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RFC1926 - An Experimental Encapsulation of IP Datagrams on Top of ATM

发布: 2007-6-23 14:09 | 作者:   | 来源:   | 查看: 12次 | 进入软件测试论坛讨论


  Network Working Group J. Eriksson
Request for Comments: 1926 KTH NOC
Category: Informational 1 April 1996

An Experimental Encapsulation of IP Datagrams on Top of ATM

Status of this Memo

This memo provides information for the Internet community. This memo
does not specify an Internet standard of any kind. Distribution of
this memo is unlimited.


This RFCdescribes a method of encapsulating IP datagrams on top of
Acoustical Transmission Media (ATM). This is a non-recommended
standard. Distribution of this memo is unnecessary.


The modern laptop computer of today often contains the hardware
needed to perform wireless communications by using Acoustical
Transmission Media, i.e. sound waves. Until this moment there has
been no standard on how to run IP on such media. This document is an
attempt to fill this silence.

Frame transmission

The IP datagram is divided into four-bit chunks, in network beep
order, and converted to characters according to the table below. A
single "b" character is prepended as a frame start signal, the
characters are then transmitted in ordinary morse code by modulating
a steady tone on and off. The frequency of this tone is also known
as the Acoustical Signature (AS number) of the sender.

Bits Character Bits Character

0000 "i" 1000 "u"
0001 "t" 1001 "m"
0010 "s" 1010 "v"
0011 "a" 1011 "f"
0100 "n" 1100 "w"
0101 "h" 1101 "l"
0110 "d" 1110 "k"
0111 "r" 1111 "g"

To allow more than one Local Acoustical Network (LAN) to coexist the
use of different AS numbers for different LANs is suggested. This
document proposes seven standard AS numbers to be used, see the table
below for details.

Name Frequency

"a" 440 Hz
"b" 494 Hz
"c" 523 Hz
"d" 587 Hz
"e" 659 Hz
"f" 698 Hz
"g" 784 Hz

It is assumed that for normal operation AS number "a", 440 Hz will be

Frame reception

The above process is simply performed backwards.

Security Considerations

The author assumes that the users take whatever precautions that are
necessary before attempting to use this protocol in any crowded area.

Author's Address

Johnny Eriksson
EMail: bygg@sunet.se


-... -.-- --. --. @ ... ..- .- . - .-.-.- ... .

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