In order to install multiple patches in one go, you will need to create a patches depot as follows :
1. Obtain the set of patches you want to install in your depot.
2. Unshar the patches:
# for i in PH*
sh $i
NOTE: If you want to unshar one patch without using this script, you can
use the sh(1) command to do so:
sh PHxx_A
sh PHxx_B
sh PHxx_C
3. Combine all the separate .depot files into one depot. To do this, use the
swcopy(1M) command. First, create the directory to store the patches:
# mkdir /tmp/patch_depot
4. Now take the patch .depot files and copy them into the target depot:
# for i in PH*depot
swcopy -x enforce_dependencies=false -s ${PWD}/$i \*
@ /tmp/patch_depot
NOTE: To copy patches individually, use the following syntax:
swcopy -v -s /tmp/patches/PHxx_A.depot PHxx_A @ /tmp/patch_depot
swcopy -v -s /tmp/patches/PHxx_B.depot PHxx_B @ /tmp/patch_depot
swcopy -v -s /tmp/patches/PHxx_C.depot PHxx_C @ /tmp/patch_depot
5. Verify the contents of the depot:
# swlist -d @ /tmp/patch_depot
Assuming the above example list of patches, you would see the following:
# Initializing... # Contacting target "interop1"... # # Target:
interop1:/var/opt/ignite/Patches #
# No Bundle(s) on interop1:/var/opt/ignite/Patches
# Product(s):
In the above output, swlist(1M) states that the depot has "No Bundles".
HP-UX Patches are SD "products".
6. You can now use swinstall(1M) to install these patches in one hit.
Run interactively, and select the patches you want.
# swinstall -s /tmp/patch_depot
NOTE: If you need to copy the depot to a tape use the following command:
swpackage -s /tmp/patch_depot -x target_type=tape -d /dev/rmt/0m "*"
Janson-Chen 回复于:2004-02-25 15:29:47 |
大家光看不顶啊。 |
hpux 回复于:2004-02-25 15:53:45 |
我顶,好帖子就要用力顶,是美女也要顶~~~ |
woodpan 回复于:2004-02-25 17:19:15 |
正是我上面问的,谢谢了 |
dainh 回复于:2004-02-26 11:33:13 |
好贴 |
rat326 回复于:2004-02-26 12:35:38 |
支持原创~~ |
tc 回复于:2004-02-26 13:33:18 |
顶上去,建议加精~~~~ |
流云飞雨 回复于:2004-02-26 23:49:13 |
累晕我了,这个方法太好了,我还是第一次见到,别人一直问我怎么弄,但是我一直还不知道呢。 你真是好人! |
david5337 回复于:2004-02-27 15:13:29 |
再顶! |
yuangod 回复于:2004-02-28 20:35:29 |
好贴!!! |
xinfang 回复于:2004-06-08 11:04:28 |
通过swinstall选择不是一样吗? |
blueguy 回复于:2004-06-19 23:52:39 |
另外,有一个脚本,一般叫patchpkg,可以把多个patch打包成一个depot |