请问HP-UX 在建立VG时用mknod 命令建立的group有什么作用? 建立lv时同时生成的字符设备与块设备的major与minor都相同,应如何使用这些设备,系统如何进行管理的?
albert 回复于:2002-07-11 16:32:13 |
与lvol或rvol等逻辑卷文件类似,group文件是整个VG的设备文件,系统用此文件来管理VG。 在做 vgscan 时, group 文件会被用来做match, For detail look for the manual of 'vgscan','vgimport','vgexport' It groups these physical volumes into volume groups by matching the volume group information found on the physical volumes. Then it searches the /dev directory for all group device files with the LVM major number, and tries to match device files with the logical volumes' information found on the physical volumes. |
文章来源于领测软件测试网 https://www.ltesting.net/