Invoke 'fx' from the IRIX Installation Tools CD, from the IRIX
Installation Tools and Overlays (1 of 2/3) CD, or from your first
IRIX CD whatever is appropriate..
If you want to run fx.ARCS and if you have the IRIX 6.5.1 Overlay
CD don't do it. Rather invoke 'fx' from the IRIX Installation
Tools CD.
If your CPU type is IP12 or IP17 the command (a single line) is:
boot -f dksc(ctlr,unit,

dksc(ctlr,unit,7)stand/fx.<cpu> --x
If your CPU type is IP19, IP20, or IP22 the command (a single
line) is:
boot -f dksc(ctlr,unit,

dksc(ctlr,unit,7)stand/fx.ARCS --x
For IRIX 6.5.x:
For systems with the 32 bit ARCS PROM (Indigo, Indigo2, Indy,
Onyx, Challenge and O2), the command (a single line) is:
boot -f dksc(ctlr,unit,

For systems with 64-bit ARCS PROM (for example, Power Challenge,
Power Onyx, Power Indigo2, Indigo2 10000, Origin, Onyx2, and
OCTANE) the command (a single line) is:
boot -f dksc(ctlr,unit,

where <ctlr> and <unit> are the controller and unit numbers of the
CDROM drive as shown by 'hinv'.
To invoke 'fx' over the network from a CD with installation tools
mounted under CDdir on an installation server named server, enter
this command:
>> boot -f bootp()server:CDdir/stand/<fx_call_as_shown_above>
zaleo 回复于:2002-08-14 21:51:05 |
太好了,谢谢sgi小姐 |
microroad 回复于:2002-08-16 00:22:16 |
Can you tell me what`s meaning of “bootp()” in network installation,miss sgi? |
sgi 回复于:2002-08-16 13:33:05 |
"bootp()server" the server ip address which run bootp daemon! |
race 回复于:2002-08-16 17:11:30 |
是tftp? |
sgi 回复于:2002-08-16 21:54:54 |
no tftp , is the bootp "server for Internet Bootstrap Protocol" |
microroad 回复于:2002-08-17 19:57:02 |
thank you ,sgi. |
ssscan 回复于:2002-08-28 11:16:43 |
一般情况下boot -f dksc(ctlr,unit,![]() 都可以运行。 远程安装时光驱需共享 |