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RFC126 - Graphics Facilities at Ames Research Center

发布: 2007-6-23 14:09 | 作者:   | 来源:   | 查看: 12次 | 进入软件测试论坛讨论


  Network Working Group John McConnell
Request for Comments: 126 Ames Research Center
Category: D.6 April 1971

Ames Graphics Facilities at Ames Research Center

This note is intended as a response to an RFCwhich suggested that
nodes describe their graphics environment. The following graphics
facilites are now at Ames for the IBM 360/67 TSS:

a. An SC 4020 off line microfilm system.
b. Calcomp plotters.
c. ARDS storage tube CRTs.
d. IMLAC PDS-1 refresh CRTs.
e. One IBM 2250 CRT.

Devices which will be in use in the near future are:

a. An Evans and Sutherland LDS-2 system.
b. Hazeltine alphanumeric CRTs.

Because of the diverse nature of the devices and the varying software
support provided by the manafacturers, work has been undertaken to
provide a device independent package. This package is currently being
implemented. The basic entity is a device independent intermediate
language which describes the picture to be displayed. When a device
is selected, the intermediate language is converted to specific
device orders.

Other features include the definition and storage of subpictures for
later construction of more complex pictures. An interface has been
specified so that graphic data sets can be transmitted to other
installations on the TSS.network.

A note to those who plan to use the ILLIAC IV when it becomes a
functioning node at Ames. I would like information concerning the
graphics environment at your sites and any thoughts you have on how
you will be using graphics with the ILLIAC IV.

[ This RFCwas put into machine readable form for entry ]
[ into the online RFCarchives by Andrew Crawford 4/97 ]


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