# Download the Solaris x86 PS/2 Wheelmouse driver (14KByte; 2003-12-30). The driver works with Solaris 8 x86, Solaris 9 x86 and Solaris 10(beta) x86 and is intended to be used with the Solaris X11 server Xsun.
# uncompress and install the package as user root
bunzip2 TOOLSps2w-1.5-i386.pkg.bz2
pkgadd -d TOOLSps2w-1.5-i386.pkg
# Configure the mouse with the command kdmconfig. Select the "Built-in PS/2 Wheelmouse" entry with the appropriate mouse protocol in the pointing device submenu.
文章来源于领测软件测试网 https://www.ltesting.net/