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RFC38 - Comments on Network Protocol from NWG/RFC#36

发布: 2007-6-23 14:09 | 作者:   | 来源:   | 查看: 12次 | 进入软件测试论坛讨论


  Network Working Group Stephen M. Wolfe
Request for Comments: 38 UCLA CCN
20 March 1970

Comments on Network Protocol
from NWG/RFC#36

The proposed protocol does not allow for the possible multiplexing of

connections over links.

Generally, this presents no problem, but it might cause loading
restrictions in the future. Two cases where routing multiple
connections over the same link are apparent:

a) Where a user has several high speed connections, such as
between processes that transmit files over the network.
Assigning these connections to the same link limits the
percentage of network resources that may be used by that
user. This becomes particularly important when several
store-and-forward IMP's are used by the network to effect
the communication.
b) When two hosts each have their own independent network and
desire to allow access to the other hosts's network over
the ARPA net, a shortage of links may develop. Again, the
assignment of several connections to the same link could
help solve the problem.

The following changes in the protocol would make possible the future
use of multiplexed links. It is not necessary to add the
multiplexing, itself, to the protocol at this time.

a) The END and RDY must specify relevant sockets in addition to
the link number. Only the local socket name need be
b) Problems arise with the RSM and SPD commands. Should they
refer to an entire link, or just to a given connection?
Since there is a proposal to modify the RFNM to accommodate
these commands, it might be better to add another set of
commands to block and unblock a connection, but I am not
convinced that that is the best solution.
c) The destintation socket must be added to the header of each
message on the data link. Presumably this would consist of
32 bits immediately after the header and before the marking.

[ This RFCwas put into machine readable form for entry ]
[ into the online RFCarchives by Karl Reinsch 1/97 ]


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