(陈冬艳 2001年07月24日 10:59)
RHCE是Red Hat Certified Engineer的简称,始于1999年3月。截至2001年1月17日,Red Hat的统计资料表明,RHCE资格认证的通过率为62.5%。RHCE是市场上第一个面向Linux的认证考试,它不是一个普通的认证测试,和其他操作系统认证考试相比,RHCE考试需要花费一整天的时间,而且在测试中更加注重考察考生的实践经验。
Part I:故障排除测试(Debug Exam),最长时间为2.5小时。每个考生单独处理一台安装着Red Hat Linux系统,但是已经出现故障的机器,考试要求考生利用一些基本的紧急修复工具排除系统故障。考生所完成的答案只有两个:要么完成故障修复、要么放弃。在RHCX考官宣布到时后,还要为下一次的考试重新设置系统状态,因此,考生必须计算好自己的时间。考试规定,如果你放弃了一道题,就不允许返回去重做。故障范围从启动失败到网络服务错误均有可能发生,而且不允许用重装系统完成故障排除。
Part Ⅱ:常用命令语句测试,即多项选择题(Multiple Choice Exam)。这部分考试包括50道多选题,每题有4个选项。考生最多只有60分钟的时间,因此必须熟知每个命令的标准语法格式(注:对母语不是英语的考生来说,时间可以延长)。
Part Ⅲ:服务器安装和网络服务配置测试(Server Install and Network Service Setup Exam)。要求考生在规定时间里(最长2.5小时)完成题目要求的系统安装配置,例如:替换缺省的桌面环境等。这部分考试的内容是不确定的,但是内容主要围绕着系统基本服务、常用的网络及安全管理等方面。
Red Hat官方将RHCE考试分为两个级别:专家级和标准级。专家级要求考生有多年的UNIX/Linux系统管理和网络配置、管理经验,其中RH302是和RH300捆绑的实践操作考试,如果考生认为自己经验丰富,不用学习RH300课程,可以直接参加RH302的实践操作考试。
标准级是针对大多数没有Unix/Linux系统管理经验的考生设置的,主要有三门课程:RH033(Red Hat Linux入门知识)针对MCSE、MCP、CNE等没有Unix/Linux使用经验的考生开设,RH133(Red Hat管理员入门)针对有基本命令行使用经验的考生开设,RH253(Red Hat网络管理与安全管理入门)针对那些通过了RH133考试、还想继续掌握关键的网络服务设置及安全控制的考生设置。
因此,通过这种认证考试的最明智的办法就是参加考前强化班。强化班可以帮助你顺利地通过认证考试,因为它针对考试内容有选择、高强度地给考生灌输必备的知识。这也就是社会上出现很多Windows NT MCSE、Cisco CCNA或CCIE认证强化班的原因。
考前强化班是在考前对考生进行强化训练的地方,在那里,你看到和接触到的都是与考试相关的资料。对于需要通过多门考试才能领到证书的认证来说,强化班依次教授与当前考试相关的知识,直到考完试后,再进行下一个考试的训练。例如:在一些Windows MCSE考前强化班中,一般第一天安排14个小时的授课,第二天安排考生自学,等这门课考完,再继续下一门课。所以强化班的学习时间从5天到17天不等,而强化班之所以火爆的原因,正是因为它们的通过率一般很高。
Red Hat也有一个强化培训班,称为Red Hat RH300 Rapid Track。在考前的4天当中,高强度复习考试涉及的所有题目。这就是我在通过考试前所参加的培训。
要想顺利通过RHCE考试,你需要不断地在Red Hat Linux系统上进行实地练习。这也正是强化班的培训方法:针对最终目标——通过考试——进行高强度训练。如果你曾经是某种版本的Unix系统管理员,并且熟悉Unix系统的安装和管理,参加Rapid Track学习后通过考试就相当容易了。
但是,如果你从未使用过Unix或Linux系统,RH300这种高强度的培训对你来说就不是很合适了。这时你需要学习有关Red Hat Linux的所有基本知识(RH033、RH133、RH253),同时最好在日常工作中运用这些知识。如果你能在日常工作中使用Red Hat Linux,并且能够完成基本的系统管理和配置网络服务的操作,你才能深刻理解考试所考察的知识并顺利通过考试。
三部分考试的总平均分达到80即可获得RHCE证书。Part Ⅰ的系统维护考试分成4个部分,每部分25分,满分100(注意:这部分的得分尾数只有5、0,考生要么完成每个系统维护工作得满25分,要么只能得0分);Part Ⅱ有50个多项选择题,每题2分,总分也是100分。
Part Ⅲ满分同样是100。在这部分考试中,考生按照需求说明完成Red Hat Linux系统安装和配置。需求说明一般包括10~25个知识点,并且这些知识点都能通过系统的某些特性表现出来。考生必须通过网络完成所有的题目,包括:安装到指定分区、安装配置指定的软件包、配置网络服务及一些基本的安全控制管理等。
考生可以在Part Ⅰ的考试中计算出自己的得分,因为每完成一个系统修复可以得到25分;在Part Ⅱ的考试中如果考官有时间的话,也可以马上算出你的得分;而Part Ⅲ的成绩因机器的不同而异,考官必须按照考试说明对机器进行逐一检测才能给出成绩,因此这部分的成绩不能马上计算出来。
考官在算出Part Ⅲ部分的成绩后,连同前两部分的考试成绩一同送交Red Hat总部。Red Hat总部保留着所有考生的考试成绩。在Red Hat官员证明考试结果有效之后,会以E-mail的方式通知每位通过考试的考生,几天后,资格证书就会寄到。考生收到证书后,要到RHCE注册中心进行注册,这样任何人都可以通过Internet在RHCE注册中心检索你的RHCE ID号码,同样你可以到RHCE注册中心:www.redhat.com/training/ rhce/certification/ 检索你自己的ID号码。
很多其他Linux版本(如:Caldera、TurboLinux和Mandrake)都以Red Hat最新版为基础,这些非Red Hat Linux的系统拥有和Red Hat Linux相同的Linux内核,并且一般都有同样的网络服务和用户服务工具。这些Linux系统和Red Hat Linux的最大区别就在于它们的安装、管理工具和Red Hat Linux是不一样。例如:TurboLinux和Mandrake使用非Red Hat编制的安装程序,并增加了自己的管理工具。如果你用的是这些版本的Linux系统,不用担心,它们的工作原理和技术要点与Red Hat Linux大致相同,你只需要了解它们和Red Hat Linux的不同点即可。
Debian和SuSE版本的Linux和Red Hat Linux不太一样。如果你比较熟悉Debian或SuSE Linux系统,那么还需要重新学习Red Hat Linux系统所能完成的工作,例如:安装,系统维护,软件包管理,用户和系统使用工具等。
tiansgx 回复于:2003-08-15 16:03:37 |
认证考试题: RHCE2B.COM RHCE & Practice Test Thanks to Randy.Flood@rhce2b.com 1. You want to compile a new kernel. You have just run "make dep". What should you do next? Choose the best answer: A. make bzImage B. make dep C. make clean D. make mrproper E. make xconfig -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. You are configuring a Linux DHCP server. You have it setup and working (as Linux clients are getting ip addresses from the DHCP server fine) but some Windows 95 clients are not getting ip addresses properly from your DHCP server. What do you need to do? Choose the best answer: A. route add -host dev eth0 B. route add -net dev eth0 C. service dhcp restart D. touch /var/state/leases E. Windows 95 is not compatible with a Linux DHCP server. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. What does COPS stand for? Choose the best answer: A. Company Oriented Password System B. Computer Oriented Password Security C. Computer Oracle and Password System D. Computer Oracle and Points System E. None of the above -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. How can you create a file of all your ISA plug and play device settings? Choose the best answer: A. pnpdump > isapnp.conf B. pnpdump -isa > isapnp.conf C. isadump > isapnp.conf D. cat /proc/isa E. isaadmin --dump >isapnp.conf -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. What file contains the configuration for BIND? Choose the best answer: A. /etc/bind.conf B. /etc/named.conf C. /etc/dns.conf D. /var/named/bind.conf E. /var/named.conf -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. What does the -H option do for the dhcpcd program? Choose the best answer: A. Sets the hostname of the machine to the name provided by DHCP. B. Kills any previous version of the dhcpcd program that may be running. C. Passes the machine name to DHCP as part of the DHCP request. D. Only tries to get a new ip address if the current one is older than a certain number of hours. E. None of the above -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. What program allows you to acess SMB shares using ftp-like commmands? Choose the best answer: A. mount B. smbftp C. smbclient D. smbmount E. samba -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. You want to add a directory to all users paths. What file should you edit to do this? Choose the best answer: A. /etc/sysconfig/profile B. /etc/sysconfig/profile C. /etc/bashrc D. /etc/profile E. /etc/env -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. How can I see what directories are being shared via NFS on a remote host called fileserver? Choose the best answer: A. ping fileserver B. mount -a -t NFS fileserver C. showmount -e fileserver D. nfstalk --query fileserver E. None of the above -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10. How do I immeadiately shut down a Linux system? Choose the best answer: A. Turn off the monitor then turn off the CPU. B. /sbin/stop C. init 6 D. shutdown -h now E. None of the above -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11. What directory contains the DNS zone files? Choose the best answer: A. /etc/bind/ B. /etc/named/ C. /etc/bind.d D. /var/named E. /var/bind.d -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. What file contains the list of terminals that root is allowed to log into? Choose the best answer: A. /etc/rooterm.conf B. /etc/terminals C. /etc/secure D. /etc/tty.conf E. /etc/securetty -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13. What file would you edit to share out a directory via NFS? Choose the best answer: A. /etc/nfsd.conf B. /etc/nsf C. /etc/fstab D. /etc/exports E. /etc/export.conf -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14. How can you find out which ports are being used? Choose the best answer: A. ifconfig -a B. netstat -a C. netstat -rn D. ports E. cat /etc/services -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15. Where are source RPMs installed? Choose the best answer: A. /usr/src/linux/rpms/ B. /var/src/linux/rpm/ C. /var/rpm/src/ D. /var/linux/rpm/src/ E. /usr/src/redhat/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16. You have created a /home/projectfoo directory. How can you change its group ownership to the projectfoo group? Choose the best answer: A. chmod g+rwx projectfoo /home/projectfoo B. chown projectfoo /home/projectfoo C. chgrp projectfoo /home/projectfoo D. newgrp projectfoo /home/projectfoo E. chown projectfoo.users /home/projectfoo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17. What port does the Squid proxy server use by default? Choose the best answer: A. 80 B. 1080 C. 3028 D. 3128 E. 8080 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18. You have just added a new NFS share to the appropriate file. What must you do to activate the share? Choose the best answer: A. reboot B. exportfs -a C. ndc restart D. server nfs start E. mount -A -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19. The PCMCIA card configuration file is read by cardmgr (javascript:window.open(this.src);" style="CURSOR: pointer" onload="return imgzoom(this,550)"> at startup time. It defines what resources are available for use by Card Services describes how to load and initialize device drivers and describes specific PCMCIA cards. Where is this file located? Choose the best answer: A. /etc/pcmcia/config.opts B. /etc/sysconfig/pcmcia C. /etc/config.pcmcia D. /etc/pcmcia E. /etc/pcmcia/config -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20. What does the following cron entry do? 10 5 * * * /bin/foo Choose the best answer: A. runs /bin/foo every 10 minutes 5 days a week B. runs /bin/foo at 10:05 AM every day C. runs /bin/foo on the 10th of May every year D. runs /bin/foo at 5:10 AM every day E. none of the above -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21. What file do I edit to prevent specific users from accessing an ftp server? Choose the best answer: A. /etc/hosts.allow B. /etc/hosts.deny C. /etc/ftpacess D. /etc/ftpusers E. /etc/ftpd.conf -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22. You install Linux and reboot your machine and you see only L instead of the expected LILO. What is wrong? Choose the best answer: A. Lilo did not load at all. B. The first stage boot loader loaded but not the second stage. C. The descriptor table is corrupt. D. The second stage boot loader loaded at an incorrect address E. Nothing is wrong. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23. What directory contains the kernel? Choose the best answer: A. / B. /kernel C. /etc D. /boot E. /var/log -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24. How do you enable quotas on a partition in /etc/fstab? Choose the best answer: A. Add the enforcequotas option. B. You don't. Quotas are turned on automatically when you install the quota rpm. C. Add the quota option. D. Add the usrquota and grpquota options. E. You put a 1 in the last column. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25. If you want to allow X-Windows programs from hostB to run on the display on hostA what would you need to do? Choose the best answer: A. run xhost +hostB on hostA. B. run xhost +hostA on hostB. C. run xhost + on hostA. D. run xhost + on hostB. E. just set the DISPLAY environment variable and it will work. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26. What command will turn off the ftpd service in all runlevels? Choose the best answer: A. chkconfig ftpd off B. rm /etc/rc.d/init.d/*ftpd* C. chkconfig --levels 12345 ftpd off D. service ftpd stop E. service ftpd stop -persistant -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 27. You want to compile a new kernel. You have just run "make xconfig". What should you do next? Choose the best answer: A. make bzImage B. make dep C. make clean D. make mrproper E. make xconfig -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28. What command do you use to edit quotas? Choose the best answer: A. quotaconfig B. editquota C. quotaconfig D. edquota E. quotaeditor -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 29. Your IP address is and your subnet mask is You have one ethernet card. You want to set your default gateway to be Which of the following is the correct syntax to accomplish this? Choose the best answer: A. route add default eth0 B. route add default gw dev eth0 C. route add default gw eth0 D. route add default gw /dev/eth0 E. route add default gw -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30. You want to compile a new kernel. You have already compiled the kernel and modules. How do you install the modules? Choose the best answer: A. make modules_install B. make install C. make modules D. make install_modules E. make bzImage -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 31. What file do you edit to set the default runlevel? Choose the best answer: A. /etc/grub.conf B. /etc/lilo.conf C. either A or B D. /etc/inittab E. /etc/runlevel -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 32. Where are kernel modules stored assuming you are using kernel version 2.4.16-9? Choose the best answer: A. /lib/redhat/modules/2.4.16-9 B. /lib C. /lib/modules/2.4.16-9 D. /lib/modules E. /usr/lib/modules/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 33. How can you turn off interface eth1? Choose the best answer: A. service network stop B. service netork stop eth1 C. ifstop eth1 D. ifdown eth1 E. ps -aux |grep eth1| kill `awk -f {$1}` -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 34. How can you see the kernel routing table? Choose the best answer: A. netstat -Route B. netstat -rn C. netstat -an D. route show default gw E. netstat -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 35. What program can be used to test the smb.conf file for errors? Choose the best answer: A. mount B. test C. samba --checkparm D. testparm E. smbfs -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 36. Which files are used to configure TCP Wrappers? Choose the best answer: A. /etc/tcpwrapper.conf and /etc/hosts.conf B. /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny C. /etc/tcpwrapper.conf and /etc/xinetd.conf D. /etc/access.conf and /etc/xinetd.conf E. /etc/tcpwrapper and /etc/access.conf -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 37. Which installation class will automatically delete all of your DOS partitions? Choose the best answer: A. Custom B. Workstation C. Laptop D. Server E. All of the above -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 38. What command allows you to switch from using Gnome to using KDE? Choose the best answer: A. Xconfigurator B. Xsetup C. Xwindowconfig D. switchdesk E. videocfg -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 39. You have just added a new NFS share to the appropriate file. What must you do to activate the share? Choose the best answer: A. reboot B. exportfs -a C. ndc restart D. server nfs start E. mount -A -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40. What does the -N option do for the dhcpcd program? Choose the best answer: A. Sets the hostname of the machine to the name provided by DHCP. B. If the dhcpcd server is already running then it sends it an ALRM signal to get it to renew its lease. C. Passes the machine name to DHCP as part of the DHCP request. D. Only tries to get a new ip address if the current one is older than a certain number of hours. E. None of the above -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 41. Which options to chmod allow read access to all but only allow write and execute access to the owner? Choose the best answer: A. chmod 777 filename B. chmod 700 filename C. chmod 744 filename D. chmod 447 filename E. chmod 775 filename -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42. You have a Linux machine that does not have X-Windows configured. What command can you use to find out what kind of graphics card it has? Choose the best answer: A. Xfind B. SuperProbe C. Xsetup D. cat /proc/video E. videocfg -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 43. What command do you use to edit the default grace period for quotas? Choose the best answer: A. quotaconfig -g B. editquota -g C. quotaconfig -t D. edquota -t E. quotaeditor --grace -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 44. Which option can not be specified to a Client using the DHCP protocol? Choose the best answer: A. default gateway B. primary WINS server C. subnet mask D. web proxy server E. IP address -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 45. You have installed a DHCP server on your Linux machine and edited the configuration file. What else must you do before it will give out ip addresses? Choose the best answer: A. reboot B. Put fixed-addresses in the configuration for each client. C. service dhcp begin D. touch /var/lib/dhcp/dhcpd.leases E. All of the above -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 46. What is the correct syntax to mount an MS DOS formatted floppy disk (do not assume that there is an entry in /etc/fstab)? Choose the best answer: A. mount /dev/floppy /mnt/fd0 B. mount -t iso9660 /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy C. mount -t vfat /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy D. mount -t msdos /dev/floppy /mnt/floppy E. mdir -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 47. What is the correct syntax to mount an MS DOS formatted floppy disk (do not assume that there is an entry in /etc/fstab)? Choose the best answer: A. mount /dev/floppy /mnt/fd0 B. mount -t iso9660 /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy C. mount -t vfat /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy D. mount -t msdos /dev/floppy /mnt/floppy E. mdir -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 48. You have created a /home/projectx directory with the owner of projectx and a group of projectx. How can you set its permissions so that all files created in this directory are owned by the projectx group? Choose the best answer: A. chown projectx.projextx /home/projectx B. chgrp projectx /home/projectx C. chmod 755 /home/projectx D. chmod g-s /home/projectx E. chmod g+s /home/projectx -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 49. What command will map all of the dependencies between modules into a file? Choose the best answer: A. modmap B. depmod -a C. depmod --rebuild D. modmap --rebuild E. modprobe --rebuild -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 50. What file contains the configuration for the Network Time Protocol server? Choose the best answer: A. /etc/ntp.conf B. /etc/xntp.conf C. /etc/NTP D. /etc/time.conf E. /etc/timeserver.conf -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 51. How can a user set up their own crontab entry? Choose the best answer: A. vi ~/.crontab B. cp /etc/crontab . C. crontab -v D. crontab -e E. cron -edit -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 52. Sendmail is an example of a(n) Choose the best answer: A. MTA B. MUA C. MDA D. MLA E. All of the above -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 53. How do you install an RPM? Choose the best answer: A. rpm -evh packagename.rpm B. rpm -ivh packagename.rpm C. rpm -q packagename.rpm D. rpm -qa *.rpm E. rpm -ql *.rpm -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 54. What command will create the quota.user and quota.group files for me? Choose the best answer: A. quotacheck -avug B. quotacheck -cugf C. quotacheck -rugf D. repquota -u E. none of the above -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 55. You have Linux installed on a machine and you use LILO as your boot loader. How do you boot into single user mode? Choose all correct answers: A. Wait for the machine to boot up then log in as root. Use the init 2 command. B. At the LILO prompt use the linux single command. C. At the LILO prompt use the linux 1 command. D. At the LILO prompt use the linux command. E. Linux only supports multi-user mode. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 56. What command can you enter to find out which rpm contains the /etc/foo file? Choose the best answer: A. rpm -qa |grep foo B. rpm -ql /etc/foo C. rpm -qlf /etc/foo D. rpm -q -f /etc/foo E. man foo |
tiansgx 回复于:2003-08-15 16:05:10 |
答案及出处: http://www.rhce2b.com/cgi-bin/test/test.pl |
tiansgx 回复于:2003-08-15 16:07:59 |
大家答完题可以讨论一下! |
linuxhack 回复于:2003-08-24 04:07:13 |
好贴,顶一下。。。 |
robert2000 回复于:2003-08-24 09:03:31 |
真不錯,請問從考的人數來看通過率大不大呀? |
dsword 回复于:2003-08-24 13:08:47 |
好贴! |
Lost in spy 回复于:2003-10-21 14:36:33 |
it's great! |
文章来源于领测软件测试网 https://www.ltesting.net/