标记B 二分查找BIT对象
Class DatabaseQuery: public BITsBinarySearch
// Part 1: The inherited conventional functions
int DatabaseQueryBinarySearch (int Key, int DataSet[10]) :
BITsBinarySearch::BinarySearch(int Key; int DataSet[10]);
// Part 2: The inherited BIT functions
void BIT1() : BITsBinarySearch::BIT1();
// Part 3: The newly developed BITs
// BIT case 2
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
void BIT2()
// BIT case 2: Even array size, key 1st element in array
int DataSet [6] = {16,18,21,23,29,33};
int Key = 16;
int StdElemIndex = 1;
int TestElemIndex;
char TestResult2 [5];
// Test implementation
TestElemIndex = BinarySearch (Key, DataSet);
// Test analysis
cout << “StdElemIndex2 = ” << StdElemIndex << “\n”;
cout << “TestElemIndex2 = ” << TestElemIndex << “\n”;
if TestElemIndex == StdElemIndex
TestResult4 = “OK”;
else TestResult2 = “FALSE”;
cout << “TestResult2: ” << TestResult2 << “\n”;
标记C DatabaseQuery对象
新BIT对象 DatabaseQuery中,源至BITsBinarySearch 对象的BITs方法依然通过DatabaseQuery::BIT1()(等同于BITsBinarySearch::BIT1)被激活。DatabaseQuery中新的BITs方法以同样的方式DatabaseQuery::BIT2()得到激活。
5 结论
文章来源于领测软件测试网 https://www.ltesting.net/