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发布: 2009-10-21 10:15 | 作者: 李刚 | 来源: 本站原创 | 查看: 773次 | 进入软件测试论坛讨论


由于判断不同对象的存在需要采用不同的属性,因此Verify 函数中对不同的对象类型进行判断、分别处理。例如,对于Link 类型的对象,用innertext 属性,对于WebButton ,则采用value 属性,但是最后都需要组合成一条语句,后接“Exist ”,通过Execute 方法执行这个语句,从而实现对象是否存在的判断。

  对于页面对象(Page )的存在性检查有点不一样,采用的是以下脚本:
      Case "Page"
       Execute "rval = " & GenerateDescription(level(1)) & "Exist (0)"
       If rval Then
        Execute "title = " & GenerateDescription(level(1)) & "GetROProperty(" & Quote("title") & ")"
        If title = text Then
         rval = true
         rval = false
        End If
       End If

  通过GetROProperty 方法获取当前页面的title 属性,然后与传入的“text ”参数进行比较,如果相等,则认为页面对象是存在的。

  在测试脚本中可以这样使用Verify 函数:
     ' 启动浏览器
     Launch "website"," "
     ' 导航到“ ”
     BrowseTo " "
     If Verify ("Link","administration")= False then
      Reporter.ReportEvent micFail," 检查链接"," 链接不存在"
         ' 点击名为“administration ”的链接
         Activate "Link","administration"
     End IF

  脚本中先用Verify 检查名为“administration ”的链接对象是否存在,如果不存在则提示错误,如果存在则进一步调用Activate 函数点击链接。

4.8 在文本框输入字符串
  在SAFFRON 中,可以使用EnterTextIn 函数来给输入框(WebEdit 对象)输入字符串。EnterTextIn 函数的定义如下所示:
     ' Enters text into an edit field
     ' objname - name of the control -- use Object Spy if you don't know what it is
     ' text    - the text to enter into the control
     Public Function EnterTextIn (objname, text)
      localDesc = ""
      rval = true
      If thirdlevel <> "" Then
       localDesc = GenerateDescription(level(2))
       localDesc = GenerateDescription(level(1))
      End If
      localDesc = localdesc & GenerateObjectDescription("WebEdit", "name:=" & objname)
      Execute localDesc & "Set (" & Quote(text) & ")"
      Report micPass, "Enter Text", "Text: " & Quote(text) & " was entered into " & Quote(objname)
      EnterTextIn = rval
     End Function

  例如,如果我们要在如图所示的登录界面中输入用户名和密码,则可以使用SAFFRON 的EnterTextIn 函数来实现。


     ' 输入用户名
     EnterTextIn "username","chennengji"
     ' 输入密码
     EnterTextIn "password","123"

4.9 读取文本框的字符串
  在SAFFRON 中,可以使用EnterTextIn 函数来给输入框(WebEdit 对象)输入字符串。对应的有一个名为GetTextFrom 的函数,用于读取输入框和文本列表的字符串,GetTextFrom 的定义如下所示:
     ' Obtains text from a control
     ' objtype - is the type of control the get the text from
     ' objname - is the name of the control -- use Object Spy if you don't know the name
     ' returns - the text of the control
     Public Function GetTextFrom (objtype, objname)
      text = ""
      localDesc = ""
      If thirdlevel <> "" Then
       localDesc = GenerateDescription(level(2))
       localDesc = GenerateDescription(level(1))
      End If
      Select Case objtype
       Case "WebEdit"
        Execute "text = " & localDesc & GenerateObjectDescription("WebEdit", "name:=" & objname) & "GetROProperty (" & Quote("value") & ")"
       Case "WebList"
        Execute "text = " & localDesc & GenerateObjectDescription("WebList", "name:=" & objname) & "GetROProperty (" & Quote("value") & ")"
      End Select
      Report micPass, "Capture Text", "Text: " & Quote(text) & " was captured from the control " & Quote(objname)
      GetTextFrom = text
     End Function

  假设我们需要读取如图所示的界面中的“Departure City ”和“Arrival City ”这两个文本列表(WebList 对象)中的字符串,则可以使用GetTextFrom 函数。


     ' 获取航班起始城市
     DepartureCity = GetTextFrom( "WebList","depart")
     ' 获取航班终点城市
     ArrivalCity = GetTextFrom( "WebList","arrive")

  当然,也可以使用相同的函数来读取文本框(WebEdit 对象)的字符串,例如下面的脚本读取“NO. of Passengers ”对应的文本框中的字符串:
     ' 获取乘客数量
     PassengerNumber = GetTextFrom( "WebEdit","numPassengers")

4.10 选择列表中的一项
  在SAFFRON 中,可以使用SelectFromList 函数从下拉框列表(WebList 对象)中选择指定的一项。SelectFromList 的定义如下所示:
     ' Selects a specific value from a listbox, or combobox
     ' objname - name of the control -- use Object Spy if you don't know the name property
     ' text    - the item in the combobox to select
     Public Function SelectFromList (objname, text)
      localDesc = ""
      rv = ""
      rval = false
      If thirdlevel <> "" Then
       localDesc = GenerateDescription(level(2))
       localDesc = GenerateDescription(level(1))
      End If
      localDesc = localdesc & GenerateObjectDescription("WebList", "name:=" & objname)
      Execute "cnt = " & localDesc & "GetROProperty(" & Quote("items count") & ")"
      For i = 1 to cnt
       Execute "rv = " & localDesc & "GetItem (" & i & ")"
       If rv = text Then
        rval = true
       End If
      If rval Then
       Execute localDesc & "Select " & Quote(text)
      End If
      If rval Then
       Report micPass, "WebList Selection", "The WebList item " & Quote(text) & " was selected."
       Report micFail, "WebList Selection", "The WebList item " & Quote(text) & " was NOT found."
      End If
      SelectFromList = rval
     End Function

  假设我们需要从如图所示的界面中的“Departure City ”的下拉框中选择其中一项,则可使用SelectFromList 函数来实现。


     ' 选择航班起始城市为"San Francisco"
     SelectFromList  "depart","San Francisco"

4.11 关闭浏览器
  Web 页面测试的最后一个步骤一般都是关闭浏览器,在SAFFRON 中,也把这个过程封装成了一个名为“CloseBrowsers ”的函数,该函数的定义如下:
     ' close all opened browsers
     Public Function CloseBrowsers
      If Browser("micclass:=Browser").Exist (0) Then
      End If
      While Browser("micclass:=Browser", "index:=1").Exist (0)
      If Browser("micclass:=Browser").Exist (0) Then
      End If
     End Function

  CloseBrowsers 函数会把当前所有打开的浏览器都关闭,脚本中采用描述性编程的方式获取所有对象类型为“Browser ”的测试对象,然后循环逐个关闭所有这种类型的测试对象。

5 、对SAFFRON 框架进行扩展

  SAFFRON 是一个基本的框架,它封装了浏览器的相关测试操作、封装了一些基本对象的测试操作,例如Link 、WebButton 、WebEdit 、WebList 等控件,可用于基本的WEB 页面的测试,并且简化了测试脚本的编写,可以让代码的可读性和可维护性得到增强。

  但是SAFFRON 仅仅是一个基础框架,我们还需要进一步地对其扩展才能应用到实际的WEB 自动化测试项目中去,例如扩展对更多的控件的支持。下面是一个对Activate 函数扩展Image 对象的点击操作的过程:

(1 )首先打开SAFFRON 框架的VBS 文件,找到开头的变量定义处,添加Image 对象,让框架可以识别和支持Image 对象:
     ' 扩展对Image 对象的支持
     objects = "Link|WebButton|WebList|WebEdit|Image"
     objectsDescription = "micclass:=Link|micclass:=WebButton|micclass:=WebList|micclass:=WebEdit|micclass:=Image"

(2 )修改Activate 方法,添加对Image 对象的Click 操作的支持,脚本修改成如下所示:
     ' Activates an object based upon its object type
     ' objtype - the type of object should be limited to values in the object array
     ' text    - identifying text for the control - for a link, it's the text of the link
     Public Function Activate (objtype, text)
      localDesc = ""
      If thirdlevel <> "" Then
       localDesc = GenerateDescription(level(2))
       localDesc = GenerateDescription(level(1))
      End If
      Select Case objtype
      Case  "Link"
       Execute localDesc & GenerateObjectDescription("Link","innertext:=" & text) & "Click"
       Report micPass, "Link Activation", "The Link " & Quote(text) & " was clicked."
      Case "WebButton"
       Execute localDesc & GenerateObjectDescription("WebButton", "value:=" & text) & "Click"
       Report micPass, "WebButton Activation", "The WebButton " & Quote(text) & " was clicked."
      ' 扩展对Image 类型的按钮的支持
      Case "Image"
       Execute localDesc & GenerateObjectDescription("Image", "alt:=" & text) & "Click"
       Report micPass, "ImageButton Activation", "The ImageButton " & Quote(text) & " was clicked."
      End Select
     End Function

(3 )调试和测试修改后的脚本,例如采用下面的脚本来看对Activate 函数的扩展是否生效:
     ' 启动浏览器
     Launch "website"," "
     ' 导航到“ ”
     BrowseTo " "
     ' 输入用户名
     EnterTextIn "username","chennengji"
     ' 输入密码
     EnterTextIn "password","123"
     ' 单击Login 按钮
     Activate "Image","Login"
     ' 单击"Flights" 按钮
     Browser("Web Tours").Page("Web Tours").Frame("navbar").Image("Search Flights Button").Click
     ' 获取航班起始城市
     DepartureCity = GetTextFrom( "WebList","depart")
     ' 获取航班终点城市
     ArrivalCity = GetTextFrom( "WebList","arrive")
     ' 获取乘客数量
     PassengerNumber = GetTextFrom( "WebEdit","numPassengers")
     ' 选择航班起始城市为"San Francisco"
     SelectFromList  "depart","San Francisco"
     If Verify ("Link","administration")= False then
      Reporter.ReportEvent micFail," 检查链接"," 链接不存在"
         ' 点击名为“administration ”的链接
         Activate "Link","administration"
     End IF





文章来源于领测软件测试网 https://www.ltesting.net/


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