不喜欢term里的man fvwm,于是到www.fvwm.org里,看html的manpages,好长啊,走马观花看了一遍都花了我2个小时多。详细地址见这里:http://www.fvwm.org/documentation/manpages/unstable/fvwm.php
What does FVWM stand for?? “Fill_in_the_blank_with_whatever_f_word_you_like_at_the_time Virtual Window Manager”
Rob Nation (the original Author of FVWM)
doesn't really remember what the F stood for originally, so we
have several potential answers:
Feeble, Fabulous, Famous, Fast, Foobar, Fantastic, Flexible,
F!@#$%, Flashy, FVWM (the GNU recursive approach), Free, Final,
Funky, Fred's (who the heck is Fred?), Freakin', Flawed,
Father-of-all, Feivel (the mouse from "An American Tail"),
Frungy (hey, where does that come from?), Floppy, Foxy,
Frenzied, Funny, Fumbling etc.
Just pick your Favorite (hey, there's another one!), which will of
course change depending on your mood and whether or not you've run
across any bugs recently. I prefer Fabulous or Fantastic myself,
although I often use F!@#$% or Freakin' while debugging...
Recently 'Feline' is becoming popular. Perhaps this has something
to do with the discovery that four of the six core developers have
cats (averaging 1.17 cats)? Miaow.
Know what? I found another one while stroking my cats: FEEDING :-)
Check this link:
文章来源于领测软件测试网 https://www.ltesting.net/