yes]:
The quorum disk device is the name of the disk (for example, 'dsk5')
that will be used as this cluster quorum disk.
Enter the device name of the quorum disk []:dsk1#输入quorum disk 的名称
Checking the quorum disk device: dsk1
You entered 'dsk1' as the device name of the quorum disk device.
Is this correct? [yes]:
By default the quorum disk is assigned '1' vote(s).
To use this default value, press Return at the prompt.
The number of votes for the quorum disk is an integer usually 0 or 1.
If you select 0 votes then the quorum disk will not contribute votes to the
cluster. If you select 1 vote then the quorum disk must be accessible to
boot and run a single member cluster.
Enter the number of votes for the quorum disk [1]:
Checking number votes for the quorum disk: 1
You entered '1' as the number votes for the quorum disk.
Is this correct? [yes]:
The default member id for the first cluster member is '1'.
To use this default value, press Return at the prompt.
A member ID is used to identify each member in a cluster.
Each member must have a unique member ID, which is an integer in
the range 1-63, inclusive.
Enter a cluster member ID [1]:#第一个cluster 成员的ID
Checking cluster member ID: 1
You entered '1' as the member ID.
Is this correct? [yes]:
By default the 1st member of a cluster is assigned '1' vote(s).
Checking number votes for this member: 1
The following AdvFS boot domain is already configured:第一个cluster成员的BOOT磁盘
root1_domain dsk2a
Do you want to reuse the disk associated with this AdvFS domain
as the boot disk? [yes]:
Checking the member boot disk: dsk2
Device 'mc0' is the default cluster interconnect interface device
Checking cluster interconnect interface device: mc0
The cluster interconnect IP name 'host1-mc0' was formed by appending
'-mc0' to the system's hostname.
To use this default value, press Return at the prompt.
Each cluster interconnect interface has a unique IP name (a hostname)
associated with it.
Enter the IP name for the cluster interconnect [host1-mc0]:#内存通道卡的名字(象主机名一样的东西)
Checking cluster interconnect IP name: host1-mc0
You entered 'host1-mc0' as the IP name for the cluster interconnect.
Is this name correct? [yes]:
The cluster interconnect IP address '' was created by prepending the
default cluster interconnect network address '' to the member id of
the member you are creating
To use this default value, press Return at the prompt.
The cluster interconnect IP address is the IP address associated
with the cluster interconnect IP name. ( is an example
of an IP address.)
Enter the IP address for the cluster interconnect []:#内存通道卡上的IP地址。
Checking cluster interconnect IP address:
You entered '' as the IP address for the cluster interconnect.
Is this address correct? [yes]:
You entered the following information:#确认下列信息
Cluster name: host3
Cluster alias IP Address:
Clusterwide root partition: dsk4b
Clusterwide usr partition: dsk4g
Clusterwide var partition: dsk4h
Clusterwide i18n partition: Directory-In-/usr
Quorum disk device: dsk1
Number of votes assigned to the quorum disk: 1
First member's member ID: 1
Number of votes assigned to this member: 1
First member's boot disk: dsk2
First member's cluster interconnect IP name: host1-mc0
First member's cluster interconnect IP address:
If you want to change any of the above information, answer 'n' to the
following prompt. You will then be given an opportunity to change your
Do you want to continue to create the cluster? [yes]:#开始创建
Creating required disk labels.
Creating disk label on member disk : dsk2
Initializing cnx partition on member disk : dsk2h
Creating disk label on quorum disk : dsk1
Initializing cnx partition on quorum disk : dsk1h
Creating AdvFS domains:
Creating AdvFS domain 'root1_domain#root' on partition '/dev/disk/dsk2a'.
Creating AdvFS domain 'cluster_root#root' on partition '/dev/disk/dsk4b'.
Creating AdvFS domain 'cluster_usr#usr' on partition '/dev/disk/dsk4g'.
Creating AdvFS domain 'cluster_var#var' on partition '/dev/disk/dsk4h'.
Populating clusterwide root, usr, and var file systems:
Copying root file system to 'cluster_root#root'.
Copying usr file system to 'cluster_usr#usr'.
Copying var file system to 'cluster_var#var'.
Creating CDSLs for clusterwide file systems:
Creating CDSLs in root file system.
Creating CDSLs in usr file system.
Creating CDSLs in var file system.
Creating links between clusterwide file systems
Populating member's root file system.
Modifying configuration files required for cluster operation:
Creating /etc/fstab file.
Configuring cluster alias.
Updating member-specific /etc/inittab file with 'cms' entry.
Updating /etc/hosts - adding IP address '' and hostname 'host1-mc0'
Updating /etc/rc.config file.
Updating /etc/sysconfigtab file.
Retrieving cluster_root major and minor device numbers.
Creating cluster device file CDSLs.
Updating /.rhosts - adding hostname 'host3'.
Updating /etc/hosts.equiv - adding hostname 'host3'
Updating /.rhosts - adding hostname 'host1-mc0'.
Updating /etc/hosts.equiv - adding hostname 'host1-mc0'
Updating /etc/ifaccess.conf - adding deny entry for 'alt0'
Updating /etc/ifaccess.conf - adding deny entry for 'sl0'
Updating /etc/ifaccess.conf - adding deny entry for 'tun0'
Finished updating member1-specific area.
Building a kernel for this member.
Saving kernel build configuration.
The kernel will now be configured using the doconfig program.
Saving /sys/conf/HOST1 as /sys/conf/HOST1.bck
Working....Wed Jun 19 22:35:15 CST 2002
The new kernel is /sys/HOST1/vmunix
Finished running the doconfig program.
The kernel build was successful and the new kernel
has been copied to this member's boot disk.
Restoring kernel build configuration.
Updating console variables
Setting console variable 'bootdef_dev' to dsk2
Setting console variable 'boot_dev' to dsk2
Setting console variable 'boot_reset' to ON
Saving console variables to non-volatile storage
clu_create: Cluster created successfully.
To run this system as a single member cluster it must be rebooted.
If you answer yes to the following question clu_create will reboot the
system for you now. If you answer no, then you must manually reboot the
system after clu_create exits.
Would you like clu_create to reboot this system now? [yes]:
Shutdown at 22:35 (in 0 minutes) [pid 5388]
*** FINAL System shutdown message from root@host1 ***
System going down IMMEDIATELY
... Rebooting as a cluster member

czghy 回复于:2002-06-21 18:53:43 |
好啊! |
飞鸟 回复于:2002-06-25 15:24:49 |
不错。 |
我爱臭豆腐 回复于:2002-06-25 15:29:50 |
你有什么好的经验也可以放到上面啊。 |
奥迪a6 回复于:2002-10-17 09:21:19 |
康柏强烈建议使用qurom盘,只需要2M. |
nxxinjun 回复于:2002-11-20 21:12:57 |
我想知道怎样把屏幕上的东西都记录到了一个文件中。我也想记录一下安装过程。 |
eliza 回复于:2002-11-21 16:54:21 |
不知道说的什么? 看不懂。详细点咯。。。。 |
我爱臭豆腐 回复于:2002-11-21 17:49:44 |
[quote][b]下面引用由[u]nxxinjun[/u]在 [i]2002/11/20 09:12pm[/i] 发表的内容:[/b] 我想知道怎样把屏幕上的东西都记录到了一个文件中。我也想记录一下安装过程。 [/quote] 找一个telnet的客户端程序就可以了。然后记录日志。 |
eliza 回复于:2002-11-22 10:30:31 |
你能给我DIGITAL TUR64 UNIX 4。0版本的license. 谢谢。。。。。。 急用。。。。。 |
我爱臭豆腐 回复于:2002-11-23 01:37:17 |
看来你是很着急。怎么到处在贴这个东西啊? |
Unix1998 回复于:2002-12-03 05:53:23 |
Thanks, What is Quorum disk ? |
xieyueshu 回复于:2003-01-07 15:26:22 |
前面的两个警告是什么?如何消除它们?(xntpd如何配?) |
feng117 回复于:2003-02-20 10:43:38 |
good |
文章来源于领测软件测试网 https://www.ltesting.net/