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发布: 2007-7-14 21:11 | 作者: 佚名    | 来源: 网络转载     | 查看: 10次 | 进入软件测试论坛讨论

领测软件测试网 可以使用新的SDK函数SetWindowRgn。该函数将绘画和鼠标消息限定在窗口的一个指定的区域,实际上使窗口成为指定的不规则形状。


Class CRoundDlg : public CDialog
{ …
private :
Crgn m_rgn : // window region
BOOL CRoundDlg : : OnInitDialog ( )

CDialog : : OnInitDialog ( )

//Get size of dialog .

CRect rcDialog ;

GetClientRect (rcDialog )

// Create region and assign to window .

m_rgn . CreateEllipticRgn (0 , 0 , rcDialog.Width( ),

rcDialog.Height ( ) )

SetWindowRgn (GetSafeHwnd ( ) , (HRGN) m_ rgn ,TRUE );

return TRUE
voik CRoundDlg : : OnPaint ( )
CPaintDC de (this) // device context for painting.
//draw ellipse with out any border
dc. SelecStockObject (NULL_PEN)
//get the RGB colour components of the sphere color
COLORREF color= RGB( 0 , 0 , 255)
BYTE byRed =GetRValue (color)
BYTE byGreen = GetGValue (color)
BYTE byBlue = GetBValue (color)
// get the size of the view window Crect
rect GetClientRect (rect)
// get minimun number of units
int nUnits =min (rect.right , rect.bottom )
//calculate he horiaontal and vertical step size
float fltStepHorz = (float) rect.right /nUnits
float fltStepVert = (float) rect.bottom /nUnits
int nEllipse = nUnits/3 // calculate how many todraw int nIndex
// current ellipse that is being draw
CBrush brush
// bursh used for ellipse fill color
CBrush *pBrushOld // previous brush that was selected into dc
//draw ellipse , gradually moving towards upper-rightcorner
for (nIndex = 0 nIndes < + nEllipse nIndes++)
{ //creat solid brush brush .
CreatSolidBrush (RGB ( ( (nIndex*byRed ) /nEllipse ).

( ( nIndex * byGreen ) /nEllipse ), ( (nIndex*byBlue)/nEllipse ) ) )
//select brush into dc
pBrushOld= dc .SelectObject (&brhsh)
//draw ellipse
dc .Ellipse ( (int) fltStepHorz * 2, (int)fltStepVert * nIndex ,
rect. right -( (int)fltStepHorz * nIndex )+ 1, rect . bottom -( (int)
fltStepVert * (nIndex *2) ) +1)
//delete the brush
brush.DelecteObject ( )
} }
UINT CRoundDlg : : OnNchitTest (Cpoint point )
//Let user move window by clickign anywhere on thewindow .
UINT nHitTest = CDialog : : OnNcHitTest (point)
rerurn (nHitTest = = HTCLIENT)? HTCAPTION: nHitTest


文章来源于领测软件测试网 https://www.ltesting.net/

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