This is straightforward code re-use, which is just as desirable in test automation as in any other software development.
d. Define larger, complex chunks of test cases that are used in several test cases.
d. 定义用在若干测试用例中的更大更复杂的测试用例块
It may be desirable to encapsulate larger sequences of commands. However, there are risks in this, especially if you overdo it. A very complex sequence probably won’t be re-used in many test scripts, so it might not be worth the labor required to generalize it, document it, and insert the error-checking code into it that you would expect of a competently written library function. Also, the more complex the sequence, the more likely it is to need maintenance when the UI changes. A group of rarely-used complex commands might dominate your library’s maintenance costs.
e. Define utility functions.
e. 定义实用程序函数
For example, you might create a function that logs test results to disk in a standardized way. You might create a coding standard that says that every test case ends with a call to this function.
Each of the tools provides its own set of pre-built utility functions. You might or might not need many additional functions.
Some framework risks
You can’t build all of these commands into your library at the same time. You don’t have a big enough staff. Several automation projects have failed miserably because the testing staff tried to create the ultimate, gotta-have-everything programming library. Management support (and some people’s jobs) ran out before the framework was completed and useful. You have to prioritize. You have to build your library over time.