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发布: 2007-7-02 11:08 | 作者: admin | 来源: | 查看: 42次 | 进入软件测试论坛讨论

领测软件测试网 第一步:以管理员用户登陆
如:conn sys/password@sid as sysdba
需要指定utl_file包可以操作的目录。在oracle 10g以前,可以用以下方法:
1、alter system set utl_file_dir=@#e:\utl@# scope=spfile;
在oracle 10g中建议用以下方法配置:CREATE DIRECTORY utl AS @#E:\utl@#;
参见oracle online:
In the past, accessible directories for the UTL_FILE functions were specified in the initialization file using the UTL_FILE_DIR parameter. However, UTL_FILE_DIR access is not recommended. It is recommended that you use the CREATE DIRECTORY feature, which replaces UTL_FILE_DIR. Directory objects offer more flexibility and granular control to the UTL_FILE application administrator, can be maintained dynamically (that is, without shutting down the database), and are consistent with other Oracle tools. CREATE DIRECTORY privilege is granted only to SYS and SYSTEM by default.

GRANT EXECUTE ON utl_file TO scott;

第四步:conn scott/tiger

文章来源于领测软件测试网 https://www.ltesting.net/

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