MILY: 宋体; mso-ascii-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; mso-hansi-font-family: 'Times New Roman'">当时看到这个问题,想到两个的解决方法一个是利用对象的方法,赋值,编写程函数,输入列和行,然后由这个函数处理,这样做直接,高效率,还有一个思路是利用坐标定位然后输入数据,也是便写函数,具体计算由函数处理,这种方法虽然不能做到通用,但简单实用。
按照第一个思路开始行动,因为那位朋友javascript:;" onClick="javascript:tagshow(event, '%B2%E2%CA%D4');" target="_self">测试的软件用delphi开发,其中gird是个第三方控件,这里我用TDBGrid来代替他的第三方控件做到问题简单化,先把实际问题解决,自己动手做了个程序,用ADO连接数据库,利用DataGrid显示数据,来模拟实际情况。录制脚本如下:
Dim Result As Integer
'Initially Recorded: 2004-4-22 23:01:19
'Script Name: First
StartApplication """C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\桌面\T\Project1.exe"""
Window SetContext, "Caption=Form1", ""
GenericObject DblClick, "Class=TDBGrid;ClassIndex=1", "Coords=168,27"
InputKeys "good"
GenericObject Click, "Class=TDBGrid;ClassIndex=1", "Coords=369,33"
Window CloseWin, "", ""
End Sub
用过delphi的人都知道TstringGrid有个Cell属性,我们可以利用robot函数SqaSetProperty给cell赋值完成上边要的功能,首先用robot来的gui insert的object properties来抓取对象TDBGrid的属性,这样做是因为函数SqaSetProperty只能对robot抓取道的属性起作用,也就是说即使有cell属性,robot的object properties抓取不到这个属性,我们也无法实现前边的想法。用object properties抓取TDBGrid的属性后发现,只抓取到了部分属性,根本没有可以利用的cell属性,怎么办,利用delphi enabler来做一次看是否可以得到更多的属性,我把sqasrv.pas(其实delphi enabler的核心就是这个delphi单元文件)加入到工程文件中,重新编译(可能编译的时候有一些问题,我遇到的问题是Unit 'oleAuto' is deprecated,用$WARN UNIT_DEPRECATED ON/OFF编译开关,就可以解决了),重新录制脚本如下:(这回TDBGrid的属性基本都抓取到了)。
Dim Result As Integer
'Initially Recorded: 2004-4-22 23:38:55
'Script Name: Second
StartApplication """C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\桌面\T\Project1.exe"""
Window SetContext, "Name=Form1;Type=Form", ""
GenericObject DblClick, "Name=DBGrid1;Type=CustomGrid", "Coords=93,30"
InputKeys "jack"
GenericObject Click, "Name=DBGrid1;Type=CustomGrid", "Coords=338,26"
Window CloseWin, "", ""
End Sub
Dim Result As Integer
Dim Var as String
'Initially Recorded: 2004-4-22 23:38:55
'Script Name: Second
StartApplication """C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\桌面\T\Project1.exe"""
Window SetContext, "Name=Form1;Type=Form", ""
GenericObject DblClick, "Name=DBGrid1;Type=CustomGrid", "Coords=93,30"
Result = SQASetProperty ("Name=;Type=CustomGrid;Index=1", "Text", "Mr.")
Result = SQAGetProperty("Name=;Type=CustomGrid;Index=1", "Text", VAR)
GenericObject Click, "Name=DBGrid1;Type=CustomGrid", "Coords=338,26"
if Result = 0 then
MsgBox "Hello"
End if
GenericObject Click, "Name=DBGrid1;Type=CustomGrid", "Coords=338,26"
'Window CloseWin, "", ""
End Sub
Sub SetGridFocus(strObject as String, strCol as String, strRow as String, strValue as String)
Dim iResult as Integer
Dim iCount as Integer
Dim ColWidth() as integer
Dim iWidth as Integer
Dim strColPos as Integer
Dim strRowPos as Integer
Dim strCor as String
Dim iTemp as integer
strColPos = 0
strRowPos = 0
iTemp = 0
SQAGetProperty strObject ,"Columns.Count", iCount
if iCount <> 0 then
Redim ColWidth(iCount - 1)
While iTemp < iCount
iResult = SQAGetProperty (strObject, "Columns.Items(" + CStr(iTemp) +").Width",iWidth)
ColWidth(iTemp) = iWidth
iTemp = iTemp + 1
End if
strColPos = 20
if CInt(strCol) <> 1 then
for iTemp = 1 to CInt(strCol)-1
strColPos = strColPos+ ColWidth(iTemp-1)
next iTemp
End if
for iTemp = 1 to CInt(strRow)
strRowPos = 24 +strRowPos
next iTemp
strCor = "Coords=" & strColPos &","+CStr(strRowPos)
GenericObject Click, strObject, strCor
InputKeys strValue
strCor = "Coords=" & strColPos &","+CStr(strRowPos + 24)
GenericObject Click, strObject, strCor
End Sub
上编写的还有很多疏漏的地方,对于浮动文本框赋值成功,却无法改动tdbgrid中的值没有深入研究,该函数在实际应用中还有个小问题,没有做到很完全“周到“ ,下回有时间改正。
Function GetColCount(sGridRecogStr as String) as Integer
Dim Result as Integer
Dim vValue as Variant
Dim sLogMessage as String
Dim sErrorMessage as String
grdGetRowCount = -1
Result = SQAGetProperty(sGridRecogStr, "Column.Count", vValue)
If Result = sqaSuccess Then
GetRowCount = CInt(vValue)
sLogMessage = "无法得到Grid的列数”
sErrorMessage = "[" & CStr(Result) & " = " & Error(Result) &"]"
SQALogMessage sqaFail, sLogMessage, sErrorMessage
End If
End Function