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发布: 2007-6-30 18:56 | 作者: admin | 来源: | 查看: 14次 | 进入软件测试论坛讨论

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@# To just use a DSN, the format is shown on the next line:

@#Const DSN_NAME = "DSN=ASP101email"

@# Two other samples I used it with. Left in as syntax examples for DSN-less connections

@#Const DSN_NAME = "DBQ=C:\InetPub\wwwroot\asp101\samples\database.mdb;Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DriverId=25"

@#Const DSN_NAME = "DBQ=C:\InetPub\database\donations.mdb;Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DriverId=25"


DSN_NAME = "DBQ=" & Server.MapPath("db_dsn.mdb") & ";Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DriverId=25;"

Const DSN_USER = "username"

Const DSN_PASS = "password"

@# Ok, I know these are poorly named constants, so sue me!

@# This script can be used without actually setting up a DSN, so

@# DSN_NAME as well as the other two constants should really be named

@# something more generic like CONNECTION_STRING, CONNECTION_USER, and

@# CONNECTION_PASS, but I did it this way without really thinking about

@# it and I@#m too lazy to change it now. If it bothers you, you do it!



Sub OpenConnection

Set objDC = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

objDC.ConnectionTimeout = 15

objDC.CommandTimeout = 30


End Sub

Sub OpenRecordset(sType)

Dim sSqlString @# as String - building area for SQL query

Dim sCritOperator @# as String - basically "=" or "LIKE"

Dim sCritDelimiter @# as String - parameter delimiter "", "@#", or "#"

Set objRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

Select Case sType

Case "ListTables" @# Open RS of the Tables in the DB

Set objRS = objDC.OpenSchema(adSchemaTables)

Case "ViewTable" @# Open the Selected Table

Set objRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

objRS.Open "[" & sTableName & "]", objDC, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly

Case "DrillDown" @# Open the Recordset built by the selected options

Set objRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

@# Build Our SQL Statement

sSqlString = "SELECT * FROM [" & sTableName & "]"

@# If we@#re limiting records returned - insert the WHERE Clause into the SQL

If sCritField <> "" Then

@# Figure out if we@#re dealinh with Numeric, Date, or String Values

Select Case iCritDataType

Case adSmallInt, adInteger, adSingle, adDouble, adDecimal, adTinyInt, adUnsignedTinyInt, adUnsignedSmallInt, adUnsignedInt, adBigInt, adUnsignedBigInt, adBinary, adNumeric, adVarBinary, adLongVarBinary, adCurrency, adBoolean

sCritOperator = "="

sCritDelimiter = ""

Case adDate, adDBDate, adDBTime, adDBTimeStamp

sCritOperator = "="

sCritDelimiter = "#"

Case adBSTR, adChar, adWChar, adVarChar, adLongVarChar, adVarWChar, adLongVarWChar

sCritOperator = "LIKE"

sCritDelimiter = "@#"

End Select

sSqlString = sSqlString & " WHERE [" & sCritField & "] " & sCritOperator & " " & sCritDelimiter & sCritValue & sCritDelimiter

End If

@# If we@#re sorting - insert the ORDER BY clause

If sSortOrder <> "none" Then

sSqlString = sSqlString & " ORDER BY [" & sSortField & "] " & sSortOrder

End If

sSqlString = sSqlString & ";"

@# Open the actual Recordset using a Forward Only Cursor in Read Only Mode

objRS.Open sSqlString, objDC, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly

End Select

End Sub

Sub CloseRecordset


Set objRS = Nothing

End Sub

Sub CloseConnection


Set objDC = Nothing

End Sub

Sub WriteTitle(sTitle)

Response.Write "<H2>" & sTitle & "</H2>" & vbCrLf

End Sub

Sub WriteTableHeader

Response.Write "<TABLE BORDER=1>" & vbCrLf

End Sub

Sub WriteTableRowOpen

Response.Write "<TR>" & vbCrLf

End Sub

Sub WriteTableCell(bCellIsTitle, sContents)

Response.Write vbTab & "<TD>"

If bCellIsTitle Then Response.Write "<B>"

Response.Write sContents

If bCellIsTitle Then Response.Write "</B>"

Response.Write "</TD>" & vbCrLf

End Sub

Sub WriteTableRowClose

Response.Write "</TR>" & vbCrLf

End Sub

Sub WriteTableFooter

Response.Write "</TABLE>" & vbCrLf

End Sub



@# Before I start with the run-time code, let me clear up a few things.

@# I@#ve tried (and succeeded I think!) to keep all the actual HTML

@# formatting contained within Subs. Hence things should be relatively

@# consistent as well as being easy to change if you say want a larger

@# border or perhaps a table background color or whatever...

@# This, along with my attempts to try and keep my sanity, have resulted

@# in a rather large proportion of Sub/Function Calls to actual code.

@# Since I@#m sure this is probably confusing to many newcomers to ASP

@# and/or VB, I@#ve attempted to preface each call with the optional

@# Call command. Also any SUB or FUNCTION whose name starts with the

@# word "Write" is basically just an encapsulation of some variation of

@# a Response.Write command, while the remainder of the name represents

@# whatever it happens to write.

@# IE. WriteTableRowClose writes the tags used to end (or close) a table row

@# The actual HTML is (as usual) pretty vanilla flavored. If you want

@# rocky-road or mint ting-a-ling (a marvelous piece of ice cream

@# craftsmanship I might add), you@#ll need to edit the Write functions.

@# Just be aware of the fact that any change to a SUB will affect ALL

@# uses of it, so check the code before you try and make a change to

@# just one cell and end up changing them all!

@# Okay enough of my rambling......Onwards to the Code!!!

Dim objDC, objRS @# DataConnection and RecordSet

Dim I @# As Integer - Standard Looping Var

Dim strTemp @# As String - Temporary area for building long strings

Dim sAction @# As String - Action String to choose what to do

Dim sTableName @# As String - ...so we know what to do it to

Dim sSortField @# As String - Field to sort by

Dim sSortOrder @# As String - ...ASC or DESC

Dim sCritField @# As String - Field for DrillDown

Dim sCritValue @# As String - ...Value to compare to

Dim iCritDataType @# As Integer - so we know how to compare

@# Note to all you programmers out there!

@# IE4 broke this code when my QueryString was named parameter because

@# it was converting the &para to the Paragraph sign even though it was

@# in the middle of a word and there was no trailing ;. It works great

@# in Netscape. Here@#s another case where IE@#s efforts to make things

@# foolproof ruined the asp code!

@# Get all the parameters we@#ll need

sAction = Request.QueryString("action")

If sAction = "" Then sAction = "ListTables"

sTableName = Request.QueryString("tablename")

sSortField = Request.QueryString("sf")

Select Case LCase(Request.QueryString("so"))

Case "asc"

sSortOrder = "ASC"

Case "desc"

sSortOrder = "DESC"

Case Else

sSortOrder = "none"

End Select

sCritField = Request.QueryString("cf")

If Len(sCritField) = 0 Then sCritField = ""

sCritValue = Request.QueryString("cv")

iCritDataType = Request.QueryString("cdt")

If Len(iCritDataType) <> 0 And IsNumeric(iCritDataType) Then iCritDataType = CInt(iCritDataType)

@# Start the actual DB work

@# Code common to all choices.

Call OpenConnection

Call OpenRecordset(sAction)

Select Case sAction

Case "ShowDataConnectionProperties" @# Cool to look at but not really part of the sample!

@# Fake it out so we don@#t have problems closing the DB


@# Get all the DataConn Properties

For I = 0 to objDC.Properties.Count - 1

Response.Write I & " " & objDC.Properties(i).Name & ": " & objDC.Properties(I) & "<BR>" & vbCrLf

Next @#I

Case "ListTables"

Call WriteTitle("Tables")

If Not objRS.EOF Then objRS.MoveFirst

Call WriteTableHeader

Call WriteTableRowOpen

Call WriteTableCell(True, "Table Name")

Call WriteTableRowClose

Do While Not objRS.EOF

If objRS.Fields("TABLE_TYPE") = "TABLE" Then

Call WriteTableRowOpen

Call WriteTableCell(False, "<A HREF=""./db_dsn.asp?action=ViewTable&tablename=" & Server.URLEncode(objRS.Fields("TABLE_NAME")) & """>" & objRS.Fields("TABLE_NAME") & "</A>")

Call WriteTableRowClose

End If



Call WriteTableFooter

Case "ViewTable", "DrillDown" @# The same here but in the OpenRecordset SUB they@#re very different.

Call WriteTitle(sTableName)

If Not objRS.EOF Then objRS.MoveFirst

Call WriteTableHeader

Call WriteTableRowOpen

For I = 0 to objRS.Fields.Count - 1

@# Build heading - the "sort by" links

@# Was all on the line WriteTableCell line but I split it up for readability

@# Field name for the heading

strTemp = objRS.Fields(I).Name

@# Begin Anchor for the + Sign

strTemp = strTemp & " (<A HREF=""./db_dsn.asp"

@# Set action

strTemp = strTemp & "?action=DrillDown"

@# Set table name to current table

strTemp = strTemp & "&tablename=" & Server.URLEncode(sTableName)

@# Set criteria field to whatever it currently is

strTemp = strTemp & "&cf=" & Server.URLEncode(sCritField)

@# Set criteria value to whatever it currently is

strTemp = strTemp & "&cv=" & Server.URLEncode(sCritValue)

@# Set criteria data type to this fields@# data type

strTemp = strTemp & "&cdt=" & iCritDataType

@# Set sort field to this field

strTemp = strTemp & "&sf=" & Server.URLEncode(objRS.Fields(I).Name)

@# Set sort order to this ascending (hence the +)

strTemp = strTemp & "&so=asc"">+</A>"

@# End Anchor for the + Sign

@# Begin Anchor for the - Sign

@# Next 8 lines are basically the same as above except for the sort order (so)

strTemp = strTemp & "/<A HREF=""./db_dsn.asp"

strTemp = strTemp & "?action=DrillDown"

strTemp = strTemp & "&tablename=" & Server.URLEncode(sTableName)

strTemp = strTemp & "&cf=" & Server.URLEncode(sCritField)

strTemp = strTemp & "&cv=" & Server.URLEncode(sCritValue)

strTemp = strTemp & "&cdt=" & iCritDataType

strTemp = strTemp & "&sf=" & Server.URLEncode(objRS.Fields(I).Name)

strTemp = strTemp & "&so=desc"">-</A>)"

@# End Anchor for the - Sign

Call WriteTableCell(True, strTemp)

Next @#I

Call WriteTableRowClose

Do While Not objRS.EOF

Call WriteTableRowOpen

For I = 0 to objRS.Fields.Count - 1

If IsNull(objRS.Fields(I).Value) Or objRS.Fields(I).Value = "" Or VarType(objRS.Fields(I).Value)= vbNull Then

strTemp = "&nbsp;"


@# These set the drill down values which get passed if you click on any value

strTemp = "<A HREF=""./db_dsn.asp"

strTemp = strTemp & "?action=DrillDown"

strTemp = strTemp & "&tablename=" & Server.URLEncode(sTableName)

strTemp = strTemp & "&cf=" & Server.URLEncode(objRS.Fields(I).Name)

strTemp = strTemp & "&cv=" & Server.URLEncode(objRS.Fields(I).Value)

strTemp = strTemp & "&cdt=" & objRS.Fields(I).Type

strTemp = strTemp & "&sf=" & Server.URLEncode(sSortField)

strTemp = strTemp & "&so=" & sSortOrder & """>"

strTemp = strTemp & objRS.Fields(I).Value

strTemp = strTemp & "</A>"

End If

Call WriteTableCell(False, strTemp)

Next @#I

Call WriteTableRowClose



Call WriteTableFooter

End Select

@# Close Data Access Objects and free DB variables

Call CloseRecordset

Call CloseConnection




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